Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 180 Angels and Gods

"Professor Dumbledore, I think I don't quite understand what you mean." Connor had a bold idea in his mind, but he didn't dare to say it out.

Dumbledore took a sip of black tea and said slowly: "Elves are very magical magical creatures. We wizards have studied elves much more than you think. Connor, do you know about the Soul Eater?"

"The devil who devours hope, the messenger who harvests souls, the guard of Azkaban?" Connor said without thinking.

"Yes, this is people's common understanding of Soul Eaters, thinking that they are dark creatures that breed from darkness and despair, but in fact... things are not that simple."

"You already know that the Soul Eater is also a kind of elf. It is almost immortal. The Patronus Charm can expel them, but it cannot kill them. Have you ever thought about it, since they are unkillable? Why are they willing to compromise with the wizards and stay in Azkaban? They are even willing to take orders from the Ministry of Magic."

"Are you saying that we wizards actually have the method to kill Soul Eaters?" Connor was a little surprised. You must know that Azkaban has been serving as a prison for wizards since 1718. The Ministry of Magic's statement to the outside world is, " Provide food for the Soul Eaters so that they will give up invading the human world."

If wizards really have a way to destroy Soul Eaters, then the Ministry of Magic’s external rhetoric is undoubtedly another big lie.

"Yes, in fact, if elves want to maintain their own existence, they need to meet three conditions. They are:" Dumbledore raised his fist and stretched out a finger every time he spoke a word:

"Mystery, Miracle, and Mood. These three elements make up what we call Magi." (Magi: Three Sages of the East. Interested book friends can read it on Baidu)

"Elves don't just rely on devouring emotions to maintain life. It's these three 'M's that allow elves to exist immortally."

"Connor, do you know how the original Soul Eater was born?" Dumbledore put down his palm and looked at Connor.

"I saw this in "Annals of the Magical World"." Connor thought about it and said:

"It is said that in the 15th century, a dark wizard named Estis built the Azkaban Fortress. He lured Muggle sailors to the island to torture and brutally kill him until the dark wizard died and his disappearance spell expired. The Ministry of Magic discovered this island, and at that time the island was already occupied by the Soul Eater, but no one knows how the Soul Eater was born."

"Well, that's right. In fact, you have already told the reason for the birth of Soul Eater, which are the three elements I was referring to." Dumbledore stroked his beard and said:

"Mystery is a concept. It is the reason why the elves can be [immortal]. We in the wizarding world believe that the mystery that gave birth to the Soul Eater is [the despair in the dark cage]."

"Miracle is a kind of support. It is the basis for the elves to be [immortal]. We believe that the miracle for the existence of the Soul Eater is [Azkaban]"

"And you already know emotions. They are just food for the Soul Eater to maintain and strengthen itself. Destroying any one of these three elements can completely kill an elf."

Connor touched his chin: "You mean, as long as we destroy Azkaban, the Soul Eater will disappear?"

"Yes, not only that, as long as the Soul Eaters leave Azkaban, or escape from the cage, they will consume their own existence and can only replenish it by sucking in more positive emotions. So in fact, Soul Eaters The monster will not leave Azkaban easily."

"Soul Eaters are the only elves known to be able to [reproduce], and they also have the desire to reproduce. In fact, that is not reproduction, I prefer to call it division. Soul Eaters can divide by devouring souls, but The split Soul Eater is essentially no different from other Soul Eaters, which is why all Soul Eaters look similar."

Connor felt that his strange knowledge had increased: "So, according to you, Peeves, I mean Peppa, what is its mystery?"

Dumbledore nodded: "We believe that the mystery of the Noisy Monster is [The Solitude of the Hidden Castle], and the miracle that gave it birth is Hogwarts. This is a kind of weak elf. In fact, there are Noisy Ghosts in other magic schools. They live on castles and are not aggressive."

Weird knowledge up↑

Connor was still digesting this magical knowledge. Suddenly, he reacted: "Wait a minute, Professor, what does this have to do with Alice? What kind of elves are angels?"

After talking for a long time without getting to the point, Connor suspected that this old man was just here to count words.

"Of course it does matter. As I said just now, the Noisy Monster is a very weak elf. Since there are weak elves, there must be powerful elves. Angels are known to be very powerful elves."

Dumbledore poured Connor a cup of tea and continued to speak slowly: "We wizards, no, we should say the Holy See, they collectively call elves who are born from positive emotions and feed on negative emotions angels."

"Actually, you have probably discovered that whether they are Soul Eaters or Noisy Monsters, their existence cannot escape the 'concept' of their own existence. Why do they exist like this? In fact, it is because we think they should be like this. existence." Dumbledore said something very convoluted. Before Connor could understand it, he continued:

"Just like we think that Soul Eaters are the embodiment of despair and they will devour our souls, then what they show is that they have such an ability."

"We think that noisy monsters are noisy, so they don't have any other abilities except being noisy."

"This means that we can think of it this way: Elves are magical creatures that we imagine."

"Whether elves are strong or not is closely related to the concept of [mystery] when they were born. In addition, the more people agree with a certain concept, the stronger the elves created will be. That is a kind of [faith] strength."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes slightly:

"In ancient times, we wizards and Muggles were not actually separated. The Muggles at that time also had [mystery]. Their yearning for beauty created elves called angels. These elves all have strong abilities. .”

"Naturally, there are wizards who want to try to master this power, and they finally succeed."

"You mean the Holy See?"

"Yes, the original Holy See was an organization established by wizards to control angels. Now that the Holy See without angels has actually lost its original meaning, that's why I say that angels are the lost authority of the Holy See."

"The birth of an angel is a very difficult thing. The more powerful the elf, the more difficult it is to be born. And as long as you master the three elements of the birth of an elf, you can easily kill the elf. Although the angel is powerful, once the angel exists, When the possessions are destroyed, they will perish."

Dumbledore seemed to have thought of something. He smiled and said, "Connor, do you know what the most powerful elf can achieve?"

Connor shrank his neck: "What do you mean?"

Dumbledore's eyes became deep: "That is mankind's yearning for omniscience and omnipotence. It is an omnipotent elf that is born from the thoughts of all living beings and only exists in imagination."

"That's it"


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