Hogwarts: Harry Returns From The Witcher

Chapter 392 Preparation for leaving

Harry replied: "Because of the instability of magic?"

This is a phenomenon that is widespread among young wizards.

The most famous one is Gryffindor's Seamus Finnigan, a boy who is proficient in turning all kinds of magic spells into explosive spells. The magic power in his body is not stable enough, so during the process of casting spells, he will obey Seamus' most instinct. If your emotions fluctuate even slightly, they will explode directly.

As Simo grew older and his magic gradually became more stable, this kind of thing gradually became less common.

This is one of the important reasons why the Ministry of Magic prohibits underage wizards from using magic after leaving school without the company of an adult wizard.

Don't be afraid that the little wizard's spells will be seen by others.

At worst, the memory cancellation team will have to work overtime.

The original intention of this rule was to worry that young wizards who cast spells rashly without an adult wizard would cause serious harm to themselves and irreparable consequences.

Scamander nodded: "That's why."

"Did any of Miss Granger's spells fail?"

"I mean, you have obviously learned a certain magic, but if you don't pay attention, it will change in other ways."

Hermione asked hesitantly: "Like Seamus Finnigan?"

That person was the first thing she thought of.

Scamander was confused.

Seamus was not included in Dumbledore's introduction.

"Gryffindor's classmate." Harry explained simply, "No matter what magic he used before, it would easily explode."

"Hermione is different from him."

"Perhaps, sometimes learning some magic will fail, but it has never been like that."

Scamander understood and nodded: "Then Miss Granger should be very suitable for learning Apparition. If the magic power is stable, there will be no problems."

They sat down at the Hufflepuff table.

The little badgers who stayed at Hogwarts cast curious glances at this older, unfamiliar senior.

"The breakfast at Hogwarts still tastes the same as in my memory." Scamander took a sip of the soup and sighed.

His time at Hogwarts was shorter than the others, only six years.

Wait until you finish eating.

"Do you really want to start now?" Scamander and Harry walked to the side door of the auditorium and opened the door crack.

Outside the auditorium, the wind and snow were blowing fiercely.

"The weather is not very good now." He muttered, "Wait until noon, it will be warm."

Harry waved his wand.

The spell was cast and fell on Scamander: "Mr. Scamander, wizards are not worried about this kind of weather."

Scamander sighed: "Fortunately, I didn't agree to Dumbledore's promise three years ago and came to be a professor at Hogwarts."

He followed Harry out.

No wonder last night, after Harry asked him to learn "Apparition", Dumbledore and the cold Severus all looked at him with pity.

A student who is so eager to learn that even the professor has a headache.

Outside the courtyard.

Several snowmen were silhouetted by the wind and snow, and Crookshanks was patrolling the territory with a group of cats.

Scamander took out his wand: "Apparition is a very simple spell."

"I heard from Dumbledore that you all have learned the Patronus Charm. Now that you have learned such a difficult spell, the Transfiguration Curse is even simpler."

"When using the transformation spell, you need to abide by the 3D principle."

“The first step is to focus your awareness on your destination.”

As he spoke, Scamander pointed his wand and created a circle ten meters away.

"Now you can consider that wooden ring as your target."

He exhaled a breath of hot breath and continued: "Then, make up your mind to move the wooden ring bit by bit, so that the year you want to go fills your brain, and then spreads it to all parts of your body."

"Finally, don't be nervous. What you have to do next is just a transformation in dimension and space."

Scamander paused briefly: "3D, goal, determination, calmness."

"I think you all don't lack these."

"Mr. Potter, would you like to try alone?"

Harry nodded, stared at the wooden ring, raised his wand, and said the spell: "Apparate."

There was a snap.

He disappeared and appeared in the wooden ring in the blink of an eye.

Scamander waved his wand, and a few hairs that had not yet fallen to the ground and a piece of clothing came into his hands.

"Very good, Mr. Potter." Scamander was surprised, "You can do it to this extent for the first time."


This time the spell casting was far from successful, as there were still body tissues and items carried with him. But this is only the first time, and I have just finished the introduction.

Harry walked back, waved his wand, and restored the robes to their original appearance: "It doesn't look like it was very successful."

"It has been very successful." Scamander shook his head, "The first time I practiced, I lost half of my body."

"Miss Granger, would you like to try?"

Hermione nodded, raised her wand nervously, and chanted the spell.


With a snap, she disappeared, but not completely.

He stayed in place below his knees, and the rest of his body did not appear in the wooden ring, but floated to the stone fountain in the courtyard.

Scamander quickly cast a spell to reverse the magic effect.

"What a terrible experience. I'm going to have nightmares." Hermione rubbed her face.

The body has passed, but the feet have not.

Scamander shook his head: "You are both excellent."

"Mr. Potter, your biggest problem is that you are not proficient enough. If you try a few more times, you should be able to succeed."

As he said that, he turned his head and looked at Hermione: "Miss Granger, you are not calm enough, you are a little too nervous."


Harry and Hermione are both smart people, and Scamander is also a good teacher. Although he sometimes stutters a bit, he is very patient and stays until nine o'clock in the evening.

Scamander was called away by Tina who finally couldn't stand it anymore.

She is not willing to use her husband like this.

Apparating is really not difficult.

In just two days, Harry had completely learned how to come and go with ease. Dumbledore himself acted as the examiner and set a test for Harry. He Apparated to three locations, Diagon Alley, Potter's old house in Godric's Hollow, and Nurmengard.

Harry passed through easily without missing a single part of his body, not even half of his eyebrow.

Hermione's progress was a little slower.

After Harry learned "Apparition", the advanced form of the Disembodiment Spell, and the spell that can make people apparate, she also successfully learned it and passed Professor Dumbledore's assessment.

During this time, Snape had not shown up.

Until the last day of December.

Harry and Hermione are leaving.

Snape just showed up in Dumbledore's office.

"Here you go, this is the potion that Albus asked me to brew for you during this time." Snape took out a pocket and put it on the table, "It's caused me a lot of trouble, Potter. .”

Dumbledore looked at him, silent.

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