Chinese students at Hogwarts

Chapter 314 Vernon Dursley

Chapter 314 Vernon Dursley

The flaming phoenix over the church in the distance, and the tail feathers Fox had accumulated for who knows how long, were burning to their heart's content at the moment.

Voldemort's scarlet eyes reflected the firelight. He turned around and looked at Dumbledore, and the crystal clear hourglass exploded with a bang.

The scattered fine sand seemed to be pulled by something, flying each other, and then suddenly collided and collided hard together.

Voldemort opened his mouth and let out a breathtaking laugh. Two arms stretched out from his simple black robes, and his wand reached into the sky.

A green curse similar to Avada's Kedavra shot into the sky.

It was as if dark and thick ink dripped into the clouds, and the originally pure white clouds turned into dark clouds at an extremely fast speed.

The darkness spread extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, half of the sky was soaked.

A huge skeleton is made up of countless turquoise star-like things. A large python emerges from the mouth of the skeleton, like a tongue.

At this moment, the huge pyrotechnic phoenix suddenly flapped its wings and let out a high-pitched, sharp cry that cracked rocks and penetrated the clouds.

Fox is in the center of the fireworks phoenix. It flaps its wings and soars into the sky, like a big sun rising into the sky. The other half of the sky is already golden.

The Phoenix faces off against the Skull, just like Dumbledore and Voldemort below.

"The signal has been sent, Dumbledore, go back and collect the bodies for your little wizards, and remember to cry a little sadly.

This way your mask of hypocrisy will not be revealed. "

Voldemort held his wand empty and began to move slowly left and right. He must not be distracted in the battle with Dumbledore, otherwise the old guy would keenly detect every opportunity.

Voldemort felt that he had rich experience in this regard.

Dumbledore slowly pulled out his Elder Wand, his blue eyes as calm as the sea:

"Tom, maybe we don't need to rush to take action and wait. Young people's affairs should be left to the young people to solve themselves."

"Crash!" A huge hole opened on the top of the church. Zhang Xiao fell from the sky with a violent roar and landed in a standard superhero landing posture.

Balls of fire fell from the sky around him.

Harry looked through his swollen eyes, looking at Sirius, Mr. Arthur, Professor Lupin, and Mrs. Molly. They were all familiar or unfamiliar figures.

With an explosion of joy in his heart, he opened his mouth, but could only make a little hoarse sound.

The Death Eaters did not dare to kill him, but they kept torturing him. Harry even remembered what Zhang Xiao said about wizards having stronger resistance than Muggles.

In order to save Petunia and Dudley, who were already scarred, from suffering a little less torture.

Harry also bravely used the Chinese provocation that he had recently learned to try to draw the firepower to himself.

But when all the firelight went out, Harry's heart gradually became cold again.

Because there were so few people coming, less than 10 people, but there were more than 80 Death Eaters, and each person had to fight eight on average.

Sirius and Lupine bumped fists, there was no fear, only the joy of old friends fighting side by side again.

Mad-Eye Moody's magic eyes moved crazily in his eyeballs, curled his lips and muttered: "Half of them have been caught by me. I really don't know what to do with them. I might as well just kill them."

Kingsley adjusted the round hat on his head and tilted his head in a low voice:

"Moody, you didn't say you were dealing with a room full of Death Eaters!"

"So what?" Tonks' hair turned a dazzling fiery red, a touch of rich eye shadow appeared, and an excited smile gradually appeared on her face. "This is a big event!"

"Yes, a big scene!" Kingsley closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he was filled with a sense of solemnity.

Zhang Xiao's outstretched right hand flashed with a faint electric light, and the lightning strike wooden wand automatically jumped into his hand.

Get rid of useless cluttered thoughts from your mind.

"Then, let's go!"

The two sides had no intention of dialogue at all, and the war reached a fever pitch in the opening moments.

The flying curses were like fireworks, filling almost every corner of the church.

Zhang Xiao's magic wand was flying around, and his five senses that were beyond ordinary people allowed him to detect every spell flying around him, but even so, he mainly dodged.

