Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 90 Justifiable Defense

There was chaos in the stands as professors calmed students from both colleges and prevented them from rushing onto the pitch.

In the middle of the field, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall were examining Charlie's body. The Gryffindor players formed a circle, and the twins stared at Marcus Flint with red eyes. If others hadn't stopped them, brother The two of them had already rushed forward.

The Slytherin players stood behind Snape and looked at the twins unwillingly. The person involved, Marcus Flint, was protected by them in the middle.

That's my brother, let me over! Percy shouted as he ran, Let me over, that's my brother Charlie!

This was the first time Ada saw Percy like this. His eyes were red, and he pushed the classmates away one by one without hesitation. Normally, except when he was being teased by the twins, you wouldn't see him this anxious at all. expression.

The professors let Percy go, and Ada sneaked out without noticing. As soon as he left the crowd, Percy rushed directly towards the Slytherin players. Judging from his posture, he probably wanted to beat Flint to death.

However, with Percy's small body, he wanted to imitate others' one-on-seven, but only one of them was killed mercilessly and was pinned to the ground and rubbed by seven of his team members.

Don't be impulsive at this time. Ada quickly grabbed Percy and persuaded him to calm down and prevent him from going up to die. In fact, Ada also wanted to put a bat spirit spell on Marcus' face, but Snape was standing aside, and Snape would not let him attack his students.

However, Ada has no intention of letting Marcus go just like that, especially since he not only has no regrets now, but is actually showing off to other team members.

Marcus also saw Ada and Percy. He looked at them provocatively, and when Ada dragged Percy away, he showed a mocking smile, which was really ugly.

Charlie woke up in the crowd. His face was pale and his brows were furrowed. The twins and Percy gathered around him and asked him what he felt uncomfortable.

Professor, how is Charlie? Ada asked, and the twins and Percy also looked up at Professor McGonagall.

The ribs are broken and I need to rest for a while. Professor McGonagall replied. She was very angry now and wanted to imprison Marcus for a year.

I think you need to send your brother to the school infirmary as soon as possible. Dumbledore also said, I have informed Madam Pomfrey, and she will be able to give you a healthy Charlie soon.

The twins, Percy, and the rest of the team left with the injured Charlie. Ada did not accompany Charlie because she wanted to hear what Marcus' punishment was.

Dumbledore walked up to Snape and said: Severus, Marcus' behavior is really bad, so I will deduct fifty points from Slytherin. Marcus will be deducted fifty points from Slytherin for the next month. He will also be punished by confinement. In addition, Marcus will not be allowed to play while Charlie Weasley is unable to play.

Every time he heard a word, Snape's sallow face turned darker. After hearing all the punishments, Snape's face turned darker than Lee Jordan. He led the Slytherin students off the court without saying a word.

After Dumbledore announced the punishment, other students dispersed and did not stay on the court.

On the way back to the castle, Ada followed Professor McGonagall. She wanted to test Professor McGonagall's attitude to determine the extent of her revenge.

You performed very well today and were not as impulsive as last year. Professor McGonagall said. The Vice-Principal was very angry now, and every word she spoke was squeezed out from between her teeth.

If Percy and I rush over, Fred and George will definitely go too. The team has lost Charlie and can't lose any more batters. Ada said.

Again, there was no point in being impulsive. Snape would not watch them hurt his students, and there were so many professors at the scene that he couldn't do anything.

Learning to think means that you have not grown in vain this year. Professor McGonagall said, You can go see Charlie by yourself later, I won't go. After watching, leave early and don't hang around.

Until they arrived at the castle, Ada didn't understand Professor McGonagall's attitude or what she was thinking.

Before the two people separated, Professor McGonagall suddenly said: I have recently compiled some new notes on transfiguration. If you have time, you can come and take a look.

I understand, Professor! Ada understood Professor McGonagall's bottom line and felt confident.

After separating from Professor McGonagall, Ada went to the school doctor's office. The twins and Percy were sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. Charlie, who was wearing a chest protector on the hospital bed, was talking to the three of them.

Ada told four people about Dumbledore's punishment. Charlie and Percy had no objection to Dumbledore's punishment. The twins still looked dissatisfied. They wanted to send Marcus to the school doctor's office.

The twins' dissatisfaction was naturally seen by Charlie, so Charlie specifically warned: Fred, George, you two are not allowed to go to Marcus. When I am discharged from the hospital, I will defeat Slytherin on the court with dignity. , this will hurt him!

I know... the twins responded perfunctorily. Charlie was lying in the school doctor's room and there was nothing he could do to stop them.

Watch them for me, Percy. Compared with Charlie, the twins are still too young.

Percy nodded and said, I know, I will watch them. After calming down, Percy returned to his former nerd self, the same unpopular Percy.

In the evening, the common room was quiet, and Charlie was still lying in the school doctor's office, so everyone did not celebrate today's victory. The twins and Ada sat in arm-chairs by the fire, talking quietly.

Ada was holding a book in her hands, but she was not reading a book, she was reading the Marauder's Map. She placed the map on top of the book page, and she had been staring at it all afternoon.

The twins sitting opposite Ada clicked their knuckles as they waited for Flint to leave. Now that Flint is in solitary confinement, if no one picks him up later, Ada and the twins will have their chance.

But Ada and the others still have another enemy, Percy who has infiltrated the people. He has been watching them in the lounge.

It was almost time, and Ada and the others left the lounge. But when they were leaving, Percy not only didn't say anything to stop them, but turned around without even looking at them.

The twins were confused and didn't understand what Percy was up to, but Ada understood what Percy meant. He was such an awkward person.

In Snape's office, Flint was writing furiously. He wrote I shouldn't hurt people from behind over and over again on the parchment. He had been writing all night, and his right hand was about to lose feeling. .

After he had filled another piece of parchment, Snape finally let him go. Flint walked towards the lounge while waving his hands. He was not afraid of being left alone at all. If Weasley dared to come, he would send them to the school doctor's office together. He was not a loser like Avery.

There was no one in the corridor. Flint walked for a while and suddenly heard someone talking.

We've been waiting for you for a long time. It was the twins who spoke, blocking the way to the Slytherin common room.

Flint felt that he had a chance of winning in one against two. He mocked: You will go to the school doctor's office to accompany your brother in a while.

You need to apologize to Charlie, Flint, Fred said, Or we can take you there.

You two are really laughing me to death. Is it because your family is too poor that your brains are starving? Flint laughed loudly and mocked the two brothers. He took out his wand, intending to teach the ignorant people a lesson. twin.

You'd better listen to us and put away your wand if you don't want to get hurt. George motioned for him to look behind him.

Flint turned his head and looked back, and he saw Ada standing not far behind him. Ada had her hands behind her back and tapped the ground with her right toe, looking very leisurely.

In the entire Hogwarts, Ada can be said to be one of the most recognizable people. Not to mention her appearance, Ada's labels are enough for everyone to remember her. Miss Know-It-All, one of the most point-deducting people in Gryffindor, Snape's most annoying student, and so on.

Flint naturally knew Ada, but he never took Ada seriously. She was just a thirteen-year-old girl, no big deal.

You poor guys really like to get together! Marcus Flint said, Now I will send you to accompany Charlie Weasley!

Marcus Flint raised his wand and fired a spell at Ada, but his spell was not very powerful and could not hurt Ada at all.

That's it! Ada waved her wand casually. She really didn't expect Flint to be so useless.

Ada continued: You attacked me first, and it was self-defense for me to fight back!

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