Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 62: The troubles of Jeanne's family

Chapter 62 The Troubles of the Jeanna Family

To be honest, in the original world line, Hardy had always been working for gold. He had never participated in a noble banquet and was not qualified to participate, so he was quite curious about the noble banquet at first.

But after being made a man by the Lord of Virginia, he lost interest in noble banquets.

 The more mysterious it is, the scarier it seems.

In Hadi's opinion, it should be a normal banquet for the Two-Headed Dragon family to hold such a high-profile banquet and invite so many people to attend.

 At most it’s just a normal silver party.

 But damn, when Hardy saw the stretcher carried out by the servants and the white cloth covering it, his eyes went dark.

 Here we go again!

How much do the Aruba people love this thing!

"Cheer, my brothers and sisters, respect your relatives and friends." Hornby Eckerd stood on the high platform and shouted: "Our focus tonight is the leader of the greatest dynasty in the Misr Golden Dynasty era. The founder, Seti I!”

 The guests were beyond shocked.

 The white cloth was lifted, and the mummy had been cut into countless small pieces.

“Now, grab it. As much as you can grab, whoever grabs it will belong to him, hahahaha.”

The guests rushed to the table where the mummy was placed.

There were so many people that the stretcher was soon overturned, and small pieces of mummies flew everywhere.

 The whole restaurant is filled with the smell of cumin, because mummies were embalmed with cumin.

The noble guests, who were originally very polite, lay on the ground and looted frantically.

 Either male or female.

Hardy subconsciously retreated until he reached the entrance of the main hall.

 He even saw Dora holding a piece of mummified meat and eating it.


 At this time, he found that there was someone next to him, and it turned out to be Princes.

"I'm so happy that I'm not alone." Princes looked at Hadi with satisfaction: "I thought I was out of place, but I didn't expect that I actually had companions."


Hady's expression suddenly changed. He saw Dora also eating "bacon", and he had a terrible thought: "Has everyone in Jeanna's family also eaten this thing?"

Princes smiled and said: "That's not true. The women in Jeanna's family are basically believers of the Illuminati. The Illuminati prohibits eating corpses. If there was no such ban, they would probably eat it."


  The beautiful images of Madame Sissi and Lady Anna have been temporarily preserved.

If he knew that these two people had also eaten mummies, Hadi would definitely stay two meters away from them to avoid smelling their breath.

At this time, an aristocratic scholar who had eaten bacon, maybe because he was high, stood on the high platform and loudly sang a poem that he had a flash of inspiration.

 “in the body of the deceased”

 “The unconscious life lurks”

 “Waiting to be combined with the stomach of another living being”

 “Regain consciousness and wisdom”

This poem received a round of applause.

Prince introduced him very thoughtfully: "This is our most famous scholar and painter in Polis, Leonardo Da! His painting "Bear's Head" sold for a high price of one hundred and eighty-seven gold coins. , and he is also a good poet.”

 I feel like vomiting again.

Hardy used to love cumin barbecue, but now he definitely doesn’t like it anymore.

 Fortunately, this 'farce' ended soon.

Because there was only one mummy, it was just a little bit of meat and bones after drying, which weighed less than sixty pounds. There were more than a hundred people at the scene, and there were many low-level professionals. They swallowed all the meat and bones in just a few clicks. .

 The next step is the ‘Talent Show’.

 A large number of dancing girls and minstrels arrived.

 The most eye-catching thing among them is the beautiful girl in luxurious clothes in the center of the field. Rotating, jumping, she closed her eyes.

 Attracted the attention of almost all the men in the room.

 Because she dances really beautifully.

Princes turned to look at Hadi and said, "This is the youngest sister in my family. Do you want me to introduce her to you?"

 “No need.” Hardy shook his head.

By the time the singing and dancing were over, all the guests in the banquet hall were almost drunk, and everyone who should be drunk or not was drunk.

 The oil lamps and candles were extinguished one by one, and in the dark environment, groups of people hugged each other.

  A strange sound was heard.

 Hardy left the main hall and came to the garden.

There were also a few pairs of wild mandarin ducks living happily here, but they were all in the dark, and Hardy pretended not to see or hear them.

 “Aren’t you going to join in?” Prince asked.

  Hardy shook his head: "I am a person with pursuits and I don't like this kind of chaotic environment."

"That's quite a coincidence." Princes' eyes became brighter and brighter: "I don't like this kind of occasion either."

Hardy glanced at the other party in surprise.

Princes took out a bottle of wine and two small wine glasses from behind: "Let's drink some light wine. Just standing and chatting is boring."

Hardy readily accepted.

 After drinking for a while, Grand Duke Dora walked out of the castle.

As he walked, he wiped off the lipstick from his mouth, and at the same time, he fastened two of the wrong buttons on his clothes.

Hardy said to Princes: "I have to go back, and we will talk again when we have the opportunity."


Princes smiled faintly, her face flushed under the moonlight, which was particularly charming.

Hadi seemed fine on the surface, but in his heart he was even more wary of this handsome man.

 You are not really here to seduce me.

 Fortunately, I am not good at this.

 Then he followed Dora back to Jeanne's manor.

There were also twenty heavy cavalry from the Two-headed Dragon family to protect them along the way.

 After returning to the manor, Dora separated from Hadi, washed her mouth first, and then returned to the bedroom.

 Enoline was sitting on the edge of the bed. Seeing him come in, she said, "How is it?"

 “That old boy Ickerd wants to get along with us.” Dora straightened her clothes and said, “But as long as we reconcile secretly, we will still be antagonistic on the surface.”

Enolin sneered: "They have a good idea, they want it and they want it!"

 “Also, there may be some problems on Hardy’s side.”

Enolin's face was stunned. She was very optimistic about Hardy. Could something have happened?

Dora then told what happened at the banquet: "Eckerd obviously wanted to send that beautiful young man to seduce Hadi. I told him to send him some beautiful maids, but he didn't do it."

"Are you kidding, don't you look at who Hardy is?" Enolin sneered: "He is a noble himself, handsome and capable, what kind of common people and maids do he want to play with! But Why is he obsessed with our granddaughter? It’s not because she is beautiful and has status!”

Dora nodded: "That's true. But if it continues like this, I'm afraid... Hardy will go astray."

"But our family doesn't have a worthy daughter or granddaughter... Hey, wait a minute." Enolin suddenly thought of something: "Didn't Sissi say that her granddaughter Karina looks almost exactly like her? Otherwise Let Sissi sacrifice?"

Dora took a deep breath: "Sissi has a husband, please don't cheat her like this, our Jeanna family is not that dirty."

Enolin also knew that she had made a mistake: "I just said it casually."

 (End of this chapter)

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