Hogwarts Emerald

Chapter 34 Secret Base

The next morning, Ada did not go to the secret passage again, although there was always a little self in her ears tempting her: Go to the underground room and have a look... Go to the underground room and have a look.

Ada chose to go to the library with the senior who gave her the hat before. This senior Smith wanted to work in the Ministry of Magic and become a civil servant after graduation. Ada asked her about the employment issues of Hogwarts graduates, and Senior Smith's answer made Ada feel that her future was gloomy.

The low employment rate has always been a problem for Hogwarts graduates. The number of people in the wizarding world is a drop in the bucket compared to Muggles, and the jobs available are also very limited.

Wizards generally live longer and work for longer years. Ada has never heard of retirement in the magic world, so there are not many positions that are vacant every year. Haven't you seen that Professor McGonagall is still working conscientiously even though she is so old?

Hogwarts provides fresh blood to the wizarding world every year. Every year, graduates and promotions need jobs. However, it is obvious that the wizarding world cannot provide so many positions. This has resulted in the employment rate of Hogwarts graduates and promotions. low question.

Is Hogwarts, which is not only teaching but also teaching and assigning, worthy of being called the best magic school in the world? It's far worse than Bluefly. Ada thought.

While sitting in the auditorium having lunch, Ada discovered that Benedick Foley actually appeared in the teacher's seat. Apparently the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor had returned early. Foley may have loved his teaching job deeply, or he may have come back looking for something.

The appearance of Welfare made Ada not happy with her lunch. She always felt that this mysterious professor was full of danger.

In the afternoon, Ada stayed in the dormitory again. She forced herself to calm down and not be affected by the constant noise of the little man in the ear. Ada held the book in her hand, but her attention would shift away from the book in front of her as she read, which was extremely inefficient.

At night, Ada kept walking around the dormitory. Unable to bear the temptation, she decided to go to the secret passage on the fifth floor again.

In the dark underground room, Ada once again created a little sun, and with the help of its light, Ada continued to search in the room.

Although it is unclear who built this secret room, since this predecessor built this room underground, it means that the room has its own meaning.

If it was just to build a secret passage to Hogsmeade, there would be no need to go to such great lengths. The investment in this room was obviously much greater than that of a secret passage.

Existence is reasonable, so Ada believes that there must be secrets hidden in this giant room that she has not discovered yet. This is why she cannot meditate all day today.

Ada held the torch high and observed the statues in the room. These giant statues stood on the stone slabs with their feet on the ground, supporting the dome of the room with their hands and shoulders.

The overall shape of the statue reminds Ada of the mythical Atlas, the Titan who was punished to stand on the body of the earth goddess Gaia and hold up the sky god Ouranos. Whether these giants holding up the sky imitated Atlas or were simply coincidences, Ada was not sure.

A closer look at one statue after another of Ada shows that although their shapes are very unified, their expressions are different, and no two statues with exactly the same facial expressions can be found.

Ada walked around the room several times. Apart from the original two entrances and exits, she didn't find any other passages, and there was nothing strange about them.

It seems that always thinking about nothing is not a good thing! Ada muttered. Her voice spread in the empty room and bounced back when the sound waves hit the wall. These echoes seemed to confirm her thoughts.

Maybe this is just a safe house built to resist foreign enemies. I'm thinking too much. Ada thought to herself.

Ada, who found nothing, was not depressed. On the contrary, her expression looked more relaxed. There are no amazing secrets in this room. You can set this place as a secret base. Isn't this the meaning of its existence?

The only thing that needs to be paid attention to is probably not to be hit by falling rocks. As for whether the place will collapse, Ada has not considered this issue for the time being. She feels that she has survived it for so many years, and it is not bad in the past few years. Just ask it to hold on.

Ada will graduate in a few years. Whether this room wants to collapse or explode on the spot will have nothing to do with her.

Ada raised her wand. She planned to practice her spells here. The place was large enough but also very private.

Yingadim Leviosa! She first raised a stone on the ground with the [Levitation Spell]. After reaching a certain height, she canceled the spell. The stone floating in the air, which had lost the support of magic power, began to move rapidly. Falling.

Shattered to pieces! [Crushing Curse] was launched at the stone. The stone fell very fast. Ada's spell did not hit it, but hit the wall behind.

Ada is still unable to hit 100% of moving objects, so she deliberately controlled her magic power to make the spell less powerful. This reduced version of the [Crushing Curse] only made a small hole in the wall and did not cause any serious consequences.

Yingardim Leviosa! Ada repeated the previous operation and once again made the rocks fly. But this time, as the stone fell, Ada's spell successfully hit the target, and the stone exploded in the air.

There was no joy after success, and Ada's expression was dull. In her opinion, she just did a trivial thing, but she still felt that what she did was not good enough.

Dumbledore should be able to destroy this place with a single spell, but Ada is still far behind.

Although she has mastered many spells now, these spells can also help Ada in life, but that's all.

A wizard of life, Ada uses this title to evaluate herself now. This evaluation also applies to many people in the magical world. They master magic and have magical powers, but they are still ordinary people in essence.

This is a very simple truth. Many students at Hogwarts can pass the wizard level exam, but not many can eventually become an Auror or a respected great wizard. Most people It is to spend a life doing nothing.

Being an ordinary person who can cast spells obviously cannot satisfy Ada, so she naturally refuses to be ordinary when she lives a new life. Ada wants to be a great wizard, either admired by everyone like Dumbledore, or someone who is feared.

Everything is for this great goal!

Therefore, Ada has been carrying out similar exercises during this half semester. This kind of exercise is a small step on her journey to greatness. Now that her spell hit rate has been greatly improved, it is not a problem to beat a child, but if she faces an expert, Ada may not have a chance to survive.

Most spells can be resisted or counteracted by using defensive spells to avoid or deflect attacks. Excellent wizards can even bounce evil spells back. This is what Ada saw in the duel book. This ability makes Ada envious.

But the prerequisite for the spell to be blocked is that your spell can hit the effective area, just like the strike zone in baseball. If the spell is too crooked, they don't even have to block it, they just stand there and watch your monkey show.

Then when the opponent is not paying attention to you, he will give you a cold blow and hit you hard. You can't avoid it and you will be knocked to the ground. Thinking about it, you feel aggrieved. It will be as aggrieved as you want.

This is the gap in actual combat experience, and it is a shortcoming that Ada cannot make up for at this stage.

After warming up with a few larger stones, Ada began to target small stones and began to lengthen the distance between herself and the stones.

Under the influence of Ada's [Crushing Spell], there are more and more rubbles in the underground room, and the demolition team is in great need of talents like her. After practicing for a long time, Ada felt a little tired and it was time to go back.

Ada walked back, kicking the gravel, and her current look was in line with what she should look like.

After returning to the castle from the underground room, Ada noticed that the curfew time had passed. Instead of worrying about the employment rate, Ada felt that what she might need now was a watch.

In the dark underground room, it is easy for people to ignore the passage of time. If Ada always goes there to practice, she might even miss class one day.

Ada, who cast the [Disillusionment Curse] on herself, walked slowly on the way back to Gryffindor, waving her wand all night, which consumed a lot of her energy.

If only I knew where the kitchen is! Ada walked back to the lounge silently, holding her stomach.

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