Black Knight From Blue Star

Chapter 36: Even dogs know his little thoughts

Chapter 36 Even dogs know his little thoughts

 Mobilizing the army is a very troublesome matter.

 The trouble lies in logistics.

Hadi made a careful calculation and found that an army of 200 people would need a logistics force of at least 50 people to ensure the normal transportation of food.

Moreover, all clothing, armor and weapons need to be inspected beforehand.

The Hardy family doesn't have many talents now, so most of these things have to be done by oneself, which is very cumbersome.

Fortunately, the number of troops is not large, otherwise Hadi may not be able to do this well even if he is busy for two months.

However, when he was doing these things, he promoted a very smart young man named Rogge from among the soldiers to learn from him, so by the time the army could officially set off, this man could already become a qualified logistics officer.

Rogge is a child of a sharecropper family and has been with the Hardy family for at least five generations. His loyalty should be guaranteed.

And he is very serious and enthusiastic in his work. He will try his best to complete the orders given by Hadi.

 With his help, Hardy felt much more relaxed.

On the appointed day, Hadi led more than two hundred soldiers to the city gate, where a carriage was already waiting.

 Beside the carriage, there were more than a dozen priests.

 Six of them are wearing armor, and the rest are white-robed priests.

 The Cult of Light has its own complete tactical system.

 Those who wear armor are combat priests, and those who wear robes are generally support priests.

 Beyond these two, there are paladins, which are very outrageous professionals that require very high qualifications. Depending on the era, there are usually between 6 and 12 people.

 He is also the most powerful professional after the pope.

The two hundred soldiers looked different, but they were all wearing leather armor, leather helmets, holding brand-new iron weapons, and they were quite intimidating when they advanced in relatively orderly steps.

If Hardy's blacksmith shop hadn't sent them out, there would have been a lot of armor to form an elite squad. But if the blacksmith shop hadn't sent them out, Hardy probably wouldn't have been able to survive now.

 The wall fell and everyone pushed it!

 Old Hardy's death has attracted countless jackals to shine with greedy green light in the darkness.

 The identity of a 'knight' at the beginning and the identity of a 'baron' now have helped him avoid many troubles invisibly.

It can be said that even if the current Hardy comes through, if the blacksmith shop is not sent out, it will definitely take the hard mode route.

 Send the blacksmith shop out and take the 'simple' mode route.

Hadi raised his hand to signal the soldiers to rest on the spot, and then he rode forward.

When approaching the black carriage, the curtains of the window opened, and Sissi's extremely mature and beautiful face emerged: "Hardy, you are on time, when can we set off?"

 Hardy's eyes swept across the dozen priests.

 One of them, a white-robed priest, caught his attention.

The other person is very young, with brown hair and brown eyes, but handsome, almost as good as Hardy.

Hadi's eyes paused on this person for a while, then returned to Sissi's face, and asked with a smile: "Aunt Sissi, won't Uncle Abelon go to the royal city with you?"

A disappointed expression flashed across Sissi's face for a moment, and then she said with a chuckle: "He has a lot of things to deal with here. Besides, as a bishop, he hastily got involved in the affairs of the Jeanna family. It's not good!"

  Seems to make sense.

But Hardy's eyes swept across the dozen or so priests around him, and he laughed in his heart.

These priests are obviously escorts. Anyone who is not blind can see that they are all elites of the Temple of Light.

 Wouldn’t it be better to mix it in?

 You’re lying to children!

Although he didn’t know why, Abelon didn’t follow his wife, but he didn’t believe that the Light Cult would not take advantage of this royal infighting to do something.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Hardy.

His only goal in going to the royal city was to find out who killed his 'father' and wanted to rob him of the family heirloom.

Hardy looked up at the sky and said, "Let's go then. I will send a scout team ahead to explore the road. Aunt Sissi, your carriage should walk among the soldiers. It will be safer this way."

 “Okay, please excuse me.” Sissi was very satisfied with this arrangement.

At this time, the priests came over and they knew they would be leaving soon. Among them, the handsome young man walked the fastest and seemed to reach the carriage in a few steps.

Hardy glanced over and asked: "Aunt Sissi, why don't you introduce me?"

 “This is Occam, the best boy of all the pupils of Aberon.”

When Occam heard this, his face was full of joy, and he nodded to Hardy.

"This is Baron Hardy." Sissi also introduced to the young priest: "He is Karina's best friend."

 “Oh, that Bai who is crazy about pursuing Miss Karina…”

The young man shut up suddenly, feeling embarrassed.

Hardy shrugged indifferently: "As an idiot who is crazy about pursuing Karina, there is nothing bad to say. I also know how my own reputation is."

 He had an indifferent attitude, but both Sissi and the young priest were embarrassed.

 The atmosphere suddenly seemed not so good.

Hardi didn't pay much attention. He waved his hand towards his army, and a group of twelve light cavalry set off first.

This is Hardy’s only cavalry team!

It is also a scout team.

With the current economic strength of his family, he can only raise so many cavalry.

As for heavy cavalry, don’t even think about it.

Even the Virginia lord's heavy cavalry only numbered a hundred or so.

 After waiting for about ten minutes, Hardy said: "It's time to go."

A hundred soldiers went first, followed by Sissi’s carriage, priests, and logistical equipment, and finally came the elite soldiers of nearly a hundred mountain people.

 For a team, the most important thing is the coach and the equipment.

 When these two things are gone, the team will disperse.

The army was naturally moving out at a slower pace, but Sissi didn't care. As a woman, she pursued a sense of security.

 While marching, Hardy sat on the horse the whole time.

 Benefiting from the benefits of the ‘Nightmare Knight’ profession, his riding skills are quite good and stable.

Sissi hid in the carriage and seemed a little sleepy.

On the other hand, Ockham would always follow the carriage window and want to talk to Sissi for some reason.

 At one time he asked Sissi if she was tired, and at another time she asked if she was thirsty.

 What kind of thoughts a person has, dogs can see clearly.

However, Hardy did not underestimate or despise the other party.

  Sissi is indeed very beautiful, and now her husband is not around. A normal man would have normal thoughts when he sees Qian Qi.

 As long as he doesn’t do something disgusting and perverted, no one can control him.

 Francie's world is not peaceful. As long as he leaves the city, there are not only beasts and monsters outside, but also many roaming bandits and robbers.

very dangerous.

But no fool would be foolish enough to rob an army.

 All wild beasts know this.

 The first day of the army's trip went smoothly and no problems were encountered.

The scouts found a flat place with clean water ahead, and the army stationed there.

 The soldiers first built simple fortifications, and then began to bury pots and make rice.

After eating, the soldiers in charge of logistics set up a camping tent for Hadi to rest.

 As a nobleman and a coach, this is the treatment he deserves.

 But then, he found Sissi standing awkwardly in front of him, as if she had something to say.

 (End of this chapter)

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