Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 325 Great fun!

"Nice idea?"

Dumbledore picked up the teacup, tilted his head slightly, and made a gesture of listening carefully.

"Yes, I'm thinking." Zhang Xiao frowned, trying to clarify his thoughts, and said slowly while thinking: "Our goal is to sneak into a heavily guarded vault, and then take Hufflepuff's Bring out the golden cup.”

"Well, this is indeed our purpose." Dumbledore agreed. As a Western model of 'people become better with age', Dumbledore could certainly see that Zhang Zheng was at a very critical point, and the inspiration in his mind was Still gathering, appearing and disappearing.

The most important thing at this time is to respond to his words, guide him to manifest his inspiration, and finally speak it out of his mouth.

"It's hard but maybe we can find more people to figure it out together?"

Zhang Xiao murmured, an idea jumped out of his head so naturally. The two of them couldn't think of a way, so why not shake it up.

After all, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, and a good man has three gangs. A wise man will always make mistakes.

yes! Wouldn't it be enough to shake people?

Zhang Xiao's eyes lit up. At this moment, the movies and novels in his mind were boiling more and more. Isn't this the beginning of a standard blockbuster?

"So... we need an experienced person with a similar infiltration disguise to plan and deploy."

Well, according to movies, this usually looks like an unshaven uncle. The wrinkles on his face and the sad eyes make him look full of wisdom and charm.

"Then, we need a person with extremely strong skills but average mobility as backup support to help us get rid of those difficult goblin security gadgets. His knowledge reserve must be profound enough.

And has the ability to deal with all kinds of gadgets. "

Zhang Xiao just felt that his mind was opened and his whole person became more enlightened. This kind of character in movies and novels is a super technical otaku, sitting in a modified van and facing a lot of computers.

It can solve all the difficulties of monitoring, passwords, and infrared. In short, all problems except manual problems can be classified as technical problems.

"The person you choose to infiltrate is also very important. You must have rich experience. It is best to have extensive experience in sliding doors and picking locks. You must be bold and careful, and be calm in the face of danger."

Yes, this is indeed important. No matter how good the plan is, it still needs people to implement it. To use a popular saying, it is to ‘get through the last mile’.

The more Zhang Xiao talked, the more excited he became, and he continued to talk:

"Finally, we also need a thug. If something unexpected happens, he can lead others out safely, or if a security guard with a short-sighted appearance appears, he can physically deal with the security."

This kind of role is also necessary in movies. The thrilling process of stealing treasures cannot be without fighting, and the audience doesn't like to see it.

Therefore, even if it is a perfect plan, there must be a security guard who has no eyesight to jump out. Along with the thrilling battle, the punches will be handed out, making the audience on tenterhooks and afraid to breathe.

He smacked his lips with unfinished thoughts:

"Of course, it would be better if there is a beautiful woman as a vase."

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and asked curiously:

"I can understand what I said before, but why do you want a beautiful woman and use it as a vase? Oh——"

After all, it was Dumbledore. Even though Zhang Xiao used a very blunt literal translation, Dumbledore quickly understood the meaning of being a vase.

"Wonderful metaphor, Zhang - I have to say, this metaphor is very interesting."

Dumbledore smiled cheerfully. The biggest function of a vase is its observation value. Being a vase means that it only has an ornamental function.

He suddenly discovered that the East often seemed to have some wonderful metaphors, or that a very complex event could be described with a few simple words.

This is simply unbelievable. The ancient peoples who use this language are condensing their knowledge and wisdom into words. As long as they can speak and understand the stories, they will naturally learn the knowledge.

Maybe that’s why Zhang is so outstanding?

Dumbledore quickly realized that now was not the time to lament the differences between Eastern and Western cultures and languages. He narrowed his eyes and carefully recalled what Zhang Xiao said.

Ask someone to ask?

Rich operational experience, good at camouflage, outstanding planning and commanding abilities?

Profound technical reserves and remote support to deal with all kinds of goblin stuff?

Skilled in infiltration, sliding doors and picking locks, and good at stealing well-guarded treasures?

