Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 43 Spiders are just pets

The three people ran forward without daring to stop. They were about to leave.

Spiders were also scurrying behind them, their eight giant legs and pointed claws making people feel heart-stopping. But when they reached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, they stopped chasing Ada and the twins.

But they didn't leave either. They were circling around anxiously, as if hesitating whether to chase them out. The supper that reached their mouths flew away, which was really not a big deal.

In the end, this group of giant spiders did not leave the Forbidden Forest. They just stared unwillingly at the three Adas who were gradually moving away. The group of spiders retreated slowly, leaving only the remains of severed limbs on the ground where they passed.

Ada and the twins finally left the Forbidden Forest, and they could already clearly see Hagrid's cabin. After seeing the spider behind them finally leaving, the three of them felt relieved and began to adjust their breaths. The three of them were exhausted from the wild run just now.

Ada gasped for air and held her knees with both hands. She said, Why do the three of us have to experience these bad things every time we go out?

I don't know! The twins shook their heads together. They were also very tired, but they were much better than Ada. This was the physical difference between men and women.

This is not the first time for the two of us to come to the Forbidden Forest. Fred said.

But it's the first time I've encountered something like this, George said.

You two will be fine together, but if you add me, something will happen. Do you blame me? Ada said with a smile, Don't call me if something like this happens next time. I can't bear this shock! The cold air she inhaled in big gulps made her body feel cold.

It's okay, you're scared, you'll get used to it. The twins comforted them, but this comfort sounded like a slap in the face.

Who? Who's there? A thick voice came through the night accompanied by a burst of barking. It was Hagrid's voice.

In order not to be caught, the twins could only drag Ada, who was breathing heavily, to continue running. Being pulled along, Ada felt that her breathing sounded like a broken bellows.

After going through all kinds of hardships, the three people finally returned to the warm castle. Fred held the Marauder's Map to search for Filch's traces. Ada was still breathing heavily. George gently stroked Ada's back to help her breathe. With George's help, Ada finally regained her breath after resting for a while.

Fred, who was holding a map, led the way, followed closely by Ada and George, and the three of them walked towards the common room.

George suddenly thought of something and burst into laughter. He said, Fred, what do you think if we catch a spider from the Forbidden Forest and bring it back to Ron?

What a genius idea. It's enough to catch one the size of a washbasin. If it's too big, it will hurt him. Fred said seriously, as if he was thinking about Ron.

Good guy, Ada said in her heart, good guy! What do you two think about giving Ron a big spider?

I beg you, just be human! Ada said, Are you sure Ron won't kill you two?

It was because of our original mistake that he was afraid of spiders.

So as brothers we have to take responsibility and eliminate his fear of spiders.

The twins spoke plausibly, and their righteous speeches left Ada speechless. Ron must have done all the bad things in his last life to be the younger brother of you two in this life.

Again, we're just trying our best to help little Ronnie get over his fear.

Little Ronnie is our dearest relative, and didn't you also say that the best way to eliminate fear is to overcome it?

Ada wanted to reply, I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense, but she couldn't say it because she was the one who made the comment about fear first.

I'm sorry, Ron, it was your sister who tricked you. Ada thought to herself. Ada thought of their little sister again, so she asked the twins, You wouldn't do the same to Ginny, would you?

Ginny? How could that happen? Fred looked surprised.

That's our sister!

The younger sister is a close relative, but the younger brother is not! Ada felt sorry for Ron in her heart for three seconds.

Ada went to bed after returning to the dormitory. The running all the way consumed her too much energy, and she was tired and slept very comfortably that night.

The next day, Ada and the other three saw Hagrid entering the castle. The three of them said hello to Hagrid and wanted to leave. After all, they just escaped from Hagrid last night.

But Hagrid didn't seem to notice the three people's embarrassment. Instead, he asked the twins with concern, You two haven't been to the Forbidden Forest recently, have you?

No, you won't let us go! the twins replied, pretending to be calm.

That's good, that's good. Hagrid felt relieved after hearing what the twins said.

Ada, who was not suspected, asked Hagrid: Hagrid, what's wrong?

There are always people breaking into the Forbidden Forest recently, and it was the same last night. Hagrid whispered, but his voice was still low, Fred, George, the Forbidden Forest has been a bit uneasy these days, you must be careful Don’t go.”

After Ada glanced at the twins, she said to Hagrid: Hagrid, I will watch them and not let them cause trouble for you. What happened in the Forbidden Forest recently?

Hagrid looked at the students passing by, lowered his voice again, and said mysteriously: Someone entered the Forbidden Forest last week, and many animals were harmed. Yesterday, someone broke in again, Arago Many of Gram's children were killed.

Ada didn't know who entered the Forbidden Forest last week, but the one who went to the Forbidden Forest yesterday and killed many Aragog's children must have escaped. These big and playful spiders were indeed Hagrid's pet.

I shouldn't tell you this. Anyway, you have been far away from the Forbidden Forest recently. Hagrid pushed the three of them behind him and pushed Ada and the others into the auditorium. Dumbledore is too busy this year, so these clowns dare to Come to Hogwarts to cause trouble.

After entering the auditorium, Ada saw Dumbledore, whom she had not seen for a long time. He was sitting in the principal's seat, smiling and chatting with Professor McGonagall.

Dumbledore had already made it clear that he would not run for Minister of Magic, once again rejecting the position.

With Dumbledore's return, all the monsters have disappeared. The three of Ada and Ida who were chased away by spiders no longer went to the Forbidden Forest, the twins no longer clamored to catch one, and Ron no longer had to receive such a big gift during the holidays.

The weather has improved, and the Quidditch match at Hogwarts is about to resume, with Gryffindor playing this Saturday. Charlie has been leading special training with the team members these days, and Fred and George will also go. The two of them are very happy as partners. Ada also followed and continued her job as a cheerleader.

Only on Friday, Ada, the cheerleader, missed Gryffindor training and she was detained again.

Ada once again took back the position of her main T and once again shared most of Snape's firepower. In this class, Snape's difficulty in making things difficult for Ada was no longer an over-the-top issue. If Ada could answer his questions, she wouldn't have to sit here.

After class, a mountain of jobs appeared in front of Ada, and she could say goodbye to her dinner. This time, Snape did not brew the potion in front of Ada, but sat in his seat and read a book.

The two people stayed together in the same room for a whole night without saying a word. It's like two people are competing and whoever speaks first loses.

At about eight o'clock, Ada finally finished all the work. She first packed up the materials she had processed, and then said: Professor, can I leave?

Ada lost tonight's silence contest. Snape had left midway, probably to eat. It was obviously not his character to bring food back, so Ada was a little hungry now.

Snape nodded, indicating that she could go, and implemented the principle that silence is golden to the end.

After getting permission, Ada put all the tools away. She should have left immediately, but she still had some questions to ask Snape.

Professor, was it Foley who attacked Daniel?

It has nothing to do with you. Snape didn't even raise his head.

Ada asked again: Is he the one who forced his way into the common rooms of the four colleges?

This is not your concern. Snape looked up at Ada, who had combed her loose hair into a ponytail to make it easier to work.

What about the Forbidden Forest? Hagrid said someone broke into the Forbidden Forest?

Your self-righteousness will eventually harm you. Snape lowered his head again, not wanting to look at her again, Winnie!

A female house elf suddenly appeared in the classroom. The elf bowed deeply to Snape and Ada, her long nose almost touching the floor of the underground classroom.

Winnie, send her back! Snape ordered.

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