Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 355 There’s a banquet!

The garden of the Burrow was more lively than ever before, and with the help of magic, lights floated up and dotted the sky.

Everyone was chatting, and while waiting for seven o'clock, the two tables were groaning with fatigue under the weight of the delicious dishes prepared by Mrs. Weasley's masterful hand.

Although she is now the general manager of Mo Li, she is still the kind mother when she returns home and refuses everyone's help.

Determined to cook with his own hands and show off his cooking skills, the nine members of the Weasley family, Harry, Hermione, Sirius, Malfoy, and Zhang Xiao all sat down at the long table, under the clear dark blue night sky. Have a meal.

Zhang Xiao held up a full glass of butterbeer and touched it with Bill and Charlie, admiring them for their courage to give up their comfortable life and devote themselves to the fight against Voldemort.

Fred and George lit a bonfire, and took Ginny to capture a few goblins, cast a petrifying spell on them, and put on various shapes to act as a band.

Malfoy vividly told the story of how he came to the Burrow alone on a broomstick after returning to England.

Harry and Ron bit their forks in envy as they listened.

Zhang Xiao dared to say that Ma Xiaomao definitely disobeyed his father's instructions. Such a dangerous move could make Lucius beat his ass to pieces.

But after just blowing for a while, Malfoy became speechless, because no matter what he said, even Ron and Harry's eyes turned red with envy and they gritted their teeth.

And never say a word of praise.

Unsatisfied, Ponyboy could only turn his head and tell Zhang Xiao and Sirius about Professor Luping.

At this time, even Hermione, who was exchanging hair care products with Ginny, stopped talking and came over.

Not to mention Harry and Ron.

Seeing so many people listening to him, Malfoy found that feeling again. He prolonged his tone and said slowly:

"The trip went smoothly, but I don't know what happened. There was a nice-looking girl in the first class of the plane who kept trying to strike up a conversation with Professor Lupine.

Professor Luping was very shy and didn't want to talk to others. When we got off the plane, the girl came to me secretly and said that Professor Luping had a very melancholy temperament.

She was particularly attracted to her, she looked like someone with a story, and asked me if I could give her my contact information. "


Several people let out a long sigh in unison, winking at each other and making faces. They were all boys and girls around the age of 15, which is the age when love begins.

Why don't you know what Malfoy means?

Sirius was the most anxious. He was happy for his good friend and hurriedly patted Malfoy on the head and asked:

"How about that? Did you give her Remus's contact information?"

Malfoy broke away from Sirius's hand and said dissatisfied:

"Professor Luping doesn't even have a mobile phone, how can he get his contact information?"

"Mobile phone?" "What is a mobile phone?" The little wizards asked all kinds of questions.

Sirius slapped his forehead and said angrily: "Oh, I should have prepared a complete set of things for Remus."

Malfoy ignored his 'uncle', turned to look at Zhang Xiao, and asked curiously:

"Why did that pretty woman say that Professor Lupine has many stories? I obviously have them too. I've also read The Tales of Beedle the Bard. Why didn't you come to me?"

Zhang Xiao almost couldn't hold back a mouthful of butterbeer, swallowed the drink with difficulty, patted his legs and laughed.

"Why are you laughing at me?" Malfoy glared at Zhang Xiao dissatisfied, waiting for him to give an explanation.

"I'm sorry Draco, I didn't laugh at you, I just thought of an interesting thing." Zhang Xiao pinched his thigh desperately and finally suppressed his laughter.

After coughing twice, he regained his composure:

"Okay Draco, then what."

Malfoy rolled his eyes and then said reluctantly:

"Nothing happened after that. The people from the East picked up the professor and said that Tushan only opens the door once a year and asked the professor to wait for a while and send him there then."

Well, that's not bad. Professor Lu Ping is absolutely safe in China anyway.

Across the table, Percy was telling his father about the report he was writing.

Unexpectedly, Barty Crouch boldly appointed Percy as a trainee assistant to the Minister of Magic.

This is a particularly valuable position, but not many people can get it right after graduation.

Obviously he has become a fan of Barty Crouch, and his admiration for him is revealed everywhere.

Zhang Xiao couldn't tell whether Percy was true or false, but at least what he said while drunk that night was true.

Just then, Mrs. Weasley came over holding a glass of wine. Her face was rosy and she looked radiant, obviously enjoying her career.

"Thank you, kid." Molly raised her glass and took a sip: "I think I have found the meaning of life. I like this job so much."

"You're welcome, madam, there is no one more suitable than you." Zhang Xiao stood up, also took a sip of butter beer, and asked curiously: "How is the situation over there?"

He felt a little guilty. As a qualified hands-off shopkeeper, he just handed over the matter to others and immediately let it go, just like Qingluan Club, just like this elf labor service company.

I heard from my father that grandpa was like this before and didn't want to take care of anything. Later, he was taught a lesson by the heavenly master of the previous generation. In addition, he had to take care of things as a heavenly master, so he changed his temper.

"It's okay. Everything is on track. The most difficult thing is how to make the elf change his mentality."

