Global Plunder: Start with Heart of Darkness

Chapter 78 Harbinger of Disaster

Gu Yu had a hard time understanding it. He didn't believe that everyone couldn't see the risks involved.

Old Wang, is there a gas spring near your Temple of War? Gu Yu directly found Wang Dong.

Yes, but the stubborn Eight Tribesmen are still intercepting it outside the city. We cannot collect the gas smoothly. We are about to buy it in the market. Can you sell us 1,000 units?

Wang Dong happened to be looking for Gu Yu. Although the large forces of the eight tribes retreated, the harassment continued.

Seeing that many people have become powerful due to gas, the senior officials of the Temple of War are also very anxious, hoping to break the situation as soon as possible.

Old Wang, listen to me. This kind of gas spring may be mixed with toxins. After inhaling it, the temperament of the creature will become extremely belligerent. I advise you not to use it lightly.

Gu Yu tried his best to dissuade Wang Dong from taking risks.

What's the point? It's not a bad thing to be belligerent. As long as you can become stronger quickly, some side effects are nothing. Wang Dong said indifferently.

Things are not that simple. Believe me, there may be a huge conspiracy behind this...

Brother, I understand what you said, but now the Temple of War is in danger. If we don't get stronger, why don't we sit back and wait for death? Thank you for your reminder, I appreciate it!

Wang Dong interrupted Gu Yu impatiently. The current situation in the Temple of War also forced him to have no choice.

Gu Yu also fell silent. He found that among the entire human race on earth, perhaps he was the only one who could keep himself awake in the world.

It's not that people outside can't see the side effects of gas, it's that they don't care at all.

As long as they can become stronger and survive in this world of cannibalism, they are willing to take risks and seek quick success, even if it means... drinking poison to quench their thirst.

With this understanding, Gu Yu also began to actively respond. First, he called the goblin alchemist Gargamel.

Gargamel, put down all your work, study gas with all your strength, and dig out its secrets.

Great Patriarch, I will work hard to complete your mission, but... I need more manpower and resources. Gargamel said flatteringly.

No problem, I will let Mei Ninghua fully support you. If you need any help, just tell her, but I hope to see your results before the end of next week.

Yes, my clan leader, but can you point out a research direction? Do you want to develop weapons and equipment, or biological modification?

You first analyze the harmful components in the gas and find out how to resolve them. Well, you can ask Mr. Swann, he should be able to help you.

Okay, respected patriarch, your wish will be fulfilled.

Do a good job, Gargamel, I'm optimistic about you! Gu Yu encouraged.

Gargamel felt the patriarch's great attention, looked very excited, and left with his head held high.

Xiao Huahua, we have recently accelerated our hoarding of resources and prepared for war.

Xiao Qingqing, our city defense construction needs to be accelerated. The work in the blacksmith house will be slowed down for now. In addition, I will allocate a group of manpower to you from the mine.

Lao Ai, you need to step up the training of your troops, and the security in the city must be good. There must be no accidents.

Shadow One and Shadow Two, you are responsible for the security around Dark Sky City. If there is any danger, notify me immediately!

Black Pineapple, take all the silver-level Dark Poison Eyes and the Obsidian Golem and go mine the nearby gas springs. Remember to pay attention to the isolation.

A series of instructions were issued, and Gu Yu's mood gradually calmed down.

Since the general trend is the general trend, then he should go with the trend and prepare with all his strength.

Although he does not intend to use those gas springs, it does not prevent him from selling them to others, at most not to Lao Wang.

He also likes making war fortune.

In the next two days, in addition to honing his combat skills in the training ground, Gu Yu has been paying close attention to changes in the outside world.

However, the human race in the outside world does not seem to have any big problems. At least on the surface, all those who have used gas claim that their strength has greatly increased.

The civilization of many forces has also made great progress in a short period of time due to the emergence of gas springs.

Although there is no Silver-level civilization, there are already many more high-level Bronze-level civilizations.

Many monster treasure houses and civilization ruins that were previously afraid or unwilling to go are now visited by expedition teams, and I heard that some people have made huge gains.

Some people have begun to covet those mysterious and powerful alien races.

They feel that at the current rate of expansion in strength, it won't be long before they can conquer foreign races.

If the only problem is that the number of battles within the human race is increasing every day, both individual people and forces are becoming more and more warlike.

Well, there is another small problem. After inhaling a large amount of gas, the skin of the creature will turn green, which looks a bit strange.

However, this small flaw is nothing compared to its great strength.

Especially warlike forces like the Eight Tribes, they suddenly discovered to their surprise that war mobilization had become easier.

In the past, most of the members were peaceful. No matter how much they trained, some would still fight passively, but now everyone is a militant who gets inflamed at the slightest sign.

Therefore, there is no need for excuses for war.

On the morning of February 3, the battle between the Eight Tribes and the Temple of War broke out again.

The scale of this war is unprecedented.

The eight tribes not only came out in full force, but also united eighteen large and small forces, including the Fuso Society, as well as multiple mercenary groups headed by the Judgment Hand, with a total strength of nearly one hundred thousand.

The Temple of War also gathered a large number of rebels, including not only the seven medium-sized forces such as Tianhen and Xuanyuan Pavilion, but also reinforcements who quietly came from the Chaos Forest and Fallen Star Swamp, with a number of more than 30,000.

Although there is a huge disparity in military strength between the two sides, the Temple of War is defended by a fortified city. The entire city has been transformed into a giant fortress, with hundreds of arrow towers and forts built.

If the siege force of the Temple of War was less than a thousand people, they would basically be shot to death without even being able to touch the city wall.

With such tragic battle losses, a few days ago, the Eight Tribes would not have been able to fight anyway.

But now the warlike mood has made the soldiers forget the fear of death. They are more eager for the stimulation of blood and the glory of victory.

Not only the Land of Shattered Sky, but also the Chaos Forest and Fallen Star Swamp were fiercely fought. Almost everyone lost their minds during the war.

Except Gu Yu.

He discovered a terrible phenomenon.

The green gas in the gas spring is spreading rapidly to the outside world under the cover of fog.

Deep in the Skyshattering Land, the gas in the air is almost everywhere.

Although the current content is still very small and the impact on ordinary creatures is minimal, if things go on like this for a long time, he is worried that the people in Dark Sky City will also become fanatical and warlike.

Gu Yu felt anxious about the secret he discovered.

He didn't know yet that the trouble before him was just a precursor to disaster.

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