Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 94 The Successor of Black Magic

Snow was falling heavily outside the window, and it seemed as if there was only white left between the sky and the earth. No one wanted to go out in such bad weather, even the twins stayed in the warm common room.

There were many students in the circular common room, scattered in small and small groups everywhere. The best seats next to the fireplace had already been taken by others in advance. The twins could only find a place to sit down in the corner.

The two brothers took apart a Dr. Libre firework and studied it. They wanted to understand the structure of this magical firework that automatically ignites and blooms when exposed to water. After they have a certain ability, they will try to imitate it.

The twins were stimulated by Ada and felt that even though they were still in school, they should make plans for the future. They hope to use their time in school to accumulate some experience and start-up capital for the future.

The twins made a lot of money by selling maps at the beginning of the school year, otherwise they wouldn't be willing to take apart a hard-drawn firework to study. As long as they stopped betting on how long the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor could last, the money would be enough for them to waste for a while. .

Ada returned to the lounge early with her schoolbag on her back. Couples who had nowhere to go used the library as a date place. There were more lingering couples than people reading. Ada really couldn't stand the atmosphere there, especially Strange noises from time to time.

Looking around the lounge, Ada saw the twins in the corner. She walked over. The two brothers, who lowered their heads and concentrated on studying, did not notice her arrival.

Ada coughed slightly, and then the twins saw Ada standing in front of them. George went to pick up Ada's schoolbag with one hand, but he was not prepared enough and was almost dragged down by the heavy schoolbag.

What did you put in this? Why is it so heavy? George asked doubtfully, Did you put the entire library in it?

I do think so, but I have to pretend! If Ada could carry a library with her, she wouldn't have to be so eye-catching today.

Fred put away the hard-drawn fireworks on the table and asked, Why are you back so early today?

It's obviously winter outside with snowflakes falling, but the library is a scene of spring. Ada said helplessly.

The twins didn't realize what Ada was saying at first. What does leaving the library early have to do with the season? But soon they figured it out and knew the reason why Ada left.

A spring-filled environment is not suitable for single dogs.

What is this? George saw a thick book in Ada's schoolbag. The thickness made the book more suitable for hitting people than reading.

Of course it's a book, otherwise what else could it be? Ada glanced at the book George pointed to, 'Lethal Potion'. Most of the potions in the book can easily deprive people of their lives.

Isn't this thing recommended to you by Cecil again? Fred took out Lethal Potion and flipped through it. The first sentence at the beginning of the book was: Every sip of water you drink, you eat. Is every bite of food safe?

Who else but Cecil could recommend such a dangerous book to Ada? George leaned in front of the book and read it. He only read a few pages and knew why the book was in the restricted area. The potions on this are evil and deadly.

Ada nodded and admitted, Expand your knowledge on potions to use it to deal with Snape.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. The twins said in unison, Are you finally planning to take action against Snape?

Ada gave each twin a chestnut and said, Are you planning to send me to Azkaban?

Just like your grandpa did! Fred said.

Who? Ada didn't even know she still had her grandfather.

Grover Cecil. George explained, Do you think the old man is too lonely, so he wants to adopt you as his granddaughter to pass on?

From Hogwarts to Azkaban, from enrollment to imprisonment, it only took two years. Can Ada be considered to be better than her predecessors?

I dare not say that he is the youngest prisoner in Azkaban, but it is not an easy record to break.

The twins continued to joke with Ada while parrying her punches. There were many people in the common room, some were noisy, and no one paid attention to the three people fighting in the corner.

Hasn't he been recommending dark magic to you? Maybe he really regards you as his inheritance and wants to train you to become a dark wizard. Fred said.

The two brothers had been discussing Cecil's behavior since Ada told them about it. Cecil behaves too much like someone who coaxes children on the street. Coupled with his Azkaban experience, it is difficult not to doubt his intentions.

Are we about to witness the rise of the next Dark Lord? George knelt on one knee in front of Ada, Laud, I am your most loyal slave, can I kiss the hem of your robe?

The twins have always been joking, but they are actually telling Ada to be careful about Cecil, and not to learn black magic. The twins are afraid that Ada will become a madman, and few people who learn black magic will end well.

Ada directly pushed George on the forehead with a palm and pushed him to the ground. She said, You are not even qualified to wash my clothes!

The three of them laughed together, Fred and Ada laughing in the armchairs, George sitting on the carpet, the friendship and concern between friends dispelled the coldness of winter.

Is it the day to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow? Ada asked.

Ada stretched out her hand to pull George up, and George tried to pull Ada from the armchair, but as soon as he exerted force, Ada let go, and he sat back down again.

Hogsmeade is a pure wizarding village near the school and the only pure wizarding village in the UK. You won't see any Muggles there, everyone you see is a wizard.

The school stipulates that only students in third grade and above can go there to play on specific Saturdays, and they must have a signed permission from their guardian.

Ada and the twins did not have the third grade, nor did they have the signatures of their guardians, but they had been there a long time ago, but they had gone secretly through a secret passage.

Just in time, George and I also want to go to Zuko's Magic Joke Shop. Our dung bombs need to be replenished.

Ada really doesn’t know what’s so fun about this magic stink bomb that exudes a rotten smell. Isn’t it good to make homemade rotten eggs? Also stinky and saves money.

The twins loved teasing Filch with dung bombs. Whenever the twins used dung bombs to cause chaos, Ada felt like the two of them were bratty kids fighting in a dry toilet... Fortunately, there were people in the school who used dung bombs. Not a lot, otherwise the school would sooner or later become so smelly that it would be uninhabitable.

I have a lot of things to buy, you two, be prepared to help me carry my bags!

The twins sighed and fell down on the armchair in unison. Shopping is indeed a woman's nature, even a witch is no exception, even if the witch is only thirteen years old.

I'll buy you butterbeer.

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