Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 383 Professor Snape sinks Martins

"Okay, this genius." Snape's voice was barely above a whisper, but everyone heard every word he said clearly: "You are in the sixth year, so you should be familiar with the water of life and death, right?"

Martins laughed, showing his white teeth:

"Yes, it's very easy. You just need to add wormwood extract to the end of narcissus root and boil it until it turns light blue, then add valerian root and sleepy beans.

According to my research, grinding sleepy beans into powder and adding it before finishing the pot will have better results. "

"Well, well, well——" Snape clapped his hands twice very perfunctorily, and the cold smile in his dark eyes became more and more obvious.

"It seems that you have already started to try to improve the potion. My question is, if you want to weaken the water of life and death, make it into a sleeping potion with reduced effect but no side effects.

Of course, you just need to give me an idea for improvement, such as which materials to start with. "

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shrink his neck and quietly touched his Qiankun bag. Shouldn't it have nothing to do with me?

Martins's smile disappeared, he opened his mouth, and his forehead began to sweat. He did try to use one or two new methods to improve the potion.

But that was just some optimization of the original ingredients for the potion, such as grinding the beans into powder and cutting the roots into finer pieces.

Potions are a very strange thing, and it is difficult to delete or add materials.

Snape waited for a while and curled his lips: "It seems that this simple question is a bit difficult for you.

Okay then, let's ask a simpler question. "

Martins wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a reluctant smile:

"Yes, Professor, directly improving the effect of potions is indeed a bit advanced for me."

He pursed his lips and decided to give a small, tactful reminder:

"Even if I am very good, at this stage of sixth grade, I think I should still learn the knowledge from books well."

As soon as he said these words, he saw the young wizard of Hogwarts looking at him with a sympathetic look.

Martins' heart sank. Before he could think about why the little wizard looked at him like this, he heard Snape's deep voice again:

"Book knowledge?

During the brewing process of polyjuice, bicorn powder is used. This powder needs to be added together with the oozingweed. Why? "

Martins looked at him blankly. The book just said that he wanted to join together, but it didn't say why?

"Professor, it's not in the book."

Unexpectedly, Snape turned around quickly: "Granger! Come and tell Mr. Martins why."

Hermione stood up immediately. She had been holding back before. She didn't raise her hands because she had matured a little in the past few years.

"In the second section of the third chapter of the third-grade "Intermediate Potion", it is written that the powder of the bicorn is best mixed with the liquid grass to cause the powder to clump. It is often used in body-changing potions, and the effect is more prominent than using it directly. "

"Well, that's right, one point for Gryffindor," Snape said reluctantly, as if he had been struggling for a long time.

The little wizards present were stunned. If I remember correctly, this was the first time in four years that they had seen Snape give Gryffindor points.

Harry knocked down the crucible with a clang, and he hurriedly helped it up, just in time to meet Snape's dark eyes:

"Cool! Five points from Gryffindor! I hope these five points will help Mr. Potter know what calmness is!"

The little wizards were relieved that this was the familiar Professor Snape.

Snape looked at the red-faced Martins again and curled his lips contemptuously.

“Tsk, tsk—it seems that fame doesn’t mean everything.”

"Let me tell you, Mr. Martins, if we want to alleviate the powerful life and death water, we should start from the side, and the direction is the demulcent potion and the sobering potion.

Replace the sleepy beans with moonstone powder and hellebore essence syrup, doubling the amount.

Got it? Why don’t you write this all down?”

There was a rustling of quills and parchment in the classroom.

The Potions class continued. The difference was that the group of boys at the back were much more honest. Martins had his head tilted and remained motionless. Furong was also much more serious. Yaqian Soyuki was always quiet, but now he was just watching Zhang Xiao's operations intently.

At this moment, a silver cat jumped into the underground classroom, opened its mouth and heard the voice of Professor McGonagall:

"Professor Snape, ask all the warriors to bring their wands and go to the classroom on the second floor. We will conduct a wand check on all the warriors to ensure that there will be no problems with their games."

Snape snorted and said coldly:

"Did you hear that? Why don't you go quickly?"

Martins was the first to run out with his head covered. The other warriors also stood up and quickly packed up their belongings.

I used Cleaner to clean up my crucible completely. Good news, the two women finally left me and joined their teammates.

Only when Zhang Xiao walked out of the potions classroom did he realize that more than half of the warriors (mostly men) had gathered in the small underground classroom.

