Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 72 Useful Owls and Useless Galleons

September 2nd was Sunday. Hogwarts did not start classes right away. Instead, it gave the students a day to adjust their schedules. It was difficult for students who had been lazy for a holiday to get into the busy study life right away.

In the morning, students sat lazily in the auditorium, and the sound of yawns filled the entire auditorium. Even Ada, who walked into the auditorium full of energy, was infected and yawned several times in succession along with the crowd.

Professor McGonagall began to distribute the new course schedule along the long table. When she arrived at Ada, Ada was about to reach out to pick it up, but Professor McGonagall took the course schedule back.

Esmeralda Drizzt, you are really amazing! Professor McGonagall said in a bad tone. She was just here to beat Ada.

When your mother calls you by your full name, seriously, you're almost never far away from getting a spanking, and the same goes for Professor McGonagall.

Yes, yes, Professor McGonagall, you have to teach her a lesson. Fred sat aside and fanned the flames.

It's really outrageous, George continued, I can't bear to have this happen to me.

Ada turned back and glared at the twins. Not only did the two brothers not restrain themselves, but they dared to complain in person: Look, Professor, she dares to threaten us!

Aren't you two Mr. Weasleys hungry? Professor McGonagall asked.


Then why don't you have breakfast? Is it not to your liking?

The twins couldn't understand what Professor McGonagall meant. The two brothers quickly turned back and ate the food on their plates. Although they did not dare to speak anymore, their little eyes kept looking at Professor McGonagall and Ada. .

Professor, I can explain... Ada kept thinking about her words, hoping to alleviate Professor McGonagall's anger.

Make it up.

Ada waved her hands and quickly explained: Making it up? It's not making it up, it's all true...I didn't...

Are you trying to say that you don't have an owl? Professor McGonagall said, looking at the owls flying around in the auditorium. But how did Tom from the Leaky Cauldron write to me? Did he turn into an owl and fly here? ?”

After hearing the previous words, Ada was about to nod and admit, but Professor McGonagall's subsequent words made her either nod or not.

I heard that you have a dog. Would you like me to help you turn it into an owl? Professor McGonagall looked at the twins and continued, Or turn one of the two Mr. Weasleys into an owl?

Professor, the school cannot use transfiguration to punish students! Fred argued, the matter had already affected him, and he could no longer watch from the other side.

It's just the beginning of school, and we haven't made any mistakes yet! George said, while poking Ada, asking her to quickly think of a way to appease Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall said: I didn't realize that the two Mr. Weasleys were so familiar with the school rules, but when you made a mistake, where did the school rules that you were so familiar with go?

Next time if anything happens, I will ask you for help as soon as possible! Ada said, admitting her mistake, admitting her mistake firmly, Professor McGonagall will definitely treat her leniently.

Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction. She handed the schedule to Ada, and then said to the twins: I see that you two memorize the school rules very well, so next time you make a mistake, you will know the law and break the law. Then you two will Pack your things and go live in the Owlery!”

After taking care of the self-inflicted Ada and beating the twins, Professor McGonagall left with satisfaction. She felt that as long as she stabilized Ada and the twins, she would have hope of competing for the Academy Cup this year. She didn't want to see Snape's pride again. His face became pale.

Is she menopausal? Fred whispered as he looked at Mag's retreating back.

It should have passed a long time ago! George thought for a moment and said.

Whether it's mother or Professor McGonagall, the twins looked at Ada together and continued, and Ada, women are indeed terrible creatures.

At noon, Ada went to the library. She was going to brush up on her subject progress. She had fallen behind too much this summer and she needed to work harder this school year.

The twins left the lounge with Lee Jordan. They planned to take Gallon around the castle. They had to take good care of Gallon and grow up. When it grows up, the twins will take it to find Lori. Mrs. Si singled out and taught this smelly cat a profound lesson.

Garon is a Labrador with a gentle personality and no aggression. The twins still lead it with a leash, so it is actually not dangerous. However, Ada still made Garon a muzzle to prevent it from accidentally biting people.

The twins took Galleon to Hagrid's hut. Hagrid liked Galleon very much, and Yaya liked him even more. He kept going to Galleon's side. If the twins hadn't stopped him in time, Yaya would have given Galleon a bath. .

When they left, Hagrid also prepared a large bag of snacks and toys for Garen. These things belonged to Yaya, but Yaya didn't make a sound, and his tail waggled even more cheerfully, just like a three-speed electric fan.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Ada returned to the common room with a stack of books. The twins and Lee Jordan surrounded Garen, while Garen was lying on the ground motionless, just like when he was in the pet shop.

As soon as she put the book down, Garen jumped into her arms, groaning in grievance.

Ada also discovered that Garen didn't want to pay attention to her at all when nothing was wrong, as if she smelled bad, but once it was frightened or felt aggrieved, it would come to find her and stick to her.

Ada, who was holding Garen, looked at the twins with confusion, waiting for their explanation.

The twins looked at each other, and Fred said, Didn't we take Galen out for a walk in the afternoon...

I also went to Hagrid, and Hagrid gave me a lot of things. George continued.

Ada looked at them, watching how the twins braided.

When I came back, I happened to meet Mrs. Lolis.

It's just a narrow encounter, and that's it.

Gallon in his arms was still humming. Obviously, this puppy had never beaten the experienced Mrs. Lolis. The twins were fully thinking about letting Galen teach Mrs. Lolis a lesson in the future, but they did not expect that they would attack her first. Stronger.

No wonder the grievances came to look for me. It turned out that the enemy was not successful at the beginning! Ada thought, she lifted the Galleon and checked it, and found that it was not injured, it was probably just beaten a little badly.

Ada sat in an armchair, petting the dog, soothing Galen's wounded heart. The twins and Lee Jordan began to think about a revenge plan. The target of revenge was not Mrs. Lorris, but Filch. They couldn't really take revenge on a cat.

The three boys gathered around and muttered, occasionally letting out a few evil laughs. It was obvious that they had already figured out how to deal with Filch.

The official class will start tomorrow, and Ada is very curious about the new Grover Cecil. She hopes that this professor can take up the position of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class instead of messing around like his predecessor. Ada wants to live a down-to-earth year in school.

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