Powerful combat strength, invincible in the world, able to attack all unexpected security forces?

After Dumbledore concluded these four points, he fell into deep thought.

As time passed, Dumbledore slowly raised his long eyebrows and gave Zhang Xiao a meaningful look, which made Zhang Xiao a little confused.

"Honestly, if I didn't know you well, I would really doubt whether you did it on purpose, Zhang - it's such a coincidence, so coincidental that I can't believe it is a coincidence.

But I’m sure some of the stories have been lost in time.”

Dumbledore laughed softly, looked at the starry sky outside the window, and let out a long breath.

After exhaling this breath, he smiled with relief, as if he was reconciling with something.

He stared out the window. Only Zhang Xiao was still looking at Dumbledore's back in confusion, wondering what kind of hysteria the principal suddenly had.

The portraits on the wall did not disturb Dumbledore's thinking, but quietly waited for one of the greatest wizards in history to finish thinking.

"Okay, okay" Dumbledore sighed softly: "The Golden Cup, Gringotts, the order is correct, I can't destroy it, otherwise I will deny everything I insist on."

What happened to the principal?

Zhang Xiao was almost dying of curiosity, but it was obvious that Dumbledore had no intention of explaining it to him at the moment. The over-100-year-old principal suddenly turned around quickly and said calmly:

"Zhang, I understand your proposal. It is excellent. You should go back first. I will give you a message when the matter is confirmed."

"Okay, Professor Dumbledore, I'll go back first."

After politely bidding farewell, Zhang Xiao walked out of the principal's office and watched the gargoyles seal the corridor again. So why did Dumbledore suddenly become like that?

He was sighing and smiling at the same time, just like an adolescent boy worrying about gains and losses.

Ah, no wonder it looks so familiar. Isn't it the same when I'm in love?

Zhang Xiao grinned, but after just a moment, his smile froze on his face and his body trembled slightly.

Damn it! ! ! !

No way? It's not what I thought, is it?

Zhang Xiao turned his head, as if everything in front of him had become illusory, and saw Dumbledore standing in front of the window, staring at the bright moon, as if making up his mind.

He remembered what he saw in the Mirror of Erised.

If that's really the case.

Great fun!

On top of the tower, everything that happened in the past is vividly visible.

Dumbledore slowly lowered his head, closed his eyes, and showed a tired smile.

Making peace with the past is never that easy.

So – is it worth it?

Is it worth it for Tom's Horcrux and order?

As if to give himself a reason and excuse, he summoned Fox and gently stroked its head. Fox's golden eyes looked at him doubtfully.

"Towers and walls can never contain us, nor him, can they, Fox?"

Dumbledore murmured softly.

Although he didn't know what the master was talking about, Fox knew that at this time, he just had to pretend that he understood. Anyway, the old man was old and would fall into memories at every turn, and then talk about a lot of things he didn't know.

So it tilted its head.

"Yes, the only one who can imprison him is himself."

Dumbledore's voice became softer and softer, and he closed his mouth. His blue eyes were full of confusion and recollection. Finally, Dumbledore's eyes became firm and he took out a feather from his sleeve.

Those are Fox's tail feathers.

"Fox, go there and bring him this feather, and if he wishes, bring him out—"

Fox's golden eyes suddenly opened wide, staring at Dumbledore to make sure he was not joking. Dots of shining sparks appeared in the air, as if he was attracted by something.

The Phoenix spread its wings, and with a high-pitched cry and golden flames, its figure disappeared.

The principal's room became empty, except for Dumbledore standing in front of the window, alone, as if he was out of tune with the whole world.

After a while, Dumbledore finally moved again. He sat back at the huge table and began to write a letter.

Zhang Xiao's heart was like a cat's paw, itching fiercely. He desperately wanted to know if it was as he suspected, but Dumbledore seemed to have disappeared. He did not appear on campus.

Even Professor McGonagall didn’t know where he was. The professor pursed his lips and replied:

"Dumbledore? If he can stay at school honestly and do his job as a principal seriously, I can teach you with peace of mind!

