Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 488 What is a wizard duel?

Integrating the soul into the magic painting can allow the magic painting to use divination and give it powerful computing power. The prototype of a magic computer is already in front of you.

If we go one step further and enable all magic paintings to complete the interaction between wizards and the "world database" in a very short time, then it will become possible to build a magic network.

Afterwards, Connor and Professor Victor conducted discussions, analysis and preliminary experiments, and confirmed the feasibility of the magic computer through Angel. Then a new question was placed in front of them - where does the soul of the magic painting come from?

"Connor, according to what you want, putting the soul into the magic painting can make the magic painting use divination. It has powerful computing power, but this is different from using divination directly by sacrificing sacrifices. What's the difference?"

"No one wants to live in a painting and be an information processor all their life, not even a ghost. Just imagining that kind of life is enough to make people go crazy. It's very unreasonable."

Professor Victor frowned and said, now there is hesitation in Professor Victor's heart, because she feels that once this magic is completed, it will be no different from black magic.

Just imagine, in the future, in order to have a "magic computer" that can process information efficiently, wizards will hunt a soul, seal the soul in a painting, and then impose a soul-stealing curse on the soul, so that those souls can work for the wizard. What is the difference between working hard and those slave owners who enslave others?

Professor Victor was unwilling to accept such a result. If he really wanted to develop such a magic like Pandora's Box, it would be better to just stop and give up on this research.

"Professor Victor, of course we will not complete this magic by enslaving souls. I want to make a magic computer to make the wizarding world a better place. If we really do this, it will run counter to our starting point."

Connor shook his head and said his bottom line. In this magic, the soul is indeed an indispensable part, but it is not necessarily slavery, because the soul only plays the role of "matchmaking". The process of casting a spell does not actually require the soul to do anything specific.

To explain it in a simple way, if this magic is compared to an instant messaging software on a mobile phone, in fact, the software program itself still needs to be written by programmers, and the role of the soul is only to represent the APP icon that opens the software.

For example, the "magic program" that Victor wrote in the laboratory was used to search for a person's location in reality through divination. If a wizard is to cast a spell, he needs to prepare the casting materials to construct the spell. The magic pattern then performs divination in a regular manner, but the result is not necessarily correct.

But after Professor Victor integrated the entire spell model into the magic painting, when Angel sneaked into the painting to operate, Connor only needed to write someone's real name on the "screen" of the magic painting, and the magic painting would appear on the screen. Complete the divination in an instant and then feedback the results! Angel's role in this process is just to "start the program."

This is the real use of the "magic computer". Even Muggles who don't know how to do divination can use it. According to this idea, as long as Connor writes a "program that can exchange information", Facebook can directly evolve, and then There is no need to exchange "phone cards" in reality. By adding friends directly on the "network", all functions can be realized through the magic model of "information divination".

Once it does come true, the [Magic Network System] of "Magic Computer" + "Magic Network" will be built, and wizards will be able to enter the Internet era in one fell swoop!

But now the only thing left to really get to this point is the last piece of the puzzle - the "soul".

What was once a wild idea is now becoming a reality step by step. Even Connor can't help but feel a little excited. He pushed his non-existent eyes and said:

"Professor, actually, when I was thinking about another issue before - that is, the issue of control of the magic network, I thought about involving the soul."

"What? Connor, did you plan to use your soul to complete this magic from the beginning?!" Professor Victor was shocked. He didn't expect that this student turned out to be a cruel devil.

"No, no, no, I was just thinking about managing the magic network at the time, but I didn't expect that by a strange combination of circumstances, we ended up with the same goal."

There was a little excitement in Connor's tone. Of course he was referring to Ravenclaw in the Sky Garden. The role of this "final puzzle" turned out to be so important at this time.

"Professor, we will definitely succeed. Even if it really can't be achieved by the method I mentioned, we can also use other souls. This magic does not stipulate that the soul of the wizard must be used, right? For example, we can try Use the Soul Eater!"

"Yes! There is another way! Soul Eaters also have souls. If that doesn't work, you can try goblins, giants, centaurs or other magical animals. It's also possible!" Professor Victor suddenly realized.

No no no! The last few are too much! Horse people are humans too!

Well, Connor originally thought that he was already "cold-blooded", but he didn't expect that in the eyes of his professor, creatures other than wizards were not a concern at all!

"No, no," Connor wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Instead of using the soul of a living thing, we can be bolder and try to create a soul! Just like Angel, right? Since it can succeed Once, it may not be possible to succeed the second time. Magic is used to create miracles, isn't it?"

