Conno was still playing with his wand, not paying much attention to what Ollivander said.

Ollivander was much more agitated, and he casually pulled out a few wand boxes and handed the wand inside to Conno.

"Mr. Conno, try this one, beech wood, phoenix feathers, thirteen inches.

Conno waved his wand, and an inch-long aura appeared on the tip of the wand, revealing an orange glow in the silver-white qi.

"Strange ......," Ollivander handed over another wand, "vine wood, unicorn tail hair, nine and four-fifths of an inch."

Conno picked up his wand and flicked it, making a whooshing sound. Grapevine wood is a much more flexible material, like a soft whip.

As Conno swung it, his wand was evenly wrapped in a soft layer of silvery-white aura.

"Something is wrong!" Ollivanders' brow began to tighten, "Try this one again, pine, dragon heartstrings, eleven inches."

Kong Nuo let out a sword ray, and the sharp sword disappeared silently into the floor, leaving a thin and long gap.

"Incredible...... Unbelievable......" Ollivander wiped the sweat from his forehead, his pupils seemed to drift again, "What about this one? hornbeam, unicorn tail hair, thirteen and a half inches.

Kong Nuo once again swung out a sword ray, and the sword still silently sank into the ground, exactly the same shape as the previous gap.

"You can do all these wands, they feel good. Conno put the straight wand into Oliver's hand, "How many wands do you have made of wood, pack me a few of each." "

Ollivander is still immersed in his own little world, and he is completely oblivious to the big business that Conno just mentioned.

He had just given Conno to try, and each wand was targeted.

Like a wand made of beech wood, it will choose those who are more superior to be its masters, and at the same time will resist the narrow-minded and intolerant.

The wand made of vine wood is more spiritual and more critical, and will even take the initiative to choose those visionary and excellent wizards as their masters.

The straight pine wand is more inclined to choose the maverick wizard as its master, and it is also the fastest to accept new inventions and spells.

The hornbeam also has its own preference for choosing its own owner, preferring wizards who have a single and pure passion for things, and will show resistance to those who are half-hearted.

It was precisely because all kinds of wands made of wood would have their own choices that he would be greatly shocked after Conno tried various wands.

Each wand is unique, and different lengths, different woods, different cores, and different wand makers will all affect the final wand finish.

Wandology is a complex and mysterious discipline of magic that every wandmaker learns.

For them, "the wand chooses the wizard" is the ultimate truth of this science.

This is also a truth that Ollivanders has always believed in, and from the moment each wand finds its owner, the wand and the wizard begin to grow with each other.

Different species of fish have a piece of water that is most suitable for their survival, and the relationship between the wizard and the wand is like the relationship between water and fish.

A freshwater fish can't get into the sea, and a marine fish can't stand the environment of a river.

However, the appearance of Conno seems to negate the ultimate truth of "wand chooses wizard", which is the magic wand.

As a wand maker, Ollivander can sense the feedback that appears when the wand is held by a wizard, whether it is excitement, resistance, calm, etc., he can sense it.

Through those wands held in Conno's hands, the emotions that Ollivander was able to sense in them were surprisingly unified, and that was to complement each other.

It seems that there is no need to go through the process of running-in between Conno and each wand, and once the two come into contact, the tacit understanding between them can reach the best state.

The most terrifying thing is that the strong choice preference of each wand invariably chooses to ignore the moment it comes into contact with Conno.

These wands ignore their own insistence, and instinctively cater to Connoux as long as they can assist him in casting spells.

The appearance of this person in front of him almost shattered the worldview that Ollivander had spent almost his entire life building, and even gave a heavy blow to the truth of "the wand chooses the wizard".

Unaware of Ollivander's current brainstorming, Conno had already begun to pick out his wand on his own.

Ollivanders' wands are of good quality, the surface is well polished, shiny and shiny, and there is no smell of paint, so his requirements for wands are much simpler.

First of all, the wand must be straight, the straighter the better, so that it can be used for more purposes.

Second, each type of wand of the same wood can be made into a pair.

In order to avoid losing one of his chopsticks (crossed-out) wands, he needs to choose a wand that looks almost the same and make sure that he has a spare wand to use immediately.

Williamson stood aside and persuaded, "Mr. Conno, the wand chooses a wizard, this is the philosophy that Mr. Ollivander has always adhered to, would you like to choose the one you like the most?"

Conno tilted his head and glanced at Williamson, "Isn't this a wand shop?

He patted Ollivander again, who was thinking about the meaning of life, "Mr. Ollivanders, I want to buy a few more, right?"

Williamson scratched his head and continued to persuade him, "I accompanied the wizards from the Mold Country to Diagon Alley to visit, and they also took a fancy to Mr. Ollivanders' wand and wanted to make a large purchase.

"But Ollivander as a craftsman, he didn't want his wand to be in the hands of an unsuitable wizard, so he refused that time......"

"No, I agreed. Ollivander interrupted Williamson, looked up at the ceiling at a forty-five degree angle, and let out a long sigh, "You choose the wand you want." He

seems to have aged more than ten years at once, and his original energetic demeanor has become a little more vicissitudes, and he is a little old.

Ollivander dragged out his voice and began to introduce Conno to the material of the staff, and his moon-like eyes became gray and a little dim.

Conno briefly described his request, and the wandmaker began to weave between the shelves.

The most amazing thing about Ollivander is his memory, there are thousands of wands in the entire wand shop, and there are forty kinds of wood used in wands.

But he was able to pull out the wand box exactly what it was going to do, and he couldn't go wrong at all.

Soon, in the middle of the store, a hill of wand boxes was piled up.

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