Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 97: grateful hug

Chapter 97 A grateful hug

 Fortunately, what Hardy worried about did not happen.

 The golden light on his body disappeared after lasting for more than half an hour.

Lahabi pursed his lips and stared at Hadi with envy and jealousy for a while before sighing and leaving with his men.

 During this period, Ockham has been avoiding the sight of Hardy and Madame Sissi.

Just when he was about to leave, Mrs. Sissi suddenly asked: "Ockham, are you not planning to return to Hexi County?"

 Everyone in the Temple of Light stopped.

Especially Ockham, who shook his body, turned around, and smiled awkwardly.

 “Aren’t you going to go back and help your teacher?” Mrs. Sissi asked again.

Occam is a talent who came from the Temple of Light in Hexi County.

 It is not easy to cultivate such a talent, especially for professionals.

Occam lowered his head and remained silent for a long time without speaking.

Mrs. Sissi understood what the other party meant, waved her hand and said: "Okay, let's go. I wish you a bright future and lots of wealth."

Occam bowed slightly and left.

 Lahabi looked at Occam’s buttocks with faint disdain.

After the people from the Temple of Light left, Enolin asked the housekeeper to close the castle door, and then asked: "Hadi, what on earth did the goddess say to you."

 You can say a lot in three minutes. She was very curious.

Mrs. Sissi also came closer, with a curious look on her face.

Hadi explained the 'deal' with the goddess, and then said: "So we have to let the Bolan family go. We can chop off his hands and feet, but not his head."

 But Enolin didn't seem interested in this. Instead, she asked: "Is the goddess beautiful? What kind of clothes does she wear?"

 Oh... Hardy has nothing to say.

 He looked at Madam Sissi and found that she was also very interested.

 Women, it’s really hard to understand.

Hadi shook his head and said: "I can't see the goddess. I can only barely see a person on the throne."

 Both of them were a little disappointed.

But Enolin quickly focused her attention on business. She said: "Then I will go out and talk to those losers about how to compensate us. Sissi, you just stay at home, and Hardy will protect our future." Head of the house, wait until the matter is settled before you consider going out.”

Mrs. Sissi nodded slightly.

Hardy thought for a while and agreed.

Enoline then cheered up and left. After the castle door closed again, Madam Sissi sat down, showing a very relaxed look.

Hadi sat opposite her and smiled: "Originally, you were supposed to become the queen soon, but as a result, Aya... the goddess of light appeared, and your position as queen will have to be pushed back a few years."

Mrs. Sissi smiled bitterly and said: "It would be better to say that this thing saved me. When I think about becoming a queen, I feel very nervous and scared."

 There are also people like this who are afraid of taking responsibility.

Hardy actually thinks that Mrs. Sissi will have no problem being the queen.

Although the king of France also has certain powers, as a feudal country, the king's power is really not great, and there are not many things to deal with.

 Essentially, he is a high-level lord.

 The name also sounds better.

Mrs. Sissi held her chin and turned to look out the window: "Hardy, I miss Hexi County a little. Do you miss it there?"

"You are thinking of Karina and Bishop Abelon." Mrs. Sissi nodded slightly: "Especially Karina, I haven't seen her in almost a year, and I don't know how she is living outside. OK."

 It is normal for mothers to worry about their daughters.

 Speaking of her daughter, she immediately became happy, and then kept telling Hardy interesting stories about Karina's childhood.

 Occasionally, I will talk about my own things.

 The two of them chatted in the main hall until evening.

Then Mrs. Sissi stood up, stretched out, and stretched out all the front curves. Then she relaxed and said: "Hardy, thank you for chatting with me for so long, and thank you for doing so much for the Jeanne family." Lots of things.”

 “It should be done.” Hardy said nonchalantly. He had taken a territory as large as Jeanna’s family, so it was natural for him to do something.

But Mrs. Sissi has a different view: "I know that you are so concerned about our Jeanna family because of Karina, but no matter what, without you, the Jeanna family will be finished."

 After saying that, she stepped forward and gave Hadi a gentle hug.

Hardy stayed for a while, and then politely hugged Mrs. Sissi and patted her on the back.

 The fragrance surrounds Hadi, as well as gentleness and mellowness.

A few seconds later, Mrs. Sissi let go of Hardy, took two steps back, and smiled sweetly on her pretty face: "I'm going to go up and change clothes first. You can wait here for mother and father to come back."

 After saying that, she went up first.

 Not long after, Dora, Victor, and Enolin all came back.

Mrs. Sissi also changed her clothes and came down from the second floor.

 Then it was time to have dinner, but except for Hardy who took a few bites, no one else touched anything on the table.

 The reason is very simple. Enolin and others have been communicating about the benefits they have obtained from the other three royal bloodlines.

 Because the gains after this victory were completely beyond their imagination.

Hardy listened beside him, his mood not fluctuating much.

If I had to say it, he had admired the beauty of Madame Sissi and Madame Anna for a longer time.

This dinner took a long time to eat.

Wait until late at night, the people of Jeanna's family were still looking at the land deeds and boxes of boxes brought in from outside, all of which were full of gold coins.

 Hardi, on the other hand, excused himself from sleepiness and returned to his camp.

The fire was bright in the camp. Hardy entered the camp and saw almost all the sergeants standing in the school field.

 On the high platform of the school grounds, there are several large boxes.

 Everyone sat quietly, no one spoke.

Seeing Hardy come in, Rogge rushed over immediately and said, "The financial officer of Jeanna's family sent several big boxes, saying that the owner deserves them."

 Everyone knows what’s inside.

Hardy walked to the high platform and opened the boxes one by one.

 Seven boxes, all filled with gold coins.

Hardy looked at the silent soldiers below and said, "Thank you for your hard work. You are very brave and have not disgraced us Hexi County people."

Hardy grabbed a handful of gold coins, opened his hand again, and let the gold coins spill back into the box: "What I said stands true. After a while, when we go to Hukaro City, you can go back to Hexi first. County, bring your relatives out and settle there, and everyone can get an acre of wasteland as farmland for their family. "

 The soldiers’ eyes lit up.

“Also, all the soldiers who participated in this battle will receive one gold coin. Those who are slightly injured will receive thirty silver coins. Brothers who are disabled or dead will receive an additional gold coin as a pension.”

 (End of this chapter)

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