Hogwarts: Harry Potter and the Glock 18

Chapter 135 Dare to bully my sister in front of me?

Harry had never missed Hagrid so much as he did today!

Of course, this is not for the muscular muscles of Hagrid's ultimate hunk, even though Harry has become a lot stronger now, but in Hagrid's hands it is still a small piece of meat, one or at most two fingers The kind that can be suppressed.

What Harry is greedy for is Hagrid's extremely unscientific but magical cross-biological hybridization technology. Here we need to draw an emphatic symbol, cross-biological hybridization.

There is no shortage of artificially synthesized creatures in the wizarding world, the most famous of which is the basilisk. It is said that a seven-year-old rooster laid a magic egg when Sirius was in the sky, and was hatched by a toad, but this legend is unreliable. According to " According to the reptile chapter in Where Are the Fantastic Beasts, the basilisk is a synthetic creature created by wizards using black wizards and curses. It is the carrier of curses and a container with vitality, similar to Horcruxes. , but what is contained is not the soul, but a terrible curse that can kill the body.

These creatures have one thing in common, that is, they do not have the possibility of reproduction, and the basilisks can only be man-made. After the curse of instant death disappeared and no longer appeared, no new basilisks were born in the world.

In contrast, the Chimera with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a fire dragon is actually a natural life that can reproduce itself. Among magical animals, there are countless creatures with stitching characteristics, and they are all through natural reproduction. The new breed that was born was the same for the manticore, and the same was true for the hippogriff.

Reproductive isolation does exist, but unlike ordinary creatures, magical creatures with magical powers in their bodies can always do strange things, just like wizards can do many strange things with magic. Any kind of miracle can happen under the blind mix of the two.

It's just that this probability is extremely low, so low that we can only wait for the birth of this miracle through natural selection.

In the history of the wizarding world, no one has ever successfully bred a new species, except for Hagrid, who made an unimaginable crossbreed between a fire crab and a manticore, and successfully produced a new species that lay eggs. Species - Fried-tailed snails!

And it’s a big box, if you’re lucky, then having one would be a big deal, but what Hagrid made was a whole box of snails, enough for dozens of little wizards in two colleges to hold one for each class. Only so much.

Although the Blast-tailed snails hiccupped one after another under extremely incorrect breeding methods, it is undeniable that Hagrid has added a strange new member to the list of magical creatures.

To be honest, Harry thinks this is a big event that can be recorded in the annals of magical biology, but it is a pity that Hogwarts has no one who knows the goods.

The previous Hagrid was Harry's thigh. With Hagrid here, the Forbidden Forest was Harry's back garden kitchen. However, now, Hagrid has successfully advanced into a golden 24K pure gold thigh in Harry's heart!

The magic that belongs to the power of the ideal side does not make sense at all. In many cases, feeling is more useful than experience, and Hagrid has that weird talent that other people don't have.

Think about it, what is a manticore? That guy is more than two meters tall at the shoulders, not counting the curly scorpion tail, a top predator with a body length of four to five meters, a powerful anti-magic thick skin that is immune to any known magic, and a highly poisonous scorpion tail poison The thorn made him stand at the top of the magical creature food chain, and what about the fire crab?

This group of weak chickens that look like tortoises and whose shells are covered with all kinds of jewels were almost killed by the wizard just because they could sell the turtle shells at a good price. With the addition of more than a dozen or dozens of chickens, coupled with the subsequent legal protection and the rise of the breeding industry, this group of short-legged weak chickens that can only rely on their buttocks to spit sparks and slowly jump forward has long been extinct.

Even without mentioning combat power, the disparity between the two of them is not enough to make do with each other. The key and the lock don't match. Even the key with the thick arm of the manticore is comparable to the tortoise-like fire crab. Head caliber up.

Hagrid's ability to get these two things to make do with each other and produce a brood of snails that looked neither like Mom nor Dad was truly the weirdest miracle the wizarding world had ever seen.

This kind of outrageous crossbreeding can be played out. If you mix Thunderbird and Fire Dragon together, it doesn't seem like a big problem to have a Thunderdragon, right?

