Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 59 Year-end

After the final exam, Ada also gave herself a holiday. She spent the whole day fooling around with the twins, playing around during the day and exploring secret passages at night. She lived a very comfortable life.

Ada also took the time to look at her own system. This system provided her with a lot of help, but it did not frequently disturb her life. It was so quiet that Ada almost forgot about it.

The school year is over. Students can go home after receiving their grades and having an end-of-year dinner, so the system has also completed its inventory of the first school year.

The system always speaks harshly to Ada, and Ada has long been accustomed to it. The system says:

Name: Esmeralda Drizzt

Gender: Female

Age: Thirteen years old

Height: 5 feet 1 inch (approximately 154.5 cm, finally no longer having to look for a host on the ground)

Weight: 86 pounds (about 39 kilograms, if the host works harder, it will be ready for the market)

Wand: yew, phoenix feather, ten and three-quarter inches long (won’t the host do something big with this wand combination?)

Occupation: Hogwarts student (first year)

Specialties: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions (the host is a bit scientific)

Talent: Magic power reserve (the magic power reserve has exceeded that of an ordinary adult wizard, getting rid of the status of cannon fodder, but he is still a rookie)

Good at learning (strong learning ability, quick to learn well, and quick to learn bad)

Sympathy (Doesn’t the host want to learn some skills? I strongly recommend two peerless secret books to the host: Tea Talk and External and Internal Qi)

Reckless (without thinking, taking action subconsciously or when angry, with a chance of double casting.)

Looking at the new talents displayed by the system, Ada was a little depressed. The most annoying thing she saw was the words probably.

In her short life, these three words were literally filled with blood and tears. Although she was born in Europe in this life, she still did not change her essence.

The fact that you compete on character and depend on luck is too nihilistic. It can be the icing on the cake, but you cannot expect it to provide help in times of need.

Ada continued to read, and the system also had evaluations of the magic spells she had mastered. For example, the evaluation of the fluorescent spell was: proficient. You said there should be light, so there was light.

Spells that are used more often, such as the Stunning Curse, the Crushing Curse, and the Disarming Curse, have basically reached the level of proficiency, while the spells that are used less often are at the entry level at worst.

But Ada found three spells behind the long list of spells that she had never taken the initiative to learn:

Death Curse (roughly penetrate the fur, someone else harvests a life with a green light, the host takes away two lines of nosebleeds with a green light)

Cruciatus Curse (roughening the fur, a thumb clamp should be more useful for the host)

The Imperius Curse (rough knowledge, it is recommended that the host learns to make a love potion, which one has a greater chance of success)

It's still a familiar smell, the system is always sparing no effort to hit Ada. A system that can help you but doesn’t force you to do tasks, can’t you tolerate such a minor glitch?

Ada could bear it, but after reading the comments, she quit directly without any nostalgia. After all, no one likes to be hit.

She has never learned the Unforgivable Curse. Ada has no access to such books now. It seems that Foley used it on her too many times, so she was copied by the system.

As long as the spell appears on the system, Ada can successfully cast it. This is the advantage of hanging on the wall, but the effect of the spell depends on Ada's personal ability.

For example, the coma spell can only knock people down or stun them, and how long the opponent will be unconscious depends on Ada's ability and mastery of the spell.

The three unforgivable curses not only require the support of magic power, but also require strong emotions to drive the power of the spells, so even if Ada can cast them now, she can't do it to the extent of benefiting these Death Eaters.

Although the system's reviews are somewhat venomous, they are all truthful.

On the last day of the semester, the exam results finally came out. The cheerful atmosphere in the common room was gone, and the common room was filled with mourning.

As expected by Ada, Herbology was an E, and the other courses were all O's. Ada prayed to Merlin again in her heart, hoping that he could bless the kind Professor Sprout to live a long life.

The twins did pretty well, they passed all their classes and even got an O. The twins had excited looks on their faces. With this report card, at least they wouldn't be lectured by Mrs. Weasley during the holidays.

Angelina and Aaliya's results were better than they expected, and the two had already started discussing what brand of broomsticks they should buy. The person who did the worst in the exam was Li Jordan. He flew through every course at a low altitude. Even though he had received his transcript, people were still worried about him.

Puppy love does a lot of harm to people and delays their studies. Well... that's not right either. Lee Jordan just has unrequited love, so that's okay.

Ada had been running into Snape in the corridors for a week, as if Ada was stalking him. Every time he saw Snape, his attitude was very subtle. He always pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something to Ada, but until today, Snape had nothing to say.

In the evening, Ada and the twins went downstairs to attend the year-end banquet. When they arrived at the auditorium, there were already many people. Everyone was talking loudly and discussing where to go on vacation.

The Great Hall was decorated with green and silver, the colors of Slytherin. Although Dumbledore had not yet announced it, they had definitely won the House Cup.

A giant banner with a Slytherin snake hanging on the wall behind the guest of honor seat. In recent years, Slytherin has been responsible for the House Cup. This is their fifth consecutive House Cup.

Snape sat on the teacher's seat, his sallow face full of happiness. If he hadn't been controlling himself, he would have already flown by now, and Hogwarts would have an internet celebrity landmark - the old bat flying in the sky.

The direction of Slytherin's long table was the noisiest place in the auditorium. They won, so they were justified. The other three houses couldn't stand it and could only hold it in. The winner had the right to celebrate as much as he wanted.

After a while, Dumbledore appeared in the auditorium, and the chaotic four long tables finally became quiet.

Another year has passed! Dumbledore said happily. Before you enjoy these delicious dishes, I must trouble you to listen to an old man's boring speech. This year, your little minds must be better than before. It’s a bit richer... There is a whole summer vacation waiting for you, you can digest the knowledge you have learned...

Now, as far as I know, we must first conduct the Academy Cup award ceremony. The specific scores of each house are as follows: fourth place, Gryffindor, 404 points; third place, Hufflepuff, 410 points; La Winclaw has 446 points and Slytherin has 482 points.

Thunderous cheers erupted from the Slytherin table, and Snape clapped his palms red on the teacher's bench.

Gryffindor's direction was very quiet. They withdrew from the competition for the College Cup early and did not achieve good results in the Quidditch competition, so they finished fourth and last.

This is a failed year for Gryffindor House. Although their Lion King Professor McGonagall is also applauding, how could everyone not know what she thinks?

Professor McGonagall wanted to knock Slytherin off the championship throne for more than a day or two, but the difference between the two houses was a full 78 points. She really wanted to kill the thief and was helpless.

Everyone performed very well, especially Slytherin. Dumbledore said, Let us congratulate Slytherin for winning the House Cup this school year!

There was no suspense or any reversal. Slytherin celebrated the victory wildly, and the noise they made made people think that there was an explosion here.

The other three colleges clapped perfunctorily. They have watched this scene for five consecutive years. Everyone is looking forward to the hero and hoping that the hero can successfully kill the snake.

After the dinner, Professor McGonagall gave everyone a notice warning them not to use magic during the holiday. Fred wanted to tear the notice into pieces, but under the intimidation of Professor McGonagall's eyes, he finally gave up this idea.

Ada did not clear out the closet in the dormitory. She planned to only pick out a few suitable clothes to take back, leaving the remaining space in her suitcase for next year's belongings.

Just when she opened the suitcase, Ada found a small leather bag inside the suitcase. It wasn't Ada's, but it had Esmeralda, E.J.T. written on it.

Opening the small leather bag, Ada found a small pile of gold galleons inside, probably thirty or forty.

Ada now has a lot of question marks. Who sent this, Professor McGonagall? Professor Dumbledore? Or the annoying Professor Snape?

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