Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 381 Connor’s Daily Life

Connor had another uneventful week.

Although the magical world has been turbulent this week, Connor's life has been calm. After all, the family's business is managed by the elders. Connor doesn't understand much about this and doesn't want to interfere.

Because Flora and old Devin were both very busy, the matter of taking care of the children was left to Connor. Well, this "child" mainly refers to Ivan. Blanche is a quiet child. She can be in Connor. I sat next to him all day.

At the same time, the Monster Cup is also going on in an orderly manner. The recent newspapers are also full of news about the Monster Cup. It can be said that this world-wide competition hosted by the Lake family is very successful.

Moreover, he made a lot of money.

After all, this kind of game is simply tailor-made for the gambling industry. British people like gambling very much.

Compared with the money earned by sitting in the bank, the drizzle from the ticket is simply negligible. Seeing the Lake family making money so happily, the big families' idea of ​​"opening the door for business" became even more determined.

As for whether the magic stone complies with the "conservation of mass and energy"?

Nico couldn't give an accurate answer. After all, there was no definite answer on whether magic power was a kind of "energy", so the matter could only be left alone for the time being.

However, Connor felt that since there are no shortage of scientists such as Newton, Einstein, and Hawking, then in this world where science and magic coexist, magic may really be explained from a scientific perspective.

Connor has already begun to consider going to Oxford or Cambridge or something to go to college after graduating from Hogwarts. After all, it is embarrassing for a dignified time traveler to have a high school degree.

But people's energy is limited, and even Connor has recently felt that there are too many things to learn and do that he is too busy to handle.

He does magic spells, alchemy, and developing props. In his spare time, he also reads, draws, and learns musical instruments. His goal in life is obviously to fish every day and live happily, but why did he end up becoming a diligent and good student?

If he had to go to college after graduating from high school, Yabai Connor would already feel the weight of knowledge, and he would be out of breath.

Fortunately, Saber's slender legs are there to soothe my wounded heart. Connor thought as he enjoyed the wonderful time on his knees.

"Connor Connor! Come with me to Diagon Alley!"

Suddenly, Ivan broke into the door!

The sun, the waves, the beach, if I hadn't been sure that I climbed up from the tower and opened the door, Ivan would have thought that he was dreaming of going to the Aegean Sea. Fortunately, Ivan was used to it.

When he saw his old man wearing sunglasses and flashy shorts, resting on Wang's lap and feeding the beautiful girl... Ivan didn't feel any surprise, he was used to it anyway.

The good time was ruined, and Connor felt very dissatisfied. His stinky brother was getting more and more beaten. Connor frowned and slapped him. Then Ivan felt something hit his forehead and cried out in pain: " Ouch!"

"Ivan, how many times have I told you, remember to knock when you come in! Next time you dare to come in without knocking, I will throw you into the black lake of the school!"

Ivan rubbed his forehead and didn't care at all about his brother's threat. He was used to it anyway.

He said excitedly: "Connor, let's go to Diagon Alley together! We're going to buy books for this semester, and Ron and the others are going too!"

Connor turned over, his whole body exuding the aura of "I'm so tired and I don't want to move": "I don't want it. Just let Coco buy books or something. Why do you have to do it yourself?"

"Anyway, you have nothing to do now, so let's go together!"

"I just finished the experiment! Can you let me take a rest!? Mr. Weasley and the others will go too, right? You go with them, I don't want to move" Connor yelled while trying to bury his head in In Artoria's belly.

Then his head was grabbed by Artoria: "Master, don't move!"

Ivan was very dissatisfied with his brother's extravagant life: "I want to tell my mother that not only do you not go out every day, but you are also unwilling to accompany me to buy books!"

"Are you a child? Are you still complaining?" Connor stared at his stinky brother with dead eyes, feeling very ashamed of his despicable and shameless behavior. This stinky brother was not cute at all when he grew up. Looking for Give him a chance and sell him.

However, Connor was still very afraid of Flora's nagging. He would not go out every day and stayed at home without moving.

"Connor, I want to go out and play too." Blanche, who had been playing cards with Angel quietly, suddenly said.

Blanche stayed with Connor during the summer vacation. Because her second aunt and uncle were both busy, she had to leave the childcare to Connor.

When Connor was free, he would teach Blanche how to use magic cards. Connor also made Blanche many "magic books" full of magic. Blanche could use the magic books to cast spells, but she More like a real magical girl than a wizard.

"Okay, okay." Connor sighed helplessly, sat up and stretched, "I'll go out and play with you today."

Blanche's face was calm, but her eyes flashed with the light of a successful plan. She knew that Angel and Artoria would not show up in front of outsiders, so that she could have Connor all to herself when shopping. As for Ivan? What it is? unimportant.

"Yeah! I'll tell Ron and the others right now!" Ivan excitedly took out Facebook and started dialing.

"It's really troublesome." Connor scratched his messy hair, took out his wand and touched his beach suit, put on his clothes for going out, and then waved his wand, and the surrounding beach scene changed back to the tower. The original appearance of the roof.

This is actually a painting "drawn" by Connor. Since he got the Philosopher's Stone, Connor no longer has to be stingy with magic power. Connor can easily perform operations like this that rely on magic power to maintain phantoms.

Sure enough, magic makes life better.

"Let's go to Diagon Alley." Connor stretched out his hand to Blanche, and Blanche took it skillfully.

"Dad, carry me on your back." Angel threw herself on Connor's back and hung it on his back. This was already her exclusive "seat".

"Hey! Connor is not good! Harry is missing!"

Ivan, who had just finished speaking the magic words, said anxiously, "The Ron family just went to Diagon Alley, but they didn't see Harry when they came out! Harry seems to have mispronounced the destination when using Floo powder!"

"Huh? Hasn't Harry used the Floo Network before? You've been going to the Monster Cup every day this week, how could you still pronounce it wrong?"

"Well, Harry seems to have choked on the Floo powder."

"." Connor remembered. Harry had indeed mispronounced the destination and went to Knockturn Alley when he was in second grade, but that was his first time using Floo powder, so it was understandable that he mispronounced it. Now this What kind of? The protagonist’s mission? Shrinking of the world line?

Connor sighed: "Harry should have Facebook with him, right? Wouldn't it be nice to just ask?"

"That's right! I'll ask right now." Yi Wen reacted and started writing on Facebook. They kid guys had their own group chat.

"Well, it seems that Harry ran into a shop owned by Borgin. He also met the Malfoy family, and he seemed to have discovered some terrible secret. Harry said he wanted to take a video to leave evidence."

"." Connor scratched his head again. What's going on with this young detective team's sense of déjà vu? Why do you feel so full of dissonance? Could it be that Harry has changed his job as a detective again? Um, why should I say again?

Well, sure enough, my magic invention has made life more colorful...

"Bojin's house...that's Knockturn Alley over there..."

"Eh!!? Did Harry run to Knockturn Alley!? Will he be in danger?" Ivan exclaimed, but he knew there were many dark wizards there.

Connor sighed and led Blanche out of the room: "I don't know, but let's go to Diagon Alley first and pick up Harry."

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