Wu Ya, you flying insect people want to evacuate, are you still not allowing us to leave? Do we have to stay and wait to die? Bai Ke asked.

Stop talking nonsense. Before I ordered you to evacuate, all your actions were acts of rebellion. Kill them!

Following Wuya's order, all the robot guards swarmed forward, picked up their machine guns and fired at Bai Ke and others.

Bai Ke's mood was complicated. These robot guards were originally made with a large amount of materials. Unexpectedly, they were now cheaper than Wu Ya.

It has few people, only a few armored vehicles, and is not equipped with heavy weapons, so it can only keep retreating.

Seeing more and more robot guards rushing towards him, Bai Ke knew he couldn't escape.

Come on, follow me to the ammunition depot.

Since he couldn't leave, Bai Ke wanted to blow up the ammunition depot so that Wuya wouldn't be able to take advantage.

Under Bai Ke's command, several armored vehicles drove as fast as they could, crashing through countless checkpoints on the road and arriving at the ammunition depot.

This place is also seizing the opportunity to evacuate. The guards guarding this place are all Queyan people.

When they saw an armored vehicle intruding, they opened fire.

But Bai Ke wanted to die together and directly asked his men to drive armored vehicles to attack the ammunition depot.

Immediately, there was a violent explosion, a mushroom cloud rose up, and the entire Baiyu City felt violent vibrations.

None of the Queyan guards present survived.

Many of the robot guards chasing Bai Ke were also destroyed by bombs.

Wuya was so angry that her eyes were splitting, and she wished she could kill all the white fish people for revenge.

But in the end he was pulled back by his confidants.

Sir, Bai Ke is already dead. It's not worth killing other Baiyu guards and researchers for him!

Wuya gritted her teeth and ordered the evacuation of Baiyu City.

Because the ammunition depot exploded, Whitefish City became even more unstable, and a large amount of magma poured in, causing more buildings and materials to be destroyed.

Wu Ya led her men to evacuate, being very cautious along the way, fearing that they would be discovered by Taxi.

If Taxi gets the news and leads the Haituo people to catch up, it will be another fierce battle.

By then, the Flying Insect Man will be finished.

Perhaps because of Wuya's better luck, Queyan City was also affected by the underground magma.

Previously, Taxi had always believed that the volcano was far away from Queyan City and the magma would not erupt.

As the ground cracks, magma continues to gush out.

Although not much magma gushes out, it still affects the normal life in Queyan City.

Taxi was worried about the expansion of cracks and mobilized multiple satellites to check the status of surrounding crustal movements.

Fortunately, the matter is not serious. The state of the entire planet has changed. The invisible power is gradually disappearing. It won't be long before the magma will stop erupting.

Is the extradimensional space disaster coming to an end?

Taxi is not sure, he can only hope so. As long as this disaster passes as soon as possible, it will be sure to eliminate the flying insects.

At this time, a guard ran over in a hurry.

Sir, what's wrong, the flying insects have withdrawn from Baiyu City?

What? When did they evacuate? Taxi asked in surprise.

It should have been half a day ago. Because the surrounding magma was spewing out so fiercely, we didn't find them for a while.

Asshole, I'll settle the score with you later, come with me to chase them. Taxi said angrily.

Sir, this journey is very dangerous. There is lava pouring out everywhere. If you don't pay attention, something will happen.

The flying insects can leave, why can't we leave?

Taxi personally led a group of Haituo guards to pursue Wuya's flying insects.

For safety, all Haituo guards drive amphibious motorboats and fly at low altitudes.

This kind of motorboat can not only fly at low altitude, but also glide on the water and snow, and can also drive in the water.

It's just that accidents kept happening. As he ran, a burst of magma would suddenly surge out of the ground and overturn the amphibious motorboat.

The unlucky Haitu guards will be burned to death on the spot and swallowed by the lava.

If you look at this planet from a satellite, you will find that its surface is full of cracks.

It seems that the intersecting power of different dimensions squeezed and tore it into this state.

Taxi chased for a long time but found no sign of Wuya.

Wuya was very cunning. After leaving Baiyu City, she deliberately took a road in the opposite direction. After leaving traces, she returned the same way, went around to another river, and walked along the river.

After several days of long journey, Wuya arrived at a small town, Shiyuan City.

The Shishan people here are on the verge of being eliminated due to the virus.

There are less than 3,000 Shishan people left in Shiyuan City, and there are only a few hundred guards capable of fighting.

Wu Ya directly led the guards, broke open the city gate, and occupied the entire city.

Later, they robbed the Shishan people of their supplies and cleared out all the infected Shishan people, leaving some Shishan people who could fight as guards.

Wuya was like an invincible Xiaoqiang, and began to expand and strengthen Shiyuan City, and continued to breed a new generation of flying insects.

But the good times didn't last long. When Wuya expanded the number of new generation flying insect people to 20,000, groups of insects flew over aimlessly.

After these bugs wiped out the mosquito city, they continued to spread and spread to all directions.

The location of Shiyuan City is closer to Mosquito City than Queyan City.

It also caused Wuya to be attacked by insects earlier than Taxi.

Wuya didn't take it seriously when the bugs attacked at first, because it came from the beetle civilization and had no aversion to dense bugs.

But I became nervous when I discovered that these terrifying bugs were like bullets when they struck. Even city walls could be knocked down and armored vehicles torn apart.

Damn it, this is unscientific? How can such a small insect have such a strong power?

Wuya frowned. She believed in genes. Because of this competition, she believed in science. Now her views have been overturned by bugs.

Wuya ordered a counterattack and did not hesitate to use all his strength.

Incendiary bombs detonated in the insect swarm.

But it didn't scare them away at all, and instead made the insect swarm even crazier.

Wuya desperately directed the flying insect people to fight back, but the number of insects was increasing and not decreasing at all.

It was like encountering a black sandstorm, and everything you looked at was filled with bugs.

When it accelerates and flies over, it can pierce your body like a bullet, which is very scary.

Wuya fell into despair.

It knows that Shiyuan City, which has not yet been expanded, will definitely not be able to withstand these insects, so it can only continue to evacuate and escape from here.

But after escaping again, it was very confused and didn't know if there was a chance to turn over.

Continuous failures are about to shatter its confidence.

Sir, please evacuate quickly. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave. Wuya's confidant reminded him.

Wuya hesitated again and again, and evacuated with a new generation of flying insect guards.

They quietly sneaked into the river, drove the previous chariots and submarines, and headed towards the sea.

Although it was done very covertly, bugs still followed.

The number is not very large, but it won’t be possible to get rid of it for a while.

Wuya didn't dare to fire, fearing to attract more insects, so she could only speed up her evacuation.

The flying insect escort that escaped with it was less than 10,000.

Even the white fish researcher Wu Ya cared about most didn't have time to bring him with him.

In the submarine, Wuya stared at the screen, staring at the bugs chasing after her on the screen.

I saw many chariots driven by flying insect men, which were overtaken by the insects. The flying insect man guards on the chariots were instantly devoured by them, and even the chariots were chewed up by the insects.

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