"Connor, what you said makes sense, but I didn't think it through well, so I will continue with this experiment." Professor Victor easily passed the hurdle in his heart. As expected, the moral bottom line of most researchers is not very reliable. Spectrum

"But I really didn't expect to study the soul in the end." Professor Victor shook his head: "We wizards have done too little research on soul magic, and I am not very good at it myself. Connor, Maybe we need some help."

"Ah, there will be. My teacher, Mr. Nico Flamel, will come to our Hogwarts soon. Then I will."

"Oh my god! Is this true?! Mr. Nico is coming to our school!!!" Professor Victor almost jumped with excitement. Connor didn't even know that the professor was still a Nico fan.

"Uh, yes, we will also conduct research on the Soul Eater together when the time comes, and we will need your help, Professor."

"Of course! It's obligatory!"


"Connor, you really shouldn't miss today's Duel Club duel! You don't even know how exciting it is!"

After that, Connor and Professor Victor continued their discussion until the evening. When Connor finished his magic research and dragged his exhausted body back to the dormitory, Roger ran over with excitement on his face to share his happiness.

"Huh? What happened? Professor Lockhart was hung up and beaten by Professor Snape?" Connor responded casually while untying the tie of his school robe.

"Eh!? Did you know this too? Did you also watch the Duel Club video?"

"No, I guess." Connor remembered that when this dueling club opened, Lockhart seemed to be humiliated by Snape. In the original world line, Harry also exposed his identity as a Parselmouth? But now Harry has long been exposed, and his current reputation is much more embarrassing than his "original reputation".

"Huh, then your guess is quite accurate. Lockhart was indeed dueling with Snape at the beginning. In the end, Lockhart couldn't even take one of Snape's moves. Hahaha, the other person was directly ejected. When I got to the auditorium on the second floor, I was laughing so hard, hahaha." Roger described the scene to Connor enthusiastically, and it was obvious that he was very happy at this time.

"But that's not the only exciting thing! Connor, what happened next was much more interesting!"

"Oh? Is there anything else interesting?"

"I didn't know that the second-year brats were so showy before, especially Harry and that Neville, hahaha. At that time, Snape asked Harry and second-year Malfoy to perform on the stage. Guess what happened next? ?”

Connor raised his eyebrows: "Draco summoned the venomous snake and was controlled by Harry?"

"Huh? Isn't Harry a Parselmouth? How could that Malfoy still summon snakes to deliver them?"

"No? What happened?"

Roger danced lively: "The situation at that time was wonderful! That Malfoy was indeed a Slytherin from an old family. Those attack magics used needles instead of poking! He was actually able to cast spells multiple times in a row. I was in the second grade He couldn't do it all the time, but it was of no use, all his spells were dodged by Harry, guess how Harry dealt with it?"

Connor was staggered and had a bad premonition. He hesitated and said, "Harry, he won't take out his sword and run over to kill someone, right?"

"Huh? You actually guessed that someone was stabbing someone with a sword?!" Roger burst into laughter and said:

"It is true that someone turned a wand into a big sword on the duel stage to kill people, but it was second-year Neville Longbottom, not Harry. Harry was more direct - he rushed up and punched the person Malfoy is knocked down!"

"Hahahaha! We were all shocked at the time. A group of people watched helplessly as Harry sat on Malfoy and beat him for half a minute! Hahahaha, if Snape hadn't come back to his senses, that poor Malfoy would have been You should be admitted to the campus hospital! I have a video here, you want to see it, hahahaha!"

"." Oh my God, Harry has completely gone astray. Will he become a school bully like his father in the future? This is none of my business. I didn't do anything. Ah, Connor clasped his hands silently in his heart, hoping Draco is okay.

"That's not all yet. Fred's younger brother, Ron, is even more outrageous. He has learned 100% of the [Card Magic] you performed before. If you haven't taught him privately, then This kid is probably self-taught. Ron prepared a bunch of cards and chased the kid from the Gower family. If Snape hadn't stopped him, the kid from the Gower family would have been roasted on the spot."

"Later, those people also followed suit and took out magic cards to fight. If Snape hadn't later imposed a rule that only wands could be used, this dueling club would have ceased to exist in name only. Hahahaha, I'm so happy that I'm so happy. I didn’t know that a second-grade brat was so talented. But I think there’s no rule that wizard duels can’t use other props, right? I always feel that the rules will need to be changed in future duels.”

"." Although this style of painting has become a bit crooked, there seems to be no problem with wizards dueling with cards, right? And what are the rules for wizards' dueling?

If cards are allowed to be used, will the unsalable inventory at home have more sales? It seems that I will have to remind my grandfather to follow up on this matter.

Connor, who has great ambitions, also never forgets to make money for his family. As the patriarch, he is really qualified, Connor thought.

"Tell me anything else interesting. It sounds really interesting."

"Yes! Of course! After that, of course it will be time for our brotherhood to perform. You listen to me."

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