Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 371 Afternoon at the Granger House

"Dad, Mom! Hurry up! Don't keep others waiting!"

On a street somewhere in London, a girl with messy hair was waving to her parents. However, the pedestrians passing by did not notice that there was a little girl on the roadside because she was standing in the "blind spot" of their sight.

This girl is Hermione Granger. She is currently standing in front of the Leaky Cauldron, greeting her parents.

Hermione, Cho Zhang and Emily made an appointment to meet at the Leaky Cauldron and then go to Hogsmeade Village together.

"Come on, come on, don't worry." The Grangers hurried over. It wasn't until they reached Hermione that they could see the dilapidated-looking small bar in front of them.

"Oh, no matter how many times I think it's amazing, I obviously passed by here often before, but why couldn't I find a bar here?" Mr. Granger shook his head and sighed.

"Okay, hurry up and go, the more amazing things are yet to come!" Hermione pushed her father into the Leaky Cauldron from behind. The whole family was looking forward to today's trip.

The Grangers became cautious as soon as they entered the Leaky Cauldron. The intentional and unintentional looks from the wizards around them made them feel very stressed. This feeling of being sheep walking into a pile of wolves made them feel uncomfortable.

"Hermione! Here, here!"

But soon the Grangers saw an exotic black-haired girl waving at Hermione. This must be the friend Qiu Zhang that their daughter had mentioned to them.

The Grangers stepped forward and the parents of both parties introduced themselves. When they learned that Qiu Zhang's father, Yide Zhang, was actually an "ordinary person", the Grangers and his wife felt much less awkward and soon got along with them. Mr. Zhang chatted together.

"Hahaha, it was only after I got married that I found out that Qiu's mother was actually a witch. That really opened the door to a new world! Hahaha~" Zhang Qiu's father, Zhang Yide, is from Xiangjiang and has been with the family for more than ten years. The UK, which followed the trend, opened a Chinese restaurant in London and was a very talkative person.

"Isn't that right? When Hermione received that admission letter, we were quite frightened." The Grangers and his wife are both dentists and have very easy-going personalities. The communication between the two families is very harmonious.

"Hermione! Autumn! Sorry, I'm late." After a while, Emily walked out from the Leaky Cauldron.

"Emily, why are you here alone? Where are your family members?"

"Oh, they are still in Diagon Alley. There are really too many people there. The Ministry of Magic has also rushed to renovate the basement of the Lake Experience Store. The response of the Ministry of Magic this time is really bad. Let's not talk about this for now. Well, let’s go there quickly.”

When this group of people passed through the bar in Diagon Alley, they found that the wall that was supposed to be closed was now open. They saw the sea of ​​people in Diagon Alley at a glance.

"Oh my god, are all the people here wizards?" Mr. Granger shook his head and sighed: "I always thought that there were only a few wizards."

"I heard that nearly 60,000 tickets for the Monster Cup have been sold. Wizards from all over the world have come here. It is understandable that it is so lively." Hermione looked at the crowded situation in Diagon Alley and clicked her tongue. Incessantly.

"Actually, I have always been curious. Is there such a big space behind this bar? You can't tell it from the outside." Mr. Zhang Yide looked at the Diagon Alley here, and then at the bar behind him, and his tone was very It's a sigh.

"This is a magic of splicing spaces. In fact, Diagon Alley is not behind the Leaky Cauldron, it is just an entrance," Zhang Qiu's mother explained to her husband.

"That's it!" The three Muggles nodded, indicating that they understood.

Later, they met Emily's family at the Lake Experience Store. The Montmorency family is an ancient French family. Their love potion is very famous. Emily's parents, grandparents, and maternal grandparents were all there. They There is also a big family here.

The Montmorency family is not a traditional pure-blood family, so they had a pleasant exchange with the two families. After exchanging pleasantries, they were ready to set off for Hogsmeade Village.

"Emily, walk with your friends, don't get separated." Emily's grandfather Leo is an enthusiastic and cheerful old man. He pointed to the back of the Lake Experience Store and said: "The Ministry of Magic just opened the door in the basement. The space has been spliced, and now we don’t have to go through the floo network.”

"The Ministry of Magic's response was really poor this time and they were in a hurry. Fortunately, the venue was chosen in the village of Hogsmeade where there are not many people. Otherwise, there would have been a big incident."

"I always feel that it shouldn't be done. This situation is too messy. What was the Ministry of Magic doing before?"

The Muggle trio could not participate in the Montmorency family's discussion, but Zhang Qiu's mother, who worked at the Ministry of Magic, knew some inside information.

"I have heard some news. Oh, I work in the International Magic Cooperation Department. I heard that the International Department and the Sports Department have been arguing about this matter before. Our director, Mr. Spavin, is very concerned about this competition. It seems that he has always been treated coldly, but I am just a small employee, and I can’t see clearly what the big shots are doing, haha.”

A large group of people lined up to enter the basement while chatting and laughing. During this period, staff members used strange magic instruments to scan them, and they all passed the inspection smoothly.

This basement was obviously built temporarily. It was just a long straight passage with nothing. They walked straight through it, downhill - straight - uphill, and when they came out, they had arrived at the Lake Experience Store branch in Hogsmeade Village.

When the Grangers walked out of the store, they realized that they had gone to another place without knowing it.

"Oh! My God! Are we no longer in London? Where are we?" Mr. Granger looked at the lively little village in front of him in surprise. He was not even sure whether he was still in England.

"This is the village of Hogsmeade next to our school!" Hermione took her father's hand and pointed to the castle in the distance. "Look! The castle over there is Hogwarts! My school!"

"Is that the stadium over there? There are so many people there!" Zhang Qiuze pointed in the opposite direction to the school and shouted in surprise.

There is a huge gymnasium over there. It is a giant golden round platform that is turned upside down. It is larger at the top and smaller at the bottom. It stands there completely contrary to the laws of physics. Many wizards are flying around it on broomsticks in the air.

This wizard village has never been more lively. Along the way, the few people saw many wizards from all over the world, all kinds of wizards, strangely dressed, speaking different languages, and with different skin colors.

Surrounding the giant gymnasium, there were large and small tents scattered around, like a collectively organized outdoor camping, but the number of participants was a bit too many...

There were staff wearing eye-catching gold hats to maintain order, shouting something in various languages.

"Wizards from England come this way! Wizards from England come this way!"

"The wizards in England check tickets from the tent behind me! There are restaurants and guest rooms for rest inside!"

Hermione noticed a staff member wearing a gold hat standing in front of a golden tent and shouting loudly. Hermione also noticed many golden tents of the same style scattered in different locations. These should have been set up by the competition organizers. [Ticket Checkpoint].

"Are you going to enter the venue early?" Emily's grandfather Leo asked politely, "The opening ceremony of the Monster Cup is at seven o'clock in the evening. We still have one afternoon. We plan to set up another tent outside. You guys Do you want to come together?"

After discussion, the several families did not refuse, and decided to spend an afternoon with the Montmorency family. When they were planning to find a deserted place to pitch their tents, they noticed that there was an unexpected shop built outside the village. Full of wizards.

A huge mirror billboard hangs on the lintel of that shop, allowing people to see what they are selling at a glance——

[An epoch-making product—Magic Scroll is on sale for the first time]

There will be a small climax next, I need to think about it carefully, the update may not be stable..._(:з」∠)_

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