The topic changed somewhat unexpectedly.

The baron couldn't keep up. He looked at Harry stupidly. After a while, he shook his head and said, "The hair thing is not important at all now."

Except for those high-ranking nobles, there are very few men in this world who care about how they dress.

Compared with the exaggerated appearance.

The military power in his hands and the amount of property he owns are what a man should care about.

"You have to change your mind and be a new person." Harry said softly.

The baron was stunned and tilted his head to look at the wine bottle.

Only then did he understand what Harry meant.

"Witcher, you have a point," he whispered.

Harry didn't let him actually grow hair.

Instead, change your lifestyle.

"How do you sell that shampoo?" The baron clenched his fists, determined to give away the drinks he had collected.

The witcher was right.

If you wallow in the mistakes you have made, you will never get out of making mistakes.

A few minutes later.

Harry stuffed a bag of Crowns into the Sorting Hat and apparated Hermione to Novigrad.

The baron stared at the three small bottles placed on the table, lost in thought.

A bottle of ten crowns.

Will it really work?

Novigrad is still in a mess.

"Aren't we going to find Pucilla and the others now?" Hermione turned back, took out her wand, and cleared the memories of the innocent passers-by.

They did not end up in Dandelion's hotel.

But in a remote alley in the city.

"Ciri is in Skellige." Harry shook his head, "Dandelion and the others can't help much."

Harry led the way, and Hermione followed, all the way to the port.

Skellige is an archipelago in the sea.

Very far from Novigrad.

"Are we going to take a boat?" Hermione frowned as she looked at these wooden boats.

"We are wizards." Harry shook his head.

He took out his wand and waved it lightly.

Two broomsticks flew out of the hat, both of which were Firebolts - this was not Harry's intention. Although he was rich, he was still a very frugal person, but Sirius was different. He had been rich since he was a child. Zikaban has never had a hard time. He never wronged himself in life, let alone Harry.

Buy the best.

In a wizarding society that has not been polluted by commercial sales of knowledge, the best also means the most expensive.

Knowing that Harry might need a broom as a means of transportation in another world, Sirius bought Harry five Firebolts with a wave of his hand. Counting the one he already owned, that was six.

Harry is not alone, there is Hermione, and Hermione also needs to use it.

Two for use, two for backup, and the last two for backup.

"Don't you need the Disillusionment Curse?" Hermione was a little surprised.

Harry smiled: "We are not going to Temple Island this time."

"Just leave like this. The people of Eternal Fire can't catch us. Let's just say hello to Dandelion and the others."

Hermione nodded and sat astride the broom.

The two of them were dressed strangely and were holding unusually delicate brooms that looked incapable of sweeping the floor.


The guards' eyes were attracted.

"Weird" in this world is not a complimentary word, nor is it a neutral word. It can almost be regarded as a "derogatory word" full of malice. Normal people will not be surprised. If they are strange, they will either encounter a warlock or be manipulated by a monster. .

They gradually gathered around.

"Who are you?" After the team grew, a person asked.

Harry didn't look back, and with a slight push of his foot, his whole body flew out like an arrow.

Hermione followed closely behind.

She's not very good at flying and doesn't dare to accelerate too fast.

"It's warlocks! They're warlocks!" a guard exclaimed.

Someone has already raised the crossbow in his hand, aimed in the direction, and shot in the direction.


The Firebolt is by far the best broomstick, capable of accelerating to a speed of 150 miles per hour in ten seconds.

Even if Hermione slowed down a little.

In the blink of an eye, in one or two seconds, he jumped nearly a hundred feet away.

The range of the crossbow is not that far.

It drew a wonderful arc in the air and fell into the water with a splash.

"Quickly, go to Temple Island." A guard gritted his teeth, "Tell this to the witch hunter."

At the port of Novigrad, two sorcerers, one male and one female, appeared. They were upright and ostentatious. They cast evil magic in the city and flew into the sea.

Temple Island intends to seal it off, but there are too many people there.

The fermentation spread throughout the entire afternoon.

In the Vanilla Hotel.

The shop has not reopened yet, but Dandelion is planning to transform it into a dance hall with the best male and female bards in Novigrad. This place will also become the best in Novigrad. dance hall.

"Those two warlocks are Harry and Hermione." Zoltan listened to the conversation of the construction workers and pulled Dandelion aside.

Dandelion nodded: "Broom, flying, how ridiculous it sounds, but haven't we seen it with our own eyes?"

"Only the two of them can do this."

"That bitch Harry didn't even come to say hello to us when he returned to Novigrad." Zoltan muttered.

Dandelion shook his head: "They are very busy and are looking for Ciri now."

"You don't have to worry about them either."

"Harry is very powerful. I don't think Geralt is even his opponent now."

"A magic hunter, who do you think of?"

Zoltan was stunned. A handsome but not good-looking name appeared in his mind.

Will Giffords.

A genius, brilliant warlock.

Of course, he is not a witcher, but as a warlock, his skill is no worse than that of a witcher, and is even much better than that of a witcher - Geralt once suffered a big loss at his hands. During a head-on confrontation, Will Giffords subdued Geralt with two sticks and broke his legs.

Since then, Geralt has paid great attention to his legs and rarely jumps directly from high places.

"Harry," Zoltan whispered, saying his name.

Dandelion shook his head: "Harry is very mature now."

"He doesn't look like the impatient, fuzzy boy he was before. He's also very powerful and can even catch people on the wild hunt. Don't worry, he doesn't need our protection."

"Zoltan, don't worry about this anymore, come and help me."

"If we can finish it today, we can have a celebratory drink!"

"Come on!"

Zoltan put aside his worries, nodded, and immediately followed Dandelion, helping the workers.

Harry and Hermione continued flying.

At the fastest speed of the Firebolt.

One hundred and fifty miles an hour, galloping across the ocean.

Occasionally, some sea monsters or islands would notice them, but they didn't even see clearly what was flying past them.

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