Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 299 Durmstrang is no longer the Durmstrang he once was.

The start of school is nothing new to Harry, but on September 1st this year, he will no longer take the Hogwarts Express to Hogwarts Castle, but will take the 1990 new Boeing 777 Go to the place built in the mountains and wilderness——

Durmstrang Special Military School for Magical Warfare.

Compared to Hogwarts, Durmstrang has the most "strict" school regulations among the three major schools in Europe. The paramilitary management makes it less lax. However, corruption of military discipline is common everywhere. Yes, even a military school like Durmstrang is the same.

This school founded by the legendary Bulgarian witch Nerida Vokanova has gone through quite a few ups and downs. The first reason is that several Durmstrang principals were extremely hawkish and extremely radical terrorists. ', although they themselves are not terrorists, because their bottom line is too low, what they do is not fundamentally different from terrorists.

In order to maintain combat effectiveness, or to have the hardest and strongest fists, they indulged in the use of black magic and various evil ways. This kind of heretical means indeed allowed Durmstrang to achieve many achievements in wizard duels and martial arts. , but also because of their despicable methods, Durmstrang's reputation was extremely bad.

Fortunately, peace has been the norm in the wizarding world in recent centuries. Unlike the Muggle world that experienced World War I and World War II, it is difficult for the wizarding world to fight a war after the Battle of the Abyss a thousand years ago, especially War with massive consequences.

After all, if the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe can be considered a European region, the most famous wizards produced by the Soviet Union here are the fighting national wizards who can fight. Then to the east of them, there is a man who has been fighting for thousands of years. War nation, these guys finally no longer plan to expand their territory, how dare you set off firecrackers in the house? Leave it alone, just in case someone gets interested and throws a cannonball into your yard to blow up an ancient boundary monument, it will be a big deal.

Under the influence of this peaceful environment, Durmstrang School lost those extremists jumping up and down in the 'second half' of its life. Although terrorism is no longer prevalent here, the school's style is still somewhat unique. different.

However, after Grindelwald, who is known as the "most dangerous wizard of the twentieth century", has been mastered by the outside world, there have been rumors that darkness and terror will once again envelope the school, and Durmstrang's dark era is about to return. Pro.

The Wiccan Party wants to use Durmstrang as a dark den to train their followers. Every wizard who enters will be brainwashed by magic and become a fanatical member of them, following them to cause harm to the world.

But these things are only circulated in other European magic countries that are not ruled by the Wiccan Party, and the actual facts are difficult to find out without going there.

But as far as Harry himself was concerned, he did not believe this. Even if he had not visited Nurmengard before, he would not believe such ridiculous rumors.

After all——

Durmstrang even invented a special plane, but your Hogwarts actually still uses an old steam train from hundreds of years ago.

Although the magic magnetic field will have an impact on electronic technology equipment, the impact is not so great that a wizard can cause a plane crash in a plane that only takes a few hours at most, unless there is some idiot on the plane. Casting spells, using spells to create chaos, etc., but if you do this, you will be immediately arrested for endangering public safety. In the lighter case, you will be fined and detained, and in the worst case, you will be sent to Nurmengard to be used as a consumable for human experiments.

What is to keep pace with the times? This is the simplest way to keep pace with the times.

However, the purpose of tinkering with the special plane is really not for anything else, but Durmstrang's enrollment has been relaxed a lot, especially for Muggle-born wizards. Durmstrang recruits all non-squib spellcasters, and the threshold is low. To the extent that it can overwhelm most small magic education institutions.

For example, the clown from Arkham whom Harry met in the duel competition before. His alma mater was drained of all students due to Durmstrang's relaxed admissions threshold and was forced to close down.

The changes in Durmstrang had already begun fifteen years ago. Compared with Hogwarts, which clings to its own territory and is unwilling to make progress, this magic school has been completely reborn.

The current Durmstrang is definitely not the Durmstrang of the past, and Harry, who has no personal experience, cannot guess too much about his current direction.

But some clues can still be read from this admission notice.

The simplest thing is that Durmstrang and Hogwarts have completely different course lists and book lists.

The curriculum at Hogwarts is fixed. Only after the third year can students begin to choose elective courses. Before that, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, and Astronomy were Seven classes are all there are to teach at Hogwarts.

But Durmstrang is different. It has completed educational reforms and is more like a modern university.

A military school that not only trains warriors and soldiers, but a comprehensive university covering all aspects of the magic world.

In addition to Charms, which is a compulsory subject, the remaining Potions, Transfiguration, Herbalism, etc. are all optional subjects. Grindelwald realized early on that there are differences between wizards and wizards. Everyone's talents and talents are also different. Now the world needs more wizards who are not "all-in-one" wizards, but "specialized and refined" wizards.

There are only a very small number of elite wizards who can be all-round and expert. The general public is the mainstream of the magic world. Elites learn the methods of the elites, and ordinary people also learn the methods of ordinary people.

Letting a person with no talent for potions study would be more uncomfortable than killing him. The teacher would feel uncomfortable seeing his grades, and he would also feel uncomfortable studying. But even if he is a potion idiot, he might be good at other courses. He has different interests and talents. Instead of suffering in what he is not good at, it is better to dig into what he is best at.

Of course, it’s not that there are no-ones who can do anything and are the best at everything, but even if they are no-nonsense, he has one thing that is different from ordinary people – he is a wizard, and he has magic power in his body. Even if his brain is not fully developed, The cerebellum is completely undeveloped, so as long as he has magic power in his body, he can still contribute.

Muggles have natural high-energy storage crystals, but the magic world does not have such a source of reusable magic power. There are indeed considerable reserves of magic ores in nature, and there are also supplies from the abyss 'quarries', but with the The possibility of the outbreak of an abyssal war continues to increase, and a large part of these resources will be withheld as reserves for future wars.

Ever since, the profession of 'meatman' has appeared. Durmstrang has customized a set of professional courses for these meatmen, so that they can enter major alchemy workshops or other industries after graduation. The magic processing mechanism serves as a 'supply' for sustainable consumption and utilization.

Just looking at the rigorous and precise course menu, Harry could already taste it.

"Grindelwald is really serious about his work. But what course should I choose?"

His eyes rested on an interesting line of words, and then he lightly put a check mark at the end, "A wizard who doesn't know how to fight with guns must not be a good wizard, right?"

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