Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 400 Top-down reform policy (Part 1)

Magical intelligence, this is Connor's name for a very unscientific but magical "creation" in the wizarding world.

Corresponding to artificial intelligence (AI), as the name suggests, magical intelligence (MI) is a kind of magic that uses a wizard's method to give objects the ability to think and make them "intelligent".

Connor once talked to Camilla about the eras that Muggles have transcended. At that time, Connor said that Muggles are now in the information age, and wizards are many eras behind Muggles and need to work hard to catch up.

But Connor did not tell Camilla what the next era of the information age would be.

In fact, Muggles today have no way of imagining what kind of new era humanity will usher in after the information age, but as a future person, Connor has a clearer understanding of this.

People in the future generally believe that the next stage of mankind may be the era of controllable nuclear fusion, the era of artificial intelligence, or the era of biotechnology

From today's perspective, these three futures are still far away for Muggles, but for wizards, this is not necessarily the case.

Controllable nuclear fusion represents inexhaustible energy. Muggles can't do it yet, but Connor believes that wizards have already done it. The Philosopher's Stone is actually such a thing, and it existed hundreds of years ago. Figured out by Nico Flamel.

Artificial intelligence, or magical intelligence, seems to be a very cheap thing for wizards. Wizards can easily make some items have the ability to think independently, such as Ravenclaw's eagle ring, the Riker family's magic painting, Weasley Mr.'s car. As early as thousands of years ago, wizards had the ability to give intelligence to objects.

As for biotechnology, well, Connor has always believed that "creatures" like wizards are actually the remnants of "biotechnology" from ancient times.

You see, while Muggles are trying their best to move towards a new era, wizards seem to be standing at the finish line from the beginning.

Therefore, the backwardness of wizards is not actually reflected in the "era gap". Even if it is, it is because Muggles are behind wizards. The backwardness of wizards actually lies in their "backward thinking". They don't even know how much power they have in their hands. the power of.

For example, wizards think floo powder is a common thing to travel long distances, but you ask a Muggle scientist to come and take a look? Their heads are guaranteed to explode.

Wizards have mastered many technologies that are beyond the times, but while they use and enjoy the convenience brought by magic, they don't think much about the principles. The vast majority of wizards go out to work after finishing high school. They can use phantom movement. They can shape, stretch without trace, and use many deadly offensive magics, but they never figure out where this power comes from.

"I'm a wizard, so isn't it normal that I can use magic?"

This is the true thought of the vast majority of wizards. They attribute their specialness to their bloodline talents and believe that they and Muggles are fundamentally different. Then they actively separate the two worlds and live their own lives without interfering with each other.

Then years of isolation gave rise to the faction of pure-blood wizards.

On the one hand, they are intoxicated with their own power, are complacent and complacent, look down on Muggles, and do not want to make progress. On the other hand, they have seen the dizzying changes in the Muggle world, feel the pressure, and have developed the concept of "top students who study casually and see their results being ignored". The shame and anger of those stupid, diligent students catching up", and then hating Muggles even more - this is the common mentality of those pure-blood wizards.

The gap between wizards and Muggles is actually caused by wizards in the final analysis. Because they are pretentious and look down on "ordinary people", they are unwilling to associate with them.

However, in Connor's opinion, the wizard's ideas are too narrow-minded.

As a materialist, Connor has always felt very uncomfortable since he was born in this world full of idealism. Just like he couldn't use the Patronus Charm before, he felt that he was out of tune with this world.

So you can't imagine how excited Connor was when he learned that there was a substance like "Azot" in this world.

For Connor, this doesn't just mean that he can use more magic that he couldn't use before.

The appearance of Azote proves one thing: the so-called spiritual magic can actually be analyzed, just like potions also have various pharmacological properties, magic spells are based on magic patterns, and divination can also be analyzed using arithmetic - this world All the magic in the world is actually traceable and does not come out of thin air!

What's this? This is the study of things to achieve knowledge! All the unexplainable and incomprehensible magic is actually just because there is no way to analyze it yet.

Magic is just a science that cannot be deciphered yet!

So Connor is not wrong! What is wrong is this world!

Everything has its principles, and knowledge lies in studying things. Magic is not unscientific. As long as science is used, ah no, it is studied with rational and logical eyes. Will wizards one day be able to understand what the soul is? What is magic? What is the bloodline of a wizard?

By then, the irreconcilable conflict between wizards and Muggles will probably be resolved.

——Of course, all the things mentioned above are actually useless. Just like Connor can't understand magical intelligence now, he still doesn't understand why a magic pattern can make an object intelligent.

In fact, Connor is very familiar with the method of adding buffs to items to make them have thoughts. After all, this is what he does with his magic paintings. He has given low-level intelligence to countless monster cards, relying on a simple A simple [Act Magic Pattern].

Connor still remembers what Old Devin said when he taught him this magic pattern: As long as you draw with this magic pattern, the paintings you draw will have the ability to act independently.

In fact, the Act magic pattern is a variant of the magic pattern that makes objects possess magical intelligence, allowing objects to possess intelligence even if they are not imprinted with magic patterns.

Then using the Act magic pattern and the magic pattern that gives memory, you can make a painting have relatively advanced intelligence. The same operation is done for those housekeeping golems.

As for the principle of this, Connor actually didn't understand it at all. At that time, he could only attribute it to a bug in idealistic magic. When he learned it, he didn't think too much about it. But when he thought about it more, he had already learned it and practiced it for many years. It's almost become instinctive.

So to a certain extent, Connor is actually no different from the kind of wizard who can use magic but doesn't understand it clearly.

So, let’s return to the topic

Regarding the magic car and how to make the magic car have magical intelligence, it is actually not difficult. It is just a problem that can be solved with a magic pattern.

The difficult thing is to make this magical intelligence possess high "computing power".

As the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes, and my perfect attendance plan went bankrupt on the second day of this month...

I went out with friends to get together, but I didn’t have time to code orz. I’m guilty.

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