Molly's expression became a little more serious, she shook her head and said: "Elves have always regarded themselves as the lowest slaves. I can't comment on this historical issue, but what we need are service personnel.

This mentality has a great impact on work. Everything that needs to be done must be ordered, and it is only done, but it does not meet the standard of doing it well.

So we put a lot of effort into changing our mentality, and as you said, we invited the best Muggle training experts to teach them. Maintaining the confusion spell is also very troublesome.

One time I forgot to add the Confusion Charm, and the pastry chef discovered that the person he had been teaching was not a student from the school but an elf.

He fainted from fright, and I had to give him a large sum of Muggle money and cast the Oblivion Charm on him. "

Well, the corners of Zhang Xiao's mouth twitched, these things sound very troublesome.

“I’ve been too busy with work recently, and my position means I don’t have much free time. All official documents submitted to Minister Crouch must be collected from me first.

Moreover - after the World Cup, we will organize a large-scale event, which will be even grander than the Quidditch World Cup! "

Percy's voice became louder, and the scene became quiet, whether it was Bill or Charlie, or Harry, Hermione, Ron, or Malfoy.

Even George and Fred.

Sirius' eyes were confused. He had been running outside during this period and didn't pay attention to these things at all. At this moment, his interest was also piqued and he stared at Percy curiously.

Percy cleared his throat in a serious manner, seeming to enjoy being in the spotlight.

He took on the posture of the Assistant Minister of Magic, as if facing the Daily Prophet's interview camera, and said seriously: "You know what I'm talking about, Dad."

Percy sighed grandly, took a deep sip of elderflower wine, and raised his voice slightly: "This is top secret."

Arthur also sighed and nodded. He wanted to say something but held back: "Yes, top secret."

Ron rolled his eyes and whispered to Harry, Hermione and Malfoy: "Ever since he started working, he's been trying to tease us into asking him what that is.

I guess it was an exhibition of all models of crucibles. "

Zhang Xiao does know, but he is not a showoff person. It doesn't make any difference if he knows this kind of thing earlier and later.

So he just poured another glass of butterbeer and watched the lively scene in trance.

I don't know when, everyone started discussing the upcoming Quidditch World Finals.

"The Irish team must have won." Charlie muttered with his mouth full of potatoes: "They defeated the Peruvian team in the semi-finals."

“But the Bulgarian team has Viktor Krum.

He's the best Seeker in the world! "Fred said.

"Krum is good, but he is only one person. The Irish team has seven good players." Charlie said impatiently. "I do hope England can qualify though. It's such a shame."

"What's going on?" Harry asked eagerly, "What's going on with the England Quidditch team?"

Although he was a very talented Seeker, it was strange that Harry had never cared about the club or the World Cup other than the games at Hogwarts.

"Losed to Transylvania, ten to three hundred and ninety." Charlie said sadly: "The performance was terrible. The Welsh team lost to Uganda, and the Scottish team was beaten by Luxembourg."

As he spoke, he became excited, waved his thick arms, and roared loudly: "Today we lose to Transylvania, tomorrow we lose to Luxembourg, and who do we lose to the day after tomorrow? Is it to lose to Congo? I don't even need to lose face!" "

Everyone sighed and felt deeply ashamed of the England national team.

Zhang Xiao found it quite interesting, and he wasn't angry at all. If he had been angry over such a trivial matter, he would have been pissed off by the Sea Cucumber Team in his previous life.

I just remembered that Mr. Granger was angry because the English football team had an unprecedented and humiliating failure to enter the World Cup, and the wizards were angry because the English national Quidditch team had an unprecedented and humiliating elimination.

There is a very special and funny feeling when Muggles and wizards are all angry about the same thing at the same time.

England - please don't cry for me!

Mr. Weasley conjured some candles to light up the darkening garden, and then everyone began to enjoy their home-made strawberry ice cream.

When everyone had finished eating, moths fluttered low on the table, and the warm air was filled with the scent of grass and honeysuckle.

Zhang Xiao felt very full.

He sat and watched several goblins being chased by Crookshanks, laughing maniacally as they flew through the rose bushes.

It was truly a feast worth remembering.

"Look at the time." Mrs. Weasley said suddenly, looking at her watch, and said seriously: "You should go to bed!

Y'all - you're going to be up early tomorrow morning to watch the game.

Children, leave your purchase orders for school supplies. I will go to Diagon Alley to buy them for you tomorrow.

It will probably be too late after the World Cup is over, as the last game lasted a full five days. "

"Wow - I really hope it's the same this time!" Harry said excitedly.

"Oh, I don't want to," Percy said seriously, "I'd be away for five days at a time, and my folder wouldn't be full of papers. It makes me shudder to think of that."

"Yeah, maybe someone stuffed dragon dung in an envelope and mailed it to you again, Percy." Fred said.

"That's a fertilizer sample sent from Norway!" Percy said, his face turning red. "It's not for private use!"

"Actually -" Fred whispered to Harry as everyone stood up and left the table, "that's what we sent him."


1. Recommendation ticket 2. Monthly ticket

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