When human beings expand their territory, they are also abandoning the land.

Most people yearn for the bustling traffic in the bustling city. Every Briton has a dream of London. Those villages in barren areas will gradually be returned to nature. , barren, and even close to abandoned places have houses.

Nature is always connected with magic.

Barty Crouch Jr. approaches an abandoned residence and flicks his wand.

The air in front of him spread like ripples.

Except for the slight shock caused by the magic power, there was no other change. He put his hand on the handle and gently pushed it away.

In the house, the pungent smell of alcohol and uncooked meat.

Several gnawed corpses—cows, sheep, and humans.

"Mr. Crouch." Seeing him walk in, a man who was one head taller than Barty Crouch Jr. stood up in the room, and said in a respectful tone, "You are here."

Crouch didn't speak, covering his mouth and nose.

There were less than ten people in the room, some were lying on stools, some were lying on the ground.

"Are you killing people again?" Crouch turned his gaze back and landed on the corpses on the ground.

The man shrank his head: "We have made very little noise. It has been confirmed that these are widows and have no relatives or friends."

"Aren't there some left for me?" Crouch waved his wand and conjured a clean stool for himself.

The man paused and didn't speak.

"How are the other werewolves getting in touch?" Crouch sneered and waved his hands. He knew that this group of guys with empty brains and little education were not reliable at all.

The man lowered his voice: "Mr. Crouch, we...we haven't been able to contact any more werewolves."

"Damn Lupine, he's been spreading the word that Potter's working on a potion for lycanthropy."

"This is very bad news."

He paused for a while, looked carefully at Crouch's face, and said bluntly: "We loyal servants, of course believe that the great Dark Lord will make a comeback."

"But those stupid werewolves don't think so."


"They believed Lupine's statement, and felt that Potter could really work out a way to lift the curse."

Crouch interrupted him, and asked meaningfully: "Why do you believe Potter? He doesn't seem to be a master of potions, or... Lupine mentioned it when he was talking to you werewolves. Received funding from a Potions Master?"

The man shook his head: "No."

"But Potter, just Potter is enough."

He looked at Crouch, the biggest leader of the Death Eaters on the outside—and almost the only Death Eater on the outside, he hesitated to speak.

Potter, that's Potter.

The one who defeated and killed the Dark Lord.

Descendants of Gryffindor.

In the eyes of ordinary wizards, Potter is almost equivalent to the next Dumbledore - just wait for when Dumbledore retires, Potter takes over the position of headmaster of Hogwarts, or after Mr. Potter graduates, challenge Dumbledore . I heard that Mr. Potter beat up all the professors in Hogwarts except one Dumbledore.

Even the mysterious man can be defeated. He said that it is not impossible for him to solve the wolf syndrome.

At least the werewolves were more willing to believe Potter.

Compared with what the Death Eaters promised, when the Dark Lord came back from the resurrection, they promised them a kingdom of werewolves alone, they felt that Mr. Potter's ability to solve the wolf disease was more credible.

"Which potion master is not in the name?" Crouch nodded thoughtfully.

The man panicked: "Mr. Crouch, we absolutely, absolutely have not been tempted by what Potter said."

"We have always been the most loyal servants of the Dark Lord."

He looked at the wand in Crouch's hand with fear in his eyes.

It is false to say that it is not true to get rid of wolf disease. If you can behave upright, who would want to become a lowly werewolf?

but they dare not

Because of this news, and because of the news that the Dark Lord was killed by Potter, the werewolves who wanted to escape all died. Died under the wand of Barty Crouch Jr., in front of their eyes, tortured to death by the Cruciatus Curse.

Crouch glanced at him and smiled slightly: "Why not?"

The man was taken aback.

Crouch waved his hand: "But this matter does affect father's plan, have you thought about how to solve it?"

The man puts his head down.

solve? How to solve it is what Potter did, and they still have the ability to solve Potter? They didn't even dare to conceive the idea.

Crouch thought of something, he lowered his voice: "Find a way to gather the werewolves."

The man let out an "ah" in surprise.

"Mr. Crouch, they won't." The man frowned.

Crouch shook his head: "I know, go tell them that the master has researched a potion to solve the wolf disease."

"Mr. Crouch!" The man said in surprise, "Is it true?"

