Aphasia at Hogwarts

Chapter 173 Hermione's Plan

After returning from the hospital, Ron seemed to be in a better state. He didn't make any noise when he went to sleep at night, and his spirit became better during the day.

It's just that, occasionally, he would suddenly be in a daze, and he would wake up suddenly when someone called out, as if he had fallen asleep.

"Ron? Ron?!" Harry called from beside Ron.

"Ah? Ah! What's the matter?" Ron suddenly woke up, and almost stuffed the sausage on the fork in his hand into his nose.

"What were you thinking just now?" Harry asked, looking worried.

"No, nothing, nothing." Ron said vaguely as he coated the sausage with ketchup and stuffed it into his mouth.

Then, he looked at the plate in front of him, with ketchup on the knife and fork, and a strange pattern seemed to be drawn in his unintentional smearing.

"Nothing." Ron repeated, inserting a sausage again, messing up the pattern, and eating the sausage.

"It's fine, then do you want to come and see the training later?" Harry said.

He will go to the stadium to train later, and there are not a few days left before Gryffindor's next game. Recently, Wood squeezed their time like crazy.

Ron often came to see their training, and Hermione would come over sometimes, when she felt tired from studying and needed to relax.

Today she is obviously full of energy and went to the library early in the morning.

As for Guan Qiong, he had no interest in Quidditch, so naturally he would not come to see Harry training.

"Of course I'm going, don't you have a new tactical arrangement today?" Ron said.

"But Wood has a new tactic every week," said Harry feebly.

He felt that he was about to be driven crazy by Wood's new tactics, even Snape's potion ratios and brewing methods were not so difficult to remember.

At least they are regular.

"Isn't it different this time? Wood said there is a new breakthrough this time." Ron was full of expectations.

"Wood's new tactics are new breakthroughs every time." Harry sighed, but seeing Ron like this, he felt relieved.

It's probably just that the recent study tasks are too heavy, so Ron is too tired, let him watch the Quidditch game, maybe he will become more energetic.

thought Harry.

On the other side, Hermione was not in the library, she pulled Guan Qiong all the way to Myrtle's bathroom.

"This time it will definitely succeed." Hermione said to Guan Qiong confidently, showing him her preparations.

In the single room of the bathroom, in addition to the allergy potion that Hermione had prepared in a bottle, there was also a potion.

The whole body of the potion was blue, with white stuff inside, rolling inside like noodles, and like clouds in the sky, stretching and shrinking from time to time, dissipating and gathering.

"What is this?" Guan Qiong asked Hermione.

"Quick air freshener."


Guan Qiong looked at Hermione, the light spot in his hand condensed into a big question mark, floating in front of the two of them.

"This is an inspiration I found in the book I read the other day," Hermione explained, with a gleam of excitement on her face.

"There are too many warning things on Lockhart, his ring, his necklace, and his sleeve studs all have the effect of warning different things, which makes many methods useless to him. "

"However, in the book "How to Cast Magic Unknown", I saw a method."

"That is, to volatilize some medicine into the air." Hermione said, pointing to the quick air freshener in the cauldron.

"The medicine in the air in a large area will cause some early warning magic to fail, and even if the early warning magic sends out a warning, it will not be affected. As long as he walks into that range and breathes the air, he will definitely be hit."

Guan Qiong was a little surprised, he didn't expect Hermione to find such a way.

At this time, the excited Hermione took out a small slice of wrapped lemon from her pocket.

She removed the liquid from the cauldron and squeezed a drop of juice from a lemon, letting it drip into the quick air freshener.

The quick air freshener swallowed the lemonade, and then began to boil, and from the bursting bubbles, a fresh smell kept rising. After a while, the whole bathroom was filled with the smell of lemon.

"This household medicine was originally used to quickly freshen the air, and it will spread the smell of the things put into the entire space at an alarming speed." Hermione said with a smile.

"And I have tried it before. After adding some special herbs to the Sensitizer, you only need to smell it to produce the same effect. Although it will be weaker, it is enough."

Guan Qiong smelled the smell of lemon in the air, and from the perspective of magic power, a hazy layer of magic power appeared in the surrounding air, just like the elf magic he had seen Dobby cast before.

"A very bold and genius idea." Guan Qiong gave Hermione a thumbs up, and the light spots beside her also formed a compliment.

It is indeed an interesting combination idea, and it also has a good effect.

As far as Guan Qiong knows, the way some warning magic works is actually by observing the difference between the attributes of the object itself and the surrounding environment.

Just like Guan Qiong's magic perspective, when he sees a strange magic circuit in a certain place, it means that there is a problem in that place.

But Hermione's method can bypass this detection.

Because the whole environment is problematic, and this is the easiest place to ignore.

For example, Guan Qiong is now looking around. If he hadn't noticed and recorded the hazy magic state of the fresheners scattered in the air, he would not have found any problems.

In a desert, one will notice the existence of green space at a glance, but in a forest, one will ignore it.

Moreover, as Hermione said before, even if the warning magic item on Lockhart's body worked, by the time he found out, he had already entered this environment and inhaled the sensitive potion.

"I'm going to do it in a few days. It's during the Quidditch match. At that time, the students are all going to watch the match. There are no people in Hogwarts Castle, and there is no need to worry about being influenced by others. Lockhart I have also chosen the place I passed by, and it is in the corridor on the third floor."

Hermione confidently told Guan Qiong that she had obviously made all the plans.

The third floor of Hogwarts Castle is where the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office is located. As soon as Lockhart walks out, he will be tricked immediately.

It can be said that as long as there are no accidents, this plan will not have the possibility of failure.

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