Because there are too many curses, when dozens of curses fly towards a person, there is no better way except to avoid them.

Lowering his head to avoid a death curse that shook him as if he had Parkinson's disease, Zhang Xiao rushed forward, put one hand on the ground, and used a hip-hop-like movement to make a half circle with his hand as the center of the circle.

Then he jumped up and reached behind a Death Eater. Then he grabbed his clothes and used the power of turning around to change places with him.

Just as a few spells flew towards him, the Death Eater who was accidentally injured by his teammates fell limply to the ground. Zhang Xiao took this opportunity and shook the wand in his hand continuously, shooting out several dazzling spells.

He knocked down the Death Eaters who sneaked up on him, and before he could breathe a sigh of relief, several more curses flew towards him.

His pupils shrank, time seemed to slow down at this moment, and he sorted out the order of the spells almost instantly. He waved the wand around, and lightly lifted several spells away one by one.

I rolled and hid behind a chair, and then I had time to take a breath and observe the situation on the field. How many did I knock down just now?

Four or five?

Mad Eye Moody is very experienced in combat. With the help of his magic eye, he can always find the person who poses the greatest threat to him and knock him down first.

Although he has limited flexibility in his legs, his superb magic skills make him a fish in water on the battlefield, like a huge stone dam blocking the surging tide.

But even so, Moody has gradually become unable to do what he wants. From being able to counterattack frequently to now he can only counterattack occasionally, focusing on defense.

The Death Eaters had a high level of hatred for him, and often used Avada's Kedavra. It was these Kedavra that made Moody passive.

Mrs. Molly and Mr. Arthur were standing side by side, as if dancing a tango, with one or two spells shooting out at every intersection and step.

In a short while, two people were knocked down.

The smartest one was Tonks. After she discovered that her dazzling fiery red hair could easily attract fire, she immediately cleverly transformed into a Death Eater and sneaked into the crowd for a sneak attack, with fruitful results.

The worst situation was for Lupine and Sirius, who were guarding Harry and resisting all the incoming spells.

When Sirius deflected a very harmful black magic, he turned around and pointed his wand in the direction of the magic spell and roared:

"Stay away from my godson!"

He then discovered the source of the blow, Bellatrix, his cousin.

Zhang Xiao only rested for a short while and then rubbed his body again. At this moment, he finally understood why his father said he had sex after going abroad.

In the previous two years of fighting, Zhang Xiao used melee combat to take advantage. He even felt that fighting a wizard in melee combat was like a father beating his son.

Because they are fast and flexible, when faced with wizards, many times they cannot even aim at themselves.

But now when there was this kind of melee between many people, he realized that his father was his father after all.

The advantages of Daomen, such as fast speed and flexible movements, are indeed strong in one-on-one situations. Even in full state, it can temporarily raise oneself to a level high enough to compete with Dumbledore.

Even if it's just for a moment.

But in the melee, one might not pay attention and hit a magic spell flying from nowhere, and the wizard's weird magic is also a big problem.

Even Professor Flitwick, who is known as the encyclopedia of magic, can only say that he knows only a small part of the vast world.

After Zhang Xiao once again used his wand to deflect a spell, the first wounded person finally appeared in the Order of the Phoenix. Moody over there was finally unable to withstand the siege of more than a dozen Death Eaters.

He flew far away, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

When he fell like this, it seemed to have a chain reaction. Kingsley, who was walking around Moody, also groaned and was hit by several magic spells, and fell to the ground unwillingly.

The freed Death Eaters once again surrounded the remaining people.

The situation actually reached an extremely dangerous point in an instant.

Zhang Xiao pushed hard on his toes and jumped up. Facing the magic spells flying from all directions, he felt a numb scalp.

The wand flicked and pulled, and the long table beneath him shook violently and flew over, turning into a shield. With a crackling explosion, sawdust flew into the air, and it shattered in an instant.

But taking this opportunity, Zhang Xiao had already rolled over behind the bench. He looked at the few remaining people who were about to lose their strength and took a deep breath.