Crouch nodded and smiled sweetly: "Of course, the master is omnipotent."

"This is the reward that the master originally intended to give to you loyal servants, but maybe it's time to take it out now and win over the wavering werewolves."

Men are even more surprised.

The other werewolves in the room finally reacted, raising their heads, pricking up their ears, and a glint of light began to turn in their eyes.

"But the situation is urgent." Crouch said softly, "I will inform you of the specific time when I go back, but I have given you a difficult task. During this period, gather as many werewolves as possible as soon as possible. Here, okay?"

The man bowed his waist and replied respectfully: "Everything is as you wish, Mr. Crouch."

Barty Crouch Jr. nodded, turned and left without saying anything.

As soon as he walked out of the house, his face immediately cooled down.

The great Dark Lord, his own real father, researching a solution to wolf syndrome? What a ridiculous talk, noble as he is, how can he care about these most humble and lowly creatures?

of course not.

What he said to those werewolves in the house just now was a lie.

"I am the only one who is loyal to my father in the end." Crouch sighed, waved his wand, and Apparated away.

His face was hideous and distorted.

In his eyes, these werewolves were completely unbelievable.

They wavered in their loyalty to their father just because Potter was able to fix phalanx - what a ridiculous loyalty.

Since he decided to dedicate everything to his father, how could he want to regret half of the devotion, just like the group of Death Eaters who only cared for themselves after their father's accident.

And they don't have any value.

Although the goblins are not completely loyal to their father, they can forge weapons and form thousands of teams.

These werewolves.

There are only a dozen or so, and they are even about to lose the threat of "crazy wolf disease".

Let them bloom the last and greatest value in their own hands.

Barty Crouch Jr. returned to his residence, took out the double-sided mirror, flicked his magic wand lightly to cover all the background, and then injected magic power into the mirror, calling out the name of the owner of the other mirror: "Severer S."

Soon, the double-sided mirror was switched on.

Snape's face appeared in the mirror: "Barty, when did you get so reckless to message me at this time?"

"You should be lucky, I happen to have no class at this time."

Crouch said softly, "Severus, my dear, I have something to ask you."

Snape nodded, but said nothing.

"Potter is researching the potion to relieve wolf disease, do you know about this?" Crouch asked.

Snape sneered: "Finally remember to ask me about it now? He's always been there, for over a year."

"How's the research going?" Crouch said casually, carelessly.

Snape sneered even harder: "It seems that you really think of me as a house elf, thinking that I can know everything about Mr. Potter?"

"Maybe you can ask Slughorn, he'll know better."

Crouch smiled and said, "I heard you were concerned about Potter's confinement last year and the year before that?"

"Professors' special care for outstanding students."

Snape asked back confidently: "Do you think I will give Potter a high opinion of me and teach him how to become a qualified, even excellent potions master?"

"Are you really doing detention for him, not tutoring?" Crouch pressed.

Snape still asked, "What do you think?"

Neither the expression nor the magic can read the false smell.

Crouch relaxed: "Severus, how long will it take for you to study the solution to phalanx?"

"Now." Snape replied immediately.

Crouch watched him with interest.

Snape said with a cold face: "Say a death curse on all werewolves, and when they die, naturally there will be no more lycanthropy."

"Great idea." Crouch applauded him. "Severus, I need you to help me deliver a message to Potter."

Snape narrowed his eyes.

"Let me take a look." Crouch picked up something, but it was covered by thick, and he couldn't see clearly in the mirror, "On the 26th of this month, in that abandoned village in Yorkshire, the werewolves had a party .”

"Werewolves from all over Great Britain, and maybe other countries, will come."

"A big party."

"A werewolf party?" Snape repeated.

Crouch nodded.

Snape frowned and asked, "What exactly are you trying to do?"

Crouch whistled: "Who knows? Thank you, Severus, I have other things to do."

Without any hesitation, he cut off the magic wave on the double-sided mirror before Snape continued to ask.

Snape's face was frosty, and he took a deep breath.

After a while, with a wave of the wand, a piece of paper slowly emerged with words, and when it was completely written, it twisted into a paper crane, flapped its wings, and flew towards Gryffindor Tower.

Whether or not Crouch asked for it.

Whether it is due to his current status and responsibilities, he has to pass this news on.

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