Grey Punishment, why have you lost weight? How is Ice Bear City?

Sir, Ice Bear City is about to be submerged by the blizzard. Can you find another brother to guard here! Gray Punishment said pitifully.

That's nonsense. You conquered Ice Bear City. Of course you guarded it. It's because you lacked supplies! Hui Mo said.

Your Excellency is wise, but this road is covered by blizzards. How can we transport these supplies to Ice Bear City? Moreover, I am running out of potions.

Hui Mo also had a headache.

Although Ice Bear City is not very far from Gray Wolf City, it is separated by several mountains and the weather on both sides is like two worlds.

In bad weather, if you don't go there for a day, the environment will change drastically. Once you get lost, you will never be able to find Ice Bear City.

As for satellite navigation, it is not easy to use in blizzard weather.

Because of the gray werewolf satellite, the technological level is also limited.

However, we can't let all the gray werewolf guards in Ice Bear City starve to death.

As I said last time, I asked you to think of a way to grow some vegetables and other things in the city, which can last for a few days!

Sir, even if we plant it, it won't grow that fast. How about I ask Hui Tian to take people to Gray Wolf City to get supplies? It is familiar with the route and nothing will happen to it, Hui Xing said.

Okay, that's fine, but I guess it won't be able to bring much back along the way! The transport vehicles don't even work well.

Use a snowmobile. Carry as much as you can. It's better than no supplies. If it doesn't work, let it run a few more times.

Okay, let it come! Hui Mo nodded without thinking much.

After ending the call, Hui Xing breathed a sigh of relief, finally being fooled.

Hui Tian is even more nervous, and it depends on him next.

Afterwards, Hui Tian led a group of gray wolves to drive a motorboat towards Gray Wolf City.

Taxi also followed with Mufu and others.

This time to attack Gray Wolf City, Taxi mobilized a Dimu people brigade and a Haituo people team, totaling nearly 50,000 people.

And there are only more than 60,000 guards in Gray Wolf City. Even if there is a head-on conflict, Taxi will not suffer.

Taxi personally led a Haituo special team and prepared to take the lead.

It followed Hui Tian quietly to the outside of Gray Wolf City.

Mufu and other large groups did not dare to get too close and waited for news of it in the distance.

I saw Hui Tian leading hundreds of Gray Wolf guards, riding snowmobiles, to the outside of Gray Wolf City for inspection.

Hui Tian was a little nervous, worried that the bomb on him would be discovered.

Fortunately, the gray werewolves who checked were not very strict. After confirming Hui Tian's identity, they counted the number of people and opened the door to let Hui Tian and others in.

Hui Tian looked back and saw no trace of Taxi and the others, which made him even more nervous.

According to the plan, after they step into the gate, they will attack the surrounding Gray Wolf guards, occupy the entrance, and wait for Taxi to attack Gray Wolf City.

If Tasi doesn't show up, or doesn't show up in time, their lives are in danger.

Hui Tian hesitated, should he take action or not?

Unknowingly, it led the people into Gray Wolf City, and saw that the Gray Wolf guards were about to close the gate.

Hui Tian took out his machine gun and shouted:

Do it!

The Gray Werewolf team following Hui Tian didn't hesitate. They all took out their machine guns and fired at their former companions.

There is no way, if they don't do anything, the bombs on them will explode.

Under the leadership of Hui Tian, ​​they quickly occupied the entrance to Gray Wolf City and killed all the surrounding guards.

But then, a piercing siren sounded, and a large number of guards rushed over.

After seeing Huitian's success, Taxi also sent a signal, asking Mufu and other large groups to rush over, and he rushed forward with the Haituo people's special team.

They did not bring many heavy weapons in this operation. They were equipped with laser machine guns, as well as various grenades and explosives.

Driving a snowmobile and rushing directly into Gray Wolf City, Taxi took the lead, picked up a laser machine gun, and fired at the Gray Wolf guards.

Seeing Taxi, Hui Tian breathed a sigh of relief. He had passed this level.

As long as Taxi is there, the Haituo people will definitely attack Gray Wolf City on a large scale.

Not long after, Hui Mo at the headquarters learned the news and became furious.

Damn it, Hui Tian, ​​this traitor, blow it up at all costs.

Yes, sir!

In addition, let all the artillery and tanks aim at the entrance where the Haituo people attack. Don't be afraid of collapsing the city wall. As long as they are killed, it will be okay to build the city wall later.

Under the command of Hui Mo, groups of gray werewolf guards began to take action.

I saw a dense barrage of artillery shells being fired over, and Taxi quickly led his people to avoid it.

Damn it, why haven't Mufu and the others come yet!

Before he finished speaking, a large number of Dimu people were seen rushing over.

Some set up laser cannons to bombard the gray werewolf cannons and tanks, and some rushed into the city and fought with Tasi to kill the gray werewolf guards.

Although more and more gray werewolf guards came over, there were also a lot of Dimu people pouring into the city. For a while, they entered a stalemate, and no one could do anything to anyone.

The fighting continued, and more Dimu and Haituo people came in.

And under the command of Mufu, the laser cannon destroyed a large number of Gray Wolf tanks and artillery, gaining the upper hand.

After suppressing the opponent with firepower, Taxi led the people around him to kill more and more fiercely, and soon occupied a small half of Gray Wolf City.

Damn, how could this happen? Hui Mo said depressedly.

Sir, how about we use missiles to bombard them?

Wouldn't it also blow up ourselves?

But sir, if we don't use missiles now, it won't make any sense if we lose.

Hui Mo rolled his eyes and began to think.

Evacuate. Even if we use all the missiles, we will only die together with the Haituo people.

Hui Mo hopes to preserve his strength. If he loses the city, he can still build it again, or find another opportunity to get it back.

Following Hui Mo's order, the gray werewolves began to evacuate in an orderly manner.

But Taxi didn't intend to let the gray werewolf leave like this.

If the Gray Werewolf is allowed to leave, it will not mean much to occupy Gray Wolf City. It will also have to find manpower to guard Gray Wolf City to prevent the Gray Werewolf from taking it back again.

Muxuan, Mula, you lead the team and stop the gray werewolves, don't let them escape.

Yes, sir!

Mufu, use laser cannons to disrupt their retreating formation, and come with me to destroy them.

Taxi immediately took a countermeasure, holding back the gray werewolf and destroying the gray werewolf's vitality as much as possible.

Because the Gray Wolf retreated, Taxi swooped forward and quickly occupied most of Gray Wolf City.

Hui Mo also led the gray werewolves and gradually evacuated outside the city.

However, before they had gone far, the way was blocked by the Dimu people led by Muxuan and Mula.

Now I am being attacked from both sides, which is very uncomfortable.

Damn Haituo people, are you going to kill them all? Hui Mo said angrily.

No one answered it, and the gray werewolves around them didn't dare to say anything. Looking around, there were enemies everywhere.

Because they retreated first, they were already timid and lacked the courage to continue fighting.

Hui Mo also realized that he had made an unforgivable mistake.

The Haituo people do not want to occupy Gray Wolf City, but to completely eliminate them.

Although Hui Mo is smart, he has always been too cautious. Even if he has the advantage, he does not dare to destroy other cities.

Seeing the gray werewolf guards fall down one by one, Hui Mo regretted it.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Use the missiles for me, I will die with the Haituo people.

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