Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 240 Blanche’s future plans

Blanche applied for the GCSE course (General Certificate of Secondary Education) this year, which is the British junior high school diploma.

Generally, children around the age of fourteen will apply for GCSE, but those courses are too easy for Blanche, and she doesn't want to waste time with a bunch of brats.

Blanche has clear plans for her future. After completing her GCSC next year, she will study for two years at A-Level (General Certificate of Secondary Education), and then go to university at the age of 15. By that time, Connor will also be graduating from Hogg. Woz has graduated.

Well, it would be great if we could trick Connor into going to college together.

Blanche, 11, didn't think too far ahead.

After looking at her watch, Blanche put away the drawing board in her hand and walked outside the school.

Blanche is also a celebrity in Headington Middle School, because Blanche has good grades, is beautiful, and draws very well. Even in this girls' middle school where many noble ladies attend, Blanche It also looks very outstanding.

But because of her taciturn and withdrawn personality, and her aloof aura that shunned others thousands of miles away, Blanche didn't have many friends in school. The only one she could really count as a friend was the pen pal she had met a few times. Connor's classmate——Emily.

In fact, she didn't know if she and Emily could be considered friends. They just had an ordinary cooperative relationship - Emily would tell her stories about Connor in school, and she would provide Emily with information about Connor's time in school. Home information

Today is the first weekend of school, and Blanche is going to have a Facebook porridge with her pseudo-bestie, so she asks for leave and leaves school.

Walking out of the school gate, an Aston Martin was already parked there. It was the car sent by honest man Charles to pick up Blanche.

Nowadays, Blanche is a veritable eldest lady, the daughter of the Lake Group, which has been gaining momentum in the UK recently.

"Go to the company." Blanche said concisely as she got into the car.

Headington High School is sixty miles away from London, about an hour's drive away. The driver and bodyguards are Muggles and cannot play with magic props. Blanche felt a little bored, so she picked up the newspaper in the car and read it. .

The Muggle world is actually not peaceful recently.

Although Blanche knew that she was a Squib, she believed that she was different from ordinary Squibs. Since she had the ability to cast spells, she naturally should not be classified as a person in the Muggle world.

Blanche remembered that a war broke out in the Muggle world half a year ago. In a country called Iraq, Britain was naturally involved. Although the country was peaceful and peaceful, Blanche still remembered what her father Charles said at that time:

"In the face of this kind of war power, even a wizard is powerless to resist."

So Blanche understood that magic has its limits, understood why wizards hide themselves, and understood that Muggles have power that is not inferior to that of wizards, so Blanche went to school with peace of mind and no longer thought about it.

Of course, it's already September, and there shouldn't be anything worth paying attention to in the newspapers right now.

Then Blanche saw her own report in the advertising space in the corner of the newspaper:

"The Hope of British Comics!" Lake comics are exported to the United States, dare to arm-wrestle with Marvel and DC"


The British have always looked down upon the United States.

Nouveau riche, cultural desert, savage cave. These are the labels the British put on Americans.

The British are very disgusted with American cultural exports. American comics such as Marvel DC have no market in the UK. Even if Connor threw his Iron Man on the street, few people would recognize it.

It’s not hard to guess what the British are thinking. It must be very uncomfortable if the dog you raised in the past climbed on your head and ran wild.

It's one thing to dislike it, but it's another thing when Britain has the opportunity to export counter-culture. British people still like to see things like being able to re-train their previously raised puppies. After all, it is a topic for after-dinner conversation.

So when they see British "local companies" going abroad, the British feel a sense of pride. Although this company's comic production model is completely copied from the opposite company, Marvel.

"Miss Blanche, the boss has told me not to disturb you casually."

Ignoring her father's front desk secretary, Blanche opened the door and walked into Charles' office.

Charles, who was using Facebook, was startled when he saw someone come in. He closed Facebook and was about to curse. When he saw that it was Blanche, he exhaled in embarrassment and said, "Blanche, I and I You have told me many times to knock on the door before coming in."

"I only listen to what mom and Connor say." Blanche closed the door behind her back, ignoring the embarrassed secretary, and said expressionlessly.

