Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 513 Fresh Cat Lady

"President, help me."

Connor was visiting a night market in London with his family when Facebook suddenly rang and he discovered that the caller was actually a cute elementary school girl.

But when Connor answered the call, he didn't see the elementary school girl's face on Facebook, only a distorted sobbing sound.

"Hermione? What's wrong with you?"

"President, wuwuwuwuwu, help, help me."


Connor wondered if he had heard something wrong. He stared at the Facebook screen. Is this familiar ceiling the women's bathroom? Wait, a girl from elementary school is video-calling me in the women’s room?

Why do I feel like something is wrong?

"Hermione? Calm down first and speak clearly. What's wrong with you? Why don't you show your face?" Connor tried his best to make his tone gentle enough. After all, this elementary school girl who is crying must have met someone. It's time to desperately need help.

"President, it has been an hour and I still haven't changed back. Is it possible that I can't change back? No! Please help me!"

"???" Connor rubbed his eyebrows and persuaded softly: "Well, can you explain the situation in more detail? I didn't understand."

"Woo." There were sobs coming from Facebook. Hermione was quiet for a while, and then she said: "President, please don't laugh at me."

"How could I laugh at you? Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will help - pfft!" Connor's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't control his expression.

Because Hermione's face appears on Facebook as her current face. It's a bit hard to describe: her face is covered with black hair, her pupils are elongated, her eyes have turned yellow, and two pointed cat ears emerge from her fluffy hair. The branch came out.

Oh boy, a fresh cat lady!

It's just that this cat girl's level of animalization seems a bit too much.

"You, you are." Connor stared at Facebook in shock and excitement (not). He vaguely remembered that in the original world, Hermione seemed to have drank the wrong polyjuice because she wanted to talk to Malfoy. agent.

The problem is that now that she and Harry have joined the Brotherhood, they should both know that Malfoy has nothing to do with the Heir of the Chamber of Secrets, so why did they still do this?

"I took the wrong Polyjuice Potion! Oh my God, I confused cat hair with human hair! And then I looked like this! It's been an hour and I still haven't changed back, I should What should I do! I won’t be like those wizards in the books who turn into animals and can’t come back. I’ll be like this from now on!”

Hermione was crying very sadly, and Connor could feel her sadness and despair through Facebook, which made him struggle to control the urge to laugh out loud.

"Well, just wait a minute. I'll be here right away. Don't worry, it's okay." Connor comforted him and hung up the call.

"Thank you."

Hermione huddled up in the corner of the cubicle. After receiving Connor's reply, she calmed down a lot. Then she felt a little regretful. How could she bother the president at Christmas? He must There are many important things to be busy with, how can I bother others so shamelessly?

But in this situation, the first person Hermione thought of as the person who could help her was Connor, because in Hermione's mind Connor was such an omnipotent super senior.

Hermione really didn't want others to see her current appearance, and she didn't want to go to the infirmary unless she had to, because then more people would know, so seeking help from the almighty president is the safest and surest way. , and the president has also said that members of the fraternity want to help each other, so my judgment in calling the president just now is completely correct!

As for why it’s okay to show it to the president, but not to others. That’s to minimize the impact! Bi. After all, only the president will see his embarrassing appearance, and the president will definitely not mind what he looks like. Yes, the president will not mind!

Hermione convinced herself this over and over again, because if she didn't, she wouldn't be able to suppress the corners of her mouth that wanted to curl up wildly.

"Aha~ Look what I saw? A long-haired cat!?"

Suddenly, a sharp voice came from the air. Hermione raised her head and glared at the female ghost in the air, and said, "Don't bother me! Myrtle, I'm in a bad mood right now!"

"In a bad mood! Oh! Of course, anyone who becomes covered in fur will be in a bad mood, let alone you growing a tail! Hahaha, let me guess, where did your tail grow from? What? Is it from **?"

"You——!!!" Hermione was so angry that at this moment——

"Ahem, sorry, excuse me, is Hermione here?"

"President!" "Ah——! Connor!!"

Hermione stood up excitedly. She didn't expect Connor to arrive so quickly, but the other female ghost's reaction was even more exaggerated than hers. Myrtle retracted her body directly into the toilet, leaving a head sticking out. shouted.

"." Hermione looked at Myrtle who looked like she was about to faint in the toilet with a speechless face, having no idea what she was so excited about.

"Hermione, are you here?"

"Yes, I'm here, President, I. I'll come out right away."

Hermione hesitantly opened the compartment door a crack. When things came to a close, she didn't want Connor to see her ugly self. She tried not to look outside the door and muttered through the door: " I look so ugly now, President. President, can you really change me back?"

Connor glanced at the tail dangling under the skirt of the girl in the cubicle in a funny way. She really turned into a cat girl, even with a tail. It was so fun, and I couldn’t wait to come over to watch the fun.

But Connor also knew that now was not the time to joke. He stretched out his hand and replied: "Of course, in fact, this is not a serious problem. Come on, I will take you to a place where it will be cured soon."

"I don't want others to see"

"Don't worry, he's just an old man who has lived for who knows how many years. His old man won't care about this, and no one else will know about it."

Connor could understand the girl's complicated thoughts. After all, it was human nature not to want others to see her embarrassment.

"Hurry up, I have to rush back later. If there's enough time, I can probably rush back before I'm caught sneaking away."

"Okay." I can't cause any more trouble to the president!

Hermione blushed, but her face was covered with hair so she couldn't see the blush. She stretched out a furry paw and put it on Connor's palm, and the next moment, the two of them disappeared from the bathroom. .

"It's Connor! So handsome, so handsome, so handsome—!"

The only sound left in the bathroom was the howling of the female ghost.


I'm going to travel tomorrow and play for about a week. Ahem, in short, the update depends on luck. I will still find time to code.

Will try to update when I get back! (Draw a pie)

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