Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 36 Ada’s Prophecy

That night, Ada met with Fred and George in the common room, and when no one was paying attention to them, the three of them slipped out quietly.

The three of Ada arrived on the fifth floor with the help of the [Illusion Body Curse] and the Marauder's Map. Because the curfew time had already passed, they did not meet other students along the way. They didn't meet Filch and his cat either. Filch was patrolling the third floor at the moment, and Mrs. Lorris was also far away.

The three people entered the secret passage one after another, with Ada leading the way and the twins following closely behind. However, the three of them did not stay in the secret passage for too long, and went back after wandering around for a while.

There were no additional secret rooms in the secret passage marked on the Marauder's Map, and Ada felt much more balanced.

Ada and the twins left here to check out other secret passages marked on the map. They didn't know when the map was made, so it was even more necessary to check these secret passages in person.

However, when the three of them checked the new secret passage, they were almost discovered by Filch. If they hadn't noticed Filch's movements on the map in advance, Professor McGonagall would have been disturbed from sleep again.

Ada, Fred, and George left the secret passage ahead of time and hid quietly aside. After a while, they saw Filch walking over.

He first looked for something on the ground, and then entered the secret passage. Apparently, when Ada and the other two entered the secret passage, they destroyed the mark Filch had left in advance.

This secret passage can be abandoned. Filch knows this place and will mark it in advance. Anyone entering here will be discovered by him who is passing by on patrol. There is no secret in this secret passage.

The three of them didn't say anything in the corridor until they returned to the common room and started chatting.

Filch seems to know the school very well, but I'm not sure which secret passage he knows? Ada asked.

The twins shook their heads together. They were also very curious about this. They really underestimated the old loser Filch. He really had two skills.

Does he know where the Whomping Willow is? George said with a smirk after recalling the locations of several secret passages.

I hope he knows that I really want to see him get beaten up by the Whomping Willow. Fred burst into laughter.

Stop laughing, I already have a picture... Ada also thought of it, and she seemed to see the scene in front of her of Filch being hit horizontally and vertically by the thick branches of the Whomping Willow.

No more, Ada, who usually didn't smile, couldn't hold it in any longer, and she started to giggle along with the twins. The originally quiet lounge instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The three people who were laughing so hard that they were about to burst into tears finally stopped. It wasn't that they didn't respect Filch as an old man, but that some of the things he did were really unpalatable.

The vacation is over, and they need to get up early to go to class tomorrow. After the three of them made an appointment to have breakfast together, they went back to rest.

Ada got up early the next day. She sat in the lounge and memorized the spell while waiting for the twins to come down. But after waiting for a long time, she still didn't see the twins. She knew that the two of them must be sleeping in, and she was afraid that they would not be able to get off for a while.

Ada didn't want to wait any longer, so she walked directly into the boys' dormitory.

Seeing Ada suddenly appearing here, the male students were startled, causing feathers all over the dormitory. They are still young. If Gryffindor had a housekeeper, these male students would be used to it.

Ada, who kept her eyes peeled along the way, finally arrived at the twins' dormitory after experiencing a lot of excitement along the way. It happened that one of the twins' roommates was about to leave, so she didn't have to knock on the door.

Under the surprised gaze of this male classmate, Ada walked in directly without any embarrassment. They saw Fred, George and Lee Jordan sleeping soundly in their respective beds, unaware of Ada's arrival.

Although the dormitory was a bit messy, fortunately there was no strange smell, and there was no smell of heather, so Ada put down her right hand covering her mouth and nose.

She first walked to Fred's bed, reached out and pinched his nose. Fred, who was having difficulty breathing, woke up instantly and looked at Ada in front of him in confusion.

Fred was in disbelief. He rubbed his eyes vigorously with both hands, and then suddenly pulled up the quilt to protect himself.

How will you be here?

Who? Fred, what did you say? Who is where? George sat up immediately after hearing his brother's voice. After seeing Ada, he also hugged the quilt in front of him, Why are you here? ?”

What's wrong... what are you yelling for... to prevent people from sleeping... The voice came from the only person in the room who was not awake.