In this way, no matter it is strength, speed, or even flying ability, it can be all done. If the physical strength is not enough, you can also plug in a Thestral with super long-lasting standby, so that it can fly in the sky for three days and three nights without landing.

Thinking of this, Harry's saliva couldn't stop drooling, and even his favorite German-style pork knuckle almost didn't gag his mouth.

After a long burp, the dishes that had filled the entire table were wiped out. Although the two little lolis fought hard, they could only taste a little of each dish. The two of them are not like Harry. Since the middle of lunch, the two of them have been watching Harry's performance alone.

"Is there a traceless stretching spell cast on your stomach?"

After the dining table was cleared, Luna poked Harry's stomach with a curious expression. Some of the hard muscles didn't feel good to the touch, but there was no exaggerated swelling.

"Probably worked out."

Harry, who is full of food and drink, looks a little lazy. Now he is not a weak chicken who was almost strangled to death after eating a mountain tyrannosaur heart. With the improvement of his body's demonization, he is getting closer and closer. Strictly speaking, wizards are also a kind of magical creatures, but wizards are at the bottom of the evolutionary chain.

Especially after knowing that there are awakened people, Harry even thinks that today's wizards have not actually completed the real evolution of magic power. Except for the skills in using magic power that other magical creatures can't match, Harry doesn't care about any point. They are all completely exploded existences.

In the ordinary world, human beings still occupy the first place in heat dissipation and endurance, while wizards have no advantage in terms of physical fitness.

"Because of the heavy training, I had to eat about 15 kilograms of pure meat every day when I was in school last year. I didn't have enough energy to supplement. Now I should become an individual."

"As you eat, your digestion speed will increase. If I say that my stomach is actually empty now, would you believe me?"

"Papa papa~"

Luna patted Harry's stomach curiously, and even listened seriously.

"Well, I believe so."

Ginny, who couldn't talk at all, was slightly in a daze. As a good friend who played with Luna since childhood, she was actually very used to such weird conversations, but she covered her face inexplicably shy for a while. , While shaking her head and muttering to herself for a while, the box door was knocked again, and after seeing the person coming, Ginny's face suddenly turned from red to white, and immediately turned red again.

The twins who opened the door immediately crowded beside Ginny as soon as they saw her.

"It's the living Harry! Ginny, you————"

Before the twins started teasing their younger sister, their own younger sister grasped the ears of both of them very familiarly. This gesture was exactly the same as that of Mrs. Weasley, which made the twins show flattering smiles reflexively. They subconsciously Opening:

"We were wrong!"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Even Ginny, whose tone was so exemplary, seemed to be possessed by Mrs. Weasley, but unfortunately, the twins reacted immediately after being stupefied. The two of them were crying and showing a submissive look while secretly confronting each other. With a look in his eyes, he took out a jar from his clothes with lightning speed.

"We shouldn't be stealing snacks."

"It's all for you, it's all for you."

Fred held a can of cockroaches in front of Ginny, and George unscrewed the bottle cap. Chocolate, who was already eager to try, made a rustling sound when crawling, and Ginny screamed in fright. He opened his mouth wide.

However, the twins said faintly: "It will fly in."


Ginny covered her mouth with horror, and swallowed the rest of her scream.


The twins who had been hit on the head by two finger snaps covered their heads and lay on the ground. The severe pain in their brains turned them into two caterpillars in an instant. The twins who were tearing up from the pain looked up at Harry innocently. , They are still a little confused now.

"Bullying my sister in front of me?"

"Go! Let's go out and have a good talk!"

The dazed twins came back to their senses after a brief moment of stupefaction, and the two of them panicked and struggled uselessly.

"Forgive me, Commander!"

"Ginny, you can't just ignore death!"

"We were wrong- woo woo woo."

Seeing the suddenly quiet carriage, Ginny threw herself into Luna's arms and twitched with laughter. After a while, she raised her head and snorted toward the corridor: "You two scoundrels, you deserve it!"

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