Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 168 You Are Really Greedy

The magic power of six hundred units seemed to have completed a qualitative change caused by a small quantitative change, and these small advances allowed Harry to break through a layer of unfamiliar barriers.

If it is marked with a percentage, the purity of his current magic power is about 80% of the awakened man's magic power. If he wants the awakened man's inherited rune to exert a certain effect, such as using the thunder elemental armor frame in front of him, then he needs to further increase this value by 10%.

If before, Harry could only try to get help from the Sorcerer's Stone, but now, there is a solution to the problem, even if this will make his upper limit lower than other awakened ones, but how many people in the world can touch their own upper limit?

For a long period of time, all of this is enough, and Harry doesn't need to keep worrying. All he has to do now is to speed up the growth of his own magic power, and raise the purity of his own magic power to the same state as that of the awakened one.

Only in this way can he hold the complete key, open the treasure box in his hand, and reap the wealth inside.

A small gray vortex was left by him next to the black and silver vortex. After the purity broke through 80%, Harry naturally learned the method of taking pictures with magic power. However, the recording time he left was not long, no more than a minute, but it was enough for him to leave a small piece of text.

Lok-Sky, Wuld-Whirlwind, Kest-Storm

This is the rune he heard in the magic photo on Paradise Island. In this way, there are twelve runes recorded here. Although he is not very interested in Sett's creation conjecture, he has already received so many gifts from him. This small return gift should be given. If Sett is still alive, Harry really wants to ask if he still insists on his original dream after a hundred years.

Wizards can live to one hundred and fifty years old, and even longer with the help of potions. Elixir of life is not the only potion that prolongs life. Potions made from unicorn blood can also have certain effects. Adding decades is not impossible.

Speaking of which, Dumbledore and Grindelwald, who are over a hundred years old, are really only middle-aged now. It is too easy for them to get these life-extending potions, and they still have another century to live. Maybe Harry can really attend their wedding one day?

"The one in the wedding dress should be Dumbledore?" Harry wrinkled his face as the picture appeared in his mind, "Forget it, let's not, white beard and white hair paired with a white wedding dress are too... I can't accept this kind of aesthetic."

Pushing open the door of the secret room, there was a sliver of morning light in the corridor with windows in front of it. Harry stretched out, his bones creaking. Staying up all night was not stressful for him as an animal. The auditorium was not open yet, and he was not going to let the elves work overtime.

But just as Harry reached the door of the stairs, a series of hurried footsteps came from above him. It sounded like a girl's footsteps, but the smell that broke into his nose didn't look like a girl.

The smell of rusty water vapor, a faint smell of blood, a stench of corruption, and an indistinguishable slight fishy smell. Of course, it is also mixed with the scents of body wash and shampoo provided by Hogwarts, olives, bellflower leaves, soap locusts, calming cloves, and snake grass. This formula is specially provided by Slytherin House.

Harry slowed down his pace slightly, and when he heard the sound of footsteps reaching the middle of the stairs, he walked out of the corner, the originally hurried footsteps were suddenly stopped, Harry slightly raised his eyes, and caught a glimpse of surprise and fright.

Cassandra, who stopped suddenly, was taken aback by Harry's sudden appearance. It was just five o'clock in the morning. Who would be wandering around Hogwarts at this hour? Because she stopped too quickly, her body was a little unstable on her feet and she fell forward. She subconsciously tensed her waist and tried to twist her body to maintain her balance, but when she saw Harry raise her hand, the movement before she started was directly interrupted.

Just like the other girls, she let out a short exclamation, and looked at Harry who could reach out to catch her with pitiful eyes for help.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, but the boy gracefully turned sideways, took half a step back, and watched helplessly as the girl fell in an inelegant arc.

'crack clap clap'

Harry raised his hands and clapped his hands: "Good waist."

"You!" Cassandra raised her head suddenly with a faint blush on her face. After realizing that Harry had no intention of catching her, she could only barely control her body so that her face did not touch the ground directly. Her powerful waist twisted, allowing her buttocks to bear the intimate contact with the floor.

Harry grinned and showed his white teeth. The position he was standing just now was an excellent viewing spot, so taking a half step back was indeed the right choice.

"I'm really interested, Miss Malfoy, you'll go to the castle to exercise when you're genius. The Slytherin common room is about a mile away from here." Harry paused, and stretched out his hand, "Do you need me to help you?"

Unless her hand was 1.8 meters long, she would not be able to reach the perfunctory outstretched palm. Cassandra gritted her teeth slightly and said coldly, "You don't need your kindness, Potter."

She propped herself up on the floor and stood up, "I don't need to tell you where I'm going." Cassandra turned her head and walked away angrily, but Wei Wei could see that her ass fell really badly just now with a bit of wriggling.

"Be careful when you walk in the future, and don't wrestle in the toilet. Although this may be a bit impolite, I need to remind you, Miss Malfoy, you have something on your butt that smells a bit coughy."

"I didn't! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Cassandra, who almost lost her footing, turned around, and saw Harry slapping his hands in front of his nose in disgust, with a teasing smile on his face.

"But it's really smelly, otherwise I must have been a gentleman reaching out just now... right." Harry shrugged, shaking his head helplessly.

"I won't bother you about traveling all the way here to go to the toilet in order not to disturb your classmates, Miss Malfoy, it's dark and the road is slippery, you have to be careful where you step."

Harry turned away with his pockets in his pockets, not paying attention to the expressions on the people behind him, but it must have been exciting.

But after walking tens of meters away, Harry's expression turned cold. This encounter was somewhat unexpected. Normally, Cassandra would go on weekends and return to the lounge at ten o'clock in the evening. Today, on Monday, she seemed to have stayed in the secret room all night.

This change in time has already given a hint, and just now, he also managed to see an unexpected change in Cassandra's eyes.

Although her expression and demeanor are well controlled, the sound of her heartbeat is not deceiving. No matter what she looks like, her heartbeat has not fluctuated much from the beginning to the end.

"Are you really playing with my idea?"

Harry thought silently in his heart, "It seems that what you want is not only the secret room, Tom, you actually want my body, bah, how shameless."

Although it was only a flash, Harry still caught the murderous intent that Cassandra raised towards him. When he mentioned the word 'toilet' for the first time, Cassandra's steady heart beat half a beat faster at that time.

"Let Draco figure out my general whereabouts. She must have fed the basilisk that has been sleeping for a long time. I wonder if this basilisk that has lived for nearly a thousand years is still tender and smooth after being stewed into snake soup."

"The thousand-year-old snake essence, one white and one blue, now there is a blue one, where is the white snake?"

Harry, who was too lazy to climb the stairs, directly found a window and jumped down. He landed on the grass of Hogwarts with cold drops of water in the early morning. The smoke from Hagrid's house had not yet risen, but it was almost there.


This is last night’s supplementary update. Last night, it was too late to blow water in the group, and I fell asleep before finishing writing. Now I secretly added the code words


Thanks to Limbe Wagali for the total reward of 500 coins

By the way, there is Fuge V in the group and I am 200, two extra chapters will be added in these two days, thank you Fuge~

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