
Wilton jumped up high with an explosion at his feet, holding a dumbbell in both hands and turned it into a cannonball, and smashed it towards the four jailer beasts with a roaring sound.

At the same time, the four jailer beasts were also prepared.

The most terrifying leader in the prison has spoken, and it just so happens that they haven't had enough fun yet, mainly because it's their first time meeting such a human being who can confront them head-on.

Although they are silly, dull and stupid, they still want to save face. In the past, the prisoners would run away in fear when they saw them.

If he is defeated, his face will definitely be damaged.


Four roars resounded throughout the scorching hell, and the brutal battle continued.

Boom boom boom.

Rampant all the way, at some point Domino left to deal with official duties. The brute force and bloody battle seemed to her like the species had not evolved at all.

After looking at it for a long time, there is nothing to see.

But the jailers and criminals were different. They started shouting crazily. After all, there were no entertainment activities here.

Fortunately for the jailers, most of them are free except for daily working hours. They can also go to other floors, enjoy some delicious food, and play with the criminals.

But the criminals are different. They have no freedom in the dark, and they have to endure all kinds of inhuman torture. Today, Wilton and the four jailer beasts are fighting, which is simply a rare entertainment program.

The key is that the torture I usually endure is gone.

One hour.

Five hours.

The fight slowly started from morning to noon, and then continued into the evening. One person and four beasts seemed to be unaware of fatigue and continued to fight with high intensity.

Is this still human?

Having been imprisoned here for more than ten years, can any major general in the navy outside have such great strength?

What a monster.

There was talk among criminals.

Some of my impressions of the Navy were still more than ten years ago. Although the Navy at that time was very strong, even the Rear Admiral of the headquarters was not so outrageous.

It's like being unable to kill.

You must know that the four Minotaurs are awakened animals of the animal system. They can be said to be invincible. Their attack power, endurance, recovery and other abilities are all maxed out.

For a while.

The riots in the Searing Hell continue.

In the director's office, Magellan was instructing the documents on the table. From time to time, the ground shook, and the words were accidentally written crookedly.

It's been a day.

Looking at the time displayed on the wall, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

The next day.

The sun rises in the east.

Throughout the Scorching Hell, the Hungry Hell on the upper level, and the Extremely Cold Hell on the lower level, neither the jailers nor the criminals had a good night's sleep.

Because the battle lasted for a whole day and night.

Magellan yawned, drank a cup of bitter coffee, and then entered the toilet skillfully. Upon closer inspection, he even had bags under his eyes.

But the nightmare has just begun.

the next day.

The seventh day.

tenth day.

For ten days and nights, the battle between one man and four beasts has not stopped. All the jailers and criminals were yawning as if they were about to die, and the dark circles under their eyes were as thick as covered with ink.

This is what day it is.

Magellan was suffering from neurasthenia. This was already the thirtieth cup of coffee he had drank today, and even so, it was difficult to cheer him up.

Inside the office.

Domino also yawned while wearing a gas mask, but it was slightly better than Magellan because she had gone to other floors to rest in the past ten days.

For example, on the first floor of the sea, there is very little movement.

So do other managers.

Director, it has been ten days and ten nights, and today is the eleventh day.

Have they never rested?

Major General Wilton doesn't have one, but the four jailer beasts have rotated, sometimes one to two, sometimes one to three, and sometimes one to four.

How did he do that?

Magellan was stunned.

Even the four jailer beasts were rotated, which meant that they were seriously injured and tired, and they had to take a short rest to recover their strength, otherwise they would not be able to continue fighting.

Even the awakening of animals is like this, let alone humans without any Devil Fruit abilities.

It's not clear, but it is obvious to all that Major General Wilton did not rest for ten days and nights, and he has maintained a high-intensity combat mode.

I was weak several times, but recovered quickly.

It's very possible that he's also a Devil Fruit user.

Domino couldn't understand either. The first thing she suspected was Devil Fruit, because other than Devil Fruit, she couldn't think of any reason why Wilton could persist for so long.

Devil fruit user?

Magellan didn't remember that there was a column about devil fruits in Wilton's information.

That's right.

When it was determined that Wilton was escorting the dragon to Impel City, the Navy sent Magellan detailed information about Wilton.

After all, Impel Down is the world's largest prison. In order to prevent any accidents, all travel is strictly controlled.

Only by knowing Wilton's detailed information can we better deal with emergencies.

Poof! ! !

There was a loud bang.

Five figures hit the ground heavily, and most of the scorching hell was riddled with holes. Wilton walked out of the broken prison.

His body was covered in blood and scabs, his strong chest was rising and falling, and his heavy breathing could be heard even from a thousand meters away.

The four jailer beasts on the opposite side are also miserable.

He got up from the ground and held the weapon. When he looked at Wilton, his eyes were no longer full of anger and violence, but only fear and admiration.

This human being is terrible.

Even more brutal and brutal than them, they could barely defeat them together, and were tortured to the point of death. At this time, they just wanted to eat well and have a good sleep.

It was so painful and tiring.

Cough cough cough~

Wilton was coughing up blood and was very tired, but the light in his eyes was extremely hot.

Ten days and ten nights of fighting gave him a lot of gains.

Facing the four Jailer Beasts was a lot of pressure at first, but after only ten days, the pressure was already on the four Jailer Beasts.

This is also the reason why the four jailer beasts were frightened when they looked at Wilton. After all, they were beating Wilton at the beginning, but after a while, it was their turn to be beaten.

Wilton was getting stronger too fast, beyond their comprehension.

This human looks very abnormal, more savage and ferocious than them, and I don’t know who is the beast.

No matter how hard I fight, I can't kill him.

He insisted on not resting for ten days and ten nights. Every time he felt that it was about to end, the guy turned around and stood up.


Explosive double axes.

The pleasure of getting stronger made Wilton energetic. He felt that it would not be a problem to fight for another ten days and a half. He could survive for a while by just recovering.

One healing spell can last for two periods of time.

One ultimate move, Justice Potential, can last for three periods of time.

After 24 hours, the three skills can be used repeatedly, which can last for three periods of time.

BUG has been stuck to the limit.

The hard ground ten meters below his feet exploded. Wilton jumped high into the sky, and two dumbbells with a diameter of 300 meters appeared behind him, shaking the air and slamming down like never before.


The four Minotaurs roared, and they were forced to pick up their weapons and swing them with all their strength. At that moment, it was like two missile heads colliding together.

Visible to the naked eye, everything around him slowed down.

An explosion quickly rose into the sky, and then a shock wave spread out without any blind spots, and the entire scorching hell ushered in a new round of earthquakes. .

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