You two, get up! Ada clapped her hands and said to the twins with a look of disgust, Put away the shy expression on your face, this expression is not suitable for you two.

Why is there a girl's voice...Did I have a dream? Lee Jordan, who was still immersed in his sleep, muttered drowsily.

Ada grabbed Fred's pillow and threw it directly towards Lee Jordan, who was talking nonsense. Li Jordan, who was hit by the pillow, finally opened his eyes and made the same movements as the twins when he woke up.

Why are you here? The confused twins and Lee Jordan said in unison, real 3D surround sound.

Meet in the common room in ten minutes, any questions? Ada held a book in her hand, looking like she was ready to throw it out at any moment.

The three of them nodded together, not daring to refute, but did not make any move with their hands.

You are so slow. Are ten minutes too much? Ada threatened, weighing the book in her hand.

Can you please go out first? Fred asked humbly.

Don't worry, I have no interest in looking at the small bodies of the three of you. I'm afraid I'll get needle eyes. Ada said disdainfully, but she still left the dormitory and closed the dormitory door.

After another bout of drama, Ada returned to the common room.

Five minutes later, the neatly dressed twins appeared in front of Ada, who was resting, and by the way, there was also Lee Jordan.

In the auditorium, Fred asked again about what had just happened. He said, Why did you show up in the boys' dormitory?

George and Lee Jordan also looked at Ada, Angelina and Aaliyah also looked at her curiously, and Ada nodded to them to indicate that she had indeed gone.

The expressions of the two girls became more exciting, with three parts surprise, three parts blame and four parts as if they were asking why they were not taken with them. It was an old fan diagram.

Of course I asked you to come to eat together, otherwise? Ada said nonchalantly as she drank her porridge. Don't tell me, the house elves are really good at their craftsmanship.

We know this. What we are asking is how did you get in? George stretched his neck and asked.

You walked in... After seeing the expressions of the three boys who wanted to strangle her, Ada could only tell the truth, Girls can enter the boys' dormitory at Hogwarts.

Then... A boy sitting nearby suddenly interrupted, having an unrealistic idea.

But boys are not allowed to enter the girls' dormitory. Ada tore the bread and made a cut.

The twins, along with Lee Jordan and several other boys nearby, said in unison, That's not fair!

Shivering! When will Hogwarts male students stand up!

How do you know? Alia asked curiously, pulling on Ada's sleeve.

I always go to the library with Senior Sister Smith during holidays. She is a very talkative person.

Is there anything else interesting? The twins quickly stepped out of the shadows. They were now even more curious about what the senior sister had said to Ada.

Is it okay if Snape doesn't like washing his hair? Ada glanced at Snape on the teacher's bench, and immediately lowered her head after just one glance. After all, there was no need to be in trouble with breakfast.

Can this be counted? Isn't this something everyone recognizes?

Then Filch... Ada was interrupted by the twins before she could finish her words.

No one knows Filch better than we do, the twins said together.

That's okay. Senior Sister Smith is not you. She plans to work in the Ministry of Magic in the future, Ada said.

The senior named Smith did talk to her a lot, but they were basically about study and work. These topics were basically not of interest to first-year students.

Fred said disapprovingly: Dad works at the Ministry of Magic.

The expression on George's face was the same as well. He added: You get up early and work late at night. You work hard for a month but your income is not very good.

Looking at the two second-generation officials in front of her, Ada said: Maybe one day the Weasley family will have a Minister of Magic? Like Percy?

Stop it, it's impossible for Percy to be an official fan in his life. George waved his hands in disgust.

Fred immediately began to swear, he said: If Percy becomes Minister of Magic, I will eat your favorite armchair!

Say Percy, say Percy, what do you mean by that armchair? What did the armchair do wrong again? Ada thought.

I heard from my family that the Ministry of Magic is going to change its leadership, said Lee Jordan. Minister Millicent Barnold is resigning.

Several boys began to discuss who would be the next Minister of Magic. Discussing this in front of girls didn't know if they were really straight or if they hadn't grown up at all.

The twins had little interest in the subject, preferring the Joke Shop to the Ministry of Magic.

It would be even better if you could open your own joke shop!

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