Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 329 Oh, Xiaolong

Facebook, a private chat page.

Charlie: Connor, my little brother got me a dragon recently.

Connor: Huh? dragon?

Charlie: Yes, it is said that it was hatched from a dragon egg that Hagrid got from somewhere. As you know, it is against wizarding laws to raise dragons privately, so Ron came to me for help.

Connor: Um, what next?

Charlie: It just so happened that Aiden and Arno were coming to see me, and I was going to ask them to help bring the little dragon over.

Aiden Auditore and Jarno Victor are both Charlie's classmates and "seniors" of the fraternity. Jarno is also the general of Connor's French Lake Chess and Cards Experience Store.

Connor: So? Do you need my help?

Charlie: Yes, I am worried about whether Ron and the others can safely send the dragon to the top of the astronomy tower, and I would like to ask you to help take care of it.

Connor: I understand, no problem.

[Charlie invited you to join the group chat "Dragon Delivery Team\

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