No wonder Professor McGonagall used the Patronus to inform.

"Testing the wand? Why test the wand?" Ron put his schoolbag on his shoulders. He was very excited to end the potions class an hour early.

What made him feel even more comfortable was the envious looks cast by other little wizards when he left.

"I don't know, maybe you want to register the wand?" Harry guessed, remembering that his wand had the same core as Voldemort's wand.

It was a feather plucked from a phoenix, and Mr. Ollivander kept saying it was wonderful.

Hermione sighed and said helplessly:

"Haven't any of you seen Wand Care?"

Wand maintenance? What it is?

"That means you have never maintained the wand?" Hermione asked in disbelief. During the summer vacation of her third grade, she and Zhang Xiao were watching the scenery by the Thames River. After learning about the function of the wand, they became extremely interested. Cherish the wand in your hand.

It turns out that it is not a dead thing, on the contrary, it has thoughts and is a part of its own body.

The little witch simply stopped and took out her wand:

“Wands are a part of our lives, and unless they are damaged, few people replace their wands because they can never find one that works better than the first wand they had.

Therefore, the maintenance of the wand is very important. Frequent bumps and incorrect carrying methods such as pockets and belts will cause wear and tear on the wand.

Maintaining your wand can make your wand happy and more powerful. "

Harry, Malfoy, and Ron secretly lowered their heads and glanced at their wands - they were covered with sweat stains, fingerprints, and some small scratches.

There are also small patches of paint chipping off in some places.

Harry suddenly felt guilty. He secretly rolled up the corner of his clothes and wiped the wand vigorously, trying to make the wand cleaner.

Ron was also doing the same thing as him, but Cedric was a little better. He also maintained his wand, although not much.

The same is true for Malfoy, he will do it once when he remembers it, and he won't do it if he can't remember it.

As for Neville - he had been using his father Frank's wand, and after his father recovered, he bought a new wand.

Because Ollivander told him to take care of it regularly, this honest kid followed the wand maintenance manual conscientiously and never failed once.

His wand is still as good as new.

Zhang Xiao is different. His expensive stuff is usually in the best wand protective case. That wand protective case is Mr. Ollivander's collection.

With the automatic care function, the lightning strike wooden wand expressed great satisfaction. Zhang Chengdao generously did not ask for any leftover scraps, and Ollivander gave it as a thank you.

So on the way to the classroom on the second floor, several young wizards remained silent and secretly wiped their wands clean with a piece of glasses cloth. This glasses cloth came from Harry, and he still has trouble cleaning it.

When they finally arrived in the classroom, several people secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The wand finally didn't look so dirty.

This is an abandoned classroom, not far from the abandoned classroom where the Duel Club is located, which is next door to Percy and Penelope Kiss.

The desks inside have been pushed aside, and many stools have been placed according to the divisions of each school.

But there were three desks facing each other, placed in front of the blackboard, covered with a long piece of velvet.

Behind the velvet-covered desks were several armchairs, and in one of them sat Ludo Bagman.

Beside him was a fat woman with blond hair. There was a piece of parchment floating in front of her, and a shorthand quill was writing quickly.

"Adieu, beau petit homme (goodbye, little handsome boy)" Fleur said with a smile in French.

Then he shook his head, making his long silver hair shine with a dazzling luster.

This action rekindled the adolescent flames that had just been suppressed by Snape.

The wizards looked at her in confusion.

"Pa" The bright light of the flash startled everyone, and a faint smoke spread in the classroom. A big-bellied man held a slightly smoking black camera in his hand and was looking at Furong with bright eyes.

"Ma'am, I'm taking a front-page photo for the Daily Prophet. Would you like to take a few more photos?"

Fleur seemed to be very familiar with this routine. She chuckled and shook her head: "No, thank you."

The photographer opened his mouth. This was the first time he encountered someone who refused. In the past, whenever they heard that they were taking photos for the Daily Prophet, they all wished they could use up the magic film!

The six little wizards stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. At this moment, the short, fat blond woman turned back with an exaggerated smile on her face:

"Ah, the Hogwarts team is here, I think you would be willing to let me do an exclusive interview-"

She casually glanced to the side and froze immediately. She smiled reluctantly:

"Hello - Zhang."

Zhang Xiao also smiled and nodded casually:

"Long time no see, Rita Skeeter."

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