Do you want to open it up now?

But if he couldn't clear out all the Death Eaters, he would be in danger.

Zhang Xiao only hesitated for a moment, then pursed his lips, and golden light gradually began to ripple on the surface of his body.

Whether it can be cleaned up is the last thing to consider, but the first goal is to keep everyone alive!

The Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters were fighting fiercely, but Dudley and Petunia, who were immediately knocked down by Lupine and moved to the corner, seemed to be forgotten.

Dudley's face was already covered in blood. He turned his head with difficulty, looked at Petunia who had almost lost her human form, and asked tremblingly:

"Mom, are you okay? Someone has come to save us, do we not have to die?"

Petunia lowered her head. In order to vent her anger, Bella slashed her face several times with a knife. Now Petunia's face looked like a piece of rotten meat, and even the bones could be seen.

"Is it Vernon?"

Penny's voice was very soft, almost inaudible.

"It's not dad, he seems to be Harry's friend."


Petunia's voice gradually disappeared, Dudley opened his mouth, his lips moved, and with a cry, he crawled to Petunia's side and held his hand.

Dudley's heart was filled with an unspeakable sadness, and he couldn't even figure out why these wizards treated him and his mother like this.

Just because Harry was left behind?

He gently shook Petunia's body and cried: "Mom, I. What should I do? I'm scared."

Perhaps it was Dudley's words that touched Petunia's last bit of strength. She opened her eyes, with infinite tenderness and guilt in her only remaining eye.

"Dudley, hold on. Dad, Dad will definitely come to save us."

can you?


The door of the church was knocked open, and a military Land Rover with sharp lines was spitting out black smoke, roaring, smashing open the door and rushing in.

"Penny, Dudley, I'm here to save you!!!"

Vernon pushed open the door with difficulty and jumped out. His fat body was covered with an oversized body armor, holding a Minimi light machine gun, and his eyes were red, like a violent giant bear.

"Dad. It's dad!"

Dudley couldn't believe his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and confirmed again and again before he could believe it. He was so surprised that he threw himself next to Petunia, crying and shouting:

"Mom, mom, dad really came to save us."

But Penny remained motionless, just lying there, blood slowly flowing under her body, and soon formed a small pool of blood.


The first time he came in, Vernon was anxiously looking for his wife and children, but there were strangely dressed wizards everywhere. At this moment, an unusually familiar, heartbreaking cry suddenly came from the corner. call.

That's Dudley's voice!

Vernon looked towards the source of the sound and saw Dudley, his face covered in blood, lying on Petunia who was lying on the ground, crying.

Vernon felt as if all the blood in his body was rushing to his head. His eyes were so red that he couldn't see anything clearly.

Penny Penny is dead?

His lips trembled, and big tears burst out suddenly, and then everyone heard a howl like a wounded beast.


Vernon picked up the machine gun——


Aim at the wizard in front of you——


Pulled the bolt——

"Hurt my Penny!!"

Vernon pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The crystallization of human killing wisdom, the machine gun that completely changed the situation on the battlefield, was spitting out flames at this moment. It was the resistance of mortals!

“Da da da da da——————”

The bullet casings were flying and the flames were connecting. Zhang Xiao screamed as soon as he saw Vernon's hand, quickly rolled to the side and lay down, and at the same time desperately called for the people of the Order of the Phoenix to lie down too.

Although they didn't understand what Zhang meant, the remaining people had a high degree of trust in Zhang. Whether it was Lupine, Sirius, Arthur or Molly, they all responded as soon as they heard Zhang's call. He lay down without hesitation.

Only the Death Eaters were left who didn't understand what they were about to face.

The chain of fire is like a sickle cutting wheat, and the reaper dares to face the life of the machine gun muzzle.

Puffs of blood mist almost exploded among the Death Eaters who were caught off guard. Their flesh was so fragile in front of the 5.56×45mm bullet.

"Death - all of you! You crazy people who deserve to go to hell!"

That night, the Death Eaters finally witnessed the power of Muggles and understood Grindelwald.


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