It’s not like—such an assignment—”

Professor McGonagall drew a huge red circle on the parchment and wrote a comment next to it - 'Mr. Weasley, don't you think you rephrased Miss Granger's homework in other words? If you do it once, it’s your homework? ’

"Okay, Zhang, I also want to know where Dumbledore is. If you know, please tell him. There is still a pile of documents waiting for him to sign in the school."

Zhang Xiao shrank his neck and silently mourned for Ron for a while. As expected, no matter where he was, translating from Chinese to English was not advisable.

Time passed day after day.

The weather is gradually getting warmer, and the grass that has been suppressed by the cold winter for several months is tenaciously emerging from the soil, and little bits of green are beginning to appear in Hogwarts.

The ice on the Black Lake has long melted and is glowing under the spring breeze. Fishing in the Black Lake is not a pleasant thing.

It's not that there's any danger, the big squid will gently protect all the little wizards at Hogwarts.

It's just that once you fish on the Black Lake, the mermaids below will hang on your fishing rod more small fish than they can eat.

So even if you don't put anything in and just lower an empty hook, you will find a fat little fish hanging on it when you lift the rod, which is certainly very happy.

But over time this will become boring, and you may even drop a fishing line without a hook.

There will be idle and bored mermaids tying fish on it.

Everything was peaceful on campus, with the four kids making noisy noises. With the help of the other three and club friends, the gloom on Harry's face gradually became less intense.

Zhang Xiao seems to have heard that a lower-grade Slytherin girl has been persistently sending love letters to Harry. Harry seems to be a little uncontrollable.

Rumor has it that that girl is very beautiful.

In addition, Zhang Xiao always felt that something was not right with Professor Snape. Every time at the end of Potions class or other encounters, he always felt like he was hesitant to speak.

Could it be that Voldemort gave him some unspeakable task?

Zhang Xiao doesn’t know and doesn’t dare to ask around. What if the mission is to tie him up and send him back to Voldemort?

France, Provence, which is on the blue coast of the Mediterranean Sea, is the hometown of lavender.

In a small wooden house full of charm in the valley, Nico Flamel sat on a soft chair, picked up the letter and read it carefully.

The cabin is filled with many wonderful items, just like Dumbledore's beautiful headmaster's room, where many things can be found.

Those weird, thin and long silverware made strange and funny sounds, exhaling a faint smoke, and the fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, making the whole cabin warm.

After a while, Nicoléme put down the letter in his hand and suddenly couldn't help laughing. He turned around with some difficulty and said to his wife who was wiping the crystal ball with a square towel:

"Perenal, you won't believe what Albus did-"

The white-haired old man raised his head when he heard this. Over the course of hundreds of years of life, elegance seemed to have been engraved in her bones. The old woman put down the square scarf in her hand and looked at the woman who had been with her for hundreds of years with a smile. The husband said gently:

"What did he do?"

Nicoléme smiled happily:

"He-he actually went-ouch!"

I don’t know if he laughed too hard, which sent a warning to his already aging body. Nico covered his chest, his expression was both painful and wanting to laugh:

"Ouch - anyway, Albus invited us to Diagon Alley to participate in something, um, something very interesting."


Perenal thought about it and laughed too. If you don't find interesting things in life, then a long life will only make people miserable.

So she didn't even ask anything, just nodded gently:

"Okay, if Albus says it's interesting, then let's go and have a look - anyway, in the last period of life, it's always joyful to get together with old friends."

Purbeck, Dorset

Newt put down the quill in his hand and stood up slowly. On the desk full of clutter, a Sniff was swinging on a rope in boredom. He reached out and touched the head of Sniff.

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly turned around.

Behind him, a black leather glove was floating in the air, greeting him just like before.

Newt was stunned, as if some dusty memories were ready to burst out.



1. Monthly ticket 2. Recommended ticket

With this lineup, Voldemort has to bow his head when he comes. The last one is also his senior, racking his brains to put together a dream lineup for you.

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