Charles raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and said sourly: "Blanche doesn't like dad anymore?"

At this time, Blanche noticed the Facebook in front of Charles, and her eyes lit up: "Is daddy talking to Connor!?"

"." Charles slumped his shoulders and nodded helplessly: "Yes, that's right, it's your cousin Connor."

Blanche quickly walked around the desk, and sure enough she saw Connor's face on Facebook. He seemed to be in the library. Connor smiled and greeted Blanche: "Hi, Blanche, school is about to start. How is life?"

Blanche raised her head slightly in anticipation and nodded: "Not bad~"

"Okay, Blanche, I still have something to discuss with your cousin. Can you talk to me later?" Charles just finished speaking, and inexplicably felt that his daughter looked at him with a cold look. Well, it was probably an illusion. Bar.

Blanche didn't say much, nodded to Connor and walked away. There was a small room in the office, and she wanted to go there to take a look.

Blanche took out her Facebook from the bookshelf in her room and connected to her pen pal Emily's newsletter. She only had access to these magical items when she was away from school.

Facebook connects.

"You wrote a letter saying that there was something important to discuss in person. What was it?" Blanche's expression was slightly cold, and so was her tone.

Emily was used to her appearance and didn't care. She smiled and said: "This is very important news, little Blanche, it is much more important than the news you told me during the summer vacation~ "

"." Blanche's expression didn't change much: "If you have anything to say, please tell me."

"Hey~ this is about your cousin's fiancée"

"Connor doesn't have a fiancée!" Emily frowned slightly.

"Okay~ It's about Alice. On the first night of school, Alice and Connor had a fight." After her teeth were replaced, Emily had two cute little tiger teeth. At this time, Emily looked very He was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling, and the corners of his mouth were curled up.

"Really?" Emily tilted her head.

"Of course, I saw her running away crying!" Emily raised her head: "Little Blanche, this news is very important, you don't need to thank me."

"." Blanche's expression was indifferent. She would not thank Emily. She had already seen through this woman's true face, and now Emily would not make any useless cover-up in front of her.

And since Emily knew the news on the first day of school, why didn't she just make it clear in the letter? Do you have to tell yourself now? This woman must have done a lot of things this week, and then she found that she still couldn't attract Connor's attention, so she thought of dragging me into the scene again to muddy the waters.

Oh, innocent woman.

"Thank you, Emily." Blanche nodded expressionlessly.

So the two little girls with their own hidden agendas and complex thoughts began to exchange information with each other's reservations.

"Then next time you get useful news, remember to tell me~" Emily waved her hand and hung up Facebook.

Blanche put the Facebook aside, thoughtfully.

After a while, she stood up, walked to the door, opened it gently, and eavesdropped on the conversation between Connor and her father.

"Don't worry about it, Uncle Charles. As long as we hold the copyright, we will be the biggest beneficiaries. Everything else is trivial. Besides, those stories and characters were originally given to them by me, so what right do they have to make trouble."

"But many of those painters are a little dissatisfied. I'm afraid they will cause trouble, which will have a bad impact."

"Make trouble! Let them make trouble! Why should we be afraid? If we make a big fuss, we will get out of the circle and expand our company's reputation. This is a good thing!"

"But what if it doesn't end well?"

"What's there to worry about? At worst, if you give them a little benefit, they will settle down immediately. Compared with the benefits of expanding your reputation, this little concession is nothing."

"Uh, let them go then? Don't we stop them?"

"No, no, no, you still have to suppress it. No one will dislike your family's reputation. Besides, mosquito legs are also meat. If you can make more money, just make arrangements according to the original plan. Charles Uncle, you have to know that we are the bosses, we are capitalists! No matter how the people below make trouble, we will not lose money. We should be bolder in doing things in the future and take a long-term view! Don't be afraid, we can't lose money!"


Blanche slowly closed the door. Although she didn't understand what she heard, she just knew that Connor was very powerful. Emmm, should I study economics and finance in college? From what Connor said, he sounded like he was very powerful. If I succeeded in learning, I would be able to help my father. After all, it would be too much for my father, a novelist, to take care of these things.

Blanche is planning carefully for the future

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