A day at Hogwarts

Chapter 220 Something went wrong

On Valentine's Day night, the singles were doing homework or reading in the common room, and no one was playing simulated Quidditch or other small games.

Seamus opened the gift he received this morning, which contained snacks from Japan, and shared them with everyone.

Ron got a piece of chocolate-flavored Dafu, pinched out a small piece and fed it to Scabbers.

Neville asked from the side: "Can rats eat chocolate?"

Ron replied: "Okay, I've given it chocolate frogs before."

Hermione said to Neville: "Dogs can't eat chocolate, but mice are fine."

Parvati Patil, who was sitting across the long table, suddenly shouted: "Yeah, Banban is nodding, it seems he knows it too."

Lavender Brown on the side said curiously: "How does a mouse know that dogs can't eat chocolate?"

Banban looked triumphant, I just knew it.

Seamus looked around and found that someone was missing: "Where's Charles? Why is he missing? I saw him at dinner."

Neville said: "A new spell was just taught in the Charms class today. He may have gone there to practice again."

Seamus thought it made sense and decided to leave a snack for him.

But the girls didn’t think so. Lavender’s eyes lit up: “Maybe he went on a date with his girlfriend!”

"No way?" Seamus looked around and saw that there were many people at the table of junior students in the common room.

Lavender continued: "Maybe they are girls from other colleges."

The boys murmured together for a while and found that Charles had never had any special contact with any girl. Whether it was Gryffindor or other schools, it was just ordinary communication.

The girl from India suddenly asked: "Could Charles's girlfriend be a centaur?"

Everyone looked at classmate Parvati Patil in surprise.

Everyone knows that Charles is very familiar with centaurs, but finding a centaur as his girlfriend is too challenging for human common sense. Normal people can't do such a thing.

Because the homework was not finished yet, everyone’s chat ended quickly.

When Seamus put on his pajamas and was about to go to bed, he found that Charles hadn't come back yet, but Ruby had already come back and was shaking dust by the window.

Seamus fed it the snacks left for Charles and asked curiously: "Where did you go yesterday? Charles couldn't find you even though he looked for you."

Ruby barked twice triumphantly after eating a snack, and Seamus didn't know what it meant.

Seamus yawned and went to bed. After an unknown amount of time, a sound outside the bed curtain woke him up.

He didn't care, thinking it was Charles coming back, so he turned over and continued to sleep.

The next morning, Seamus woke up early and saw a piece of parchment hanging on Charles' bed curtain with the words "Wake me up" written on it.

Seamus thought for a while, put the super noisy alarm clock on Charles' bedside from the desk next to the window sill, and then slipped away.

It was another beautiful day. During breakfast, Seamus suddenly noticed that many people were actually wearing scarves. Charles was wearing a turtleneck sweater under his robe, with the collar reaching to his chin.

Seamus asked Charles: "Is it cold today?"

Charles just nodded and said nothing.

This morning started with herbalism class.

As spring prepares to come, pests will also appear. Professor Sprout teaches you how to prepare a commonly used gardening pesticide.

Compared with making medicine in potions class, the preparation of this pesticide is very simple. You only need to wear dragon leather gloves to crush several herbs, put some into high-strength wine, and some into hot water. Just mix it up at the end.

After Professor Sprout demonstrated once, he walked around behind the students and said a few words from time to time. When he walked behind Charles, he paused longer as usual.

Charles seemed a little nervous, his waist was very straight, and he was particularly serious and skillful when grinding the herbs.


Professor Sprout suddenly laughed, but said nothing more, shook his head slightly and left.

Seamus next to him turned his head and looked at Charles, feeling that something was wrong.

After class, Professor Sprout stopped Charles and asked in a low voice after no one was around: "Did you use sap grass with Muggle fertilizer?"

Charles was obviously shocked and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

Professor Sprout smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I was young too."

Charles ran away.

The second period was Potions class. After the class started, Snape stood beside Charles for a full quarter of an hour, with a sneer on his face, and said "hehe" jokingly before leaving.

Snape seemed to be thinking about something during this lesson and did not bother Harry.

After finally getting through get out of class, Charles turned around and left, but Snape had already been standing at the gate, waiting to stop him.

"Put too much oozingweed?" Snape asked. "You won't make such a mistake."

Charles ran away, but Snape tried to stop him, but was kicked hard on his calf bone, grimacing in pain.

During lunch time, Seamus noticed that Charles did not come to the cafeteria, so he asked Harry, "Have you seen Charles?"

Harry replied while eating: "He's a little weird today, maybe he's sick."

Seamus nodded and said, "Yes, I also felt something was wrong with him. He didn't say anything at all."

Harry smiled evilly and said, "Maybe he received two gifts yesterday, and one of them got angry and cast a curse on him, or maybe both of them were angry."

There were no classes in the afternoon, Charles was nowhere to be seen, and no one was seen at dinner.

It was time to go to bed again, and Seamus was about to close the bed curtains when Charles came back.

He asked Charles: "Are you sick today?"

Charles seemed to have no energy. He sat on his bed and replied weakly: "It's nothing. I accidentally got food poisoning when I was cooking and eating last night. I'm fine now."

Simo asked in surprise: "No way, something will happen to you when you make food?"

"Aren't ruby ​​tears antidote to poison?"

Charles shook his head and said, "It ran away because it didn't think the food I made was delicious."

Simo said as he pulled the bed curtain: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I still have some here."

Charles just replied "forgot" and retreated to bed to sleep.

The next morning, after breakfast, Charles was called to the office by Professor McGonagall, and he and Eleanor were lectured for a full lesson.

If Professor McGonagall didn't have a class to teach later, I would probably be able to train until lunch time.

"So..." Professor McGonagall looked at second-year Charles and Eleanor, who was about to graduate, "Are you in a relationship now?"

These two guys reminded her of Sprout and Flitwick, who were also of the same age group, but with opposite genders.

Charles and Eleanor shook their heads at the same time and firmly denied: "No."

Eleanor said: "I just asked Charles to try the polyjuice potion I had just prepared, but I didn't prepare anyone else's hair at the time."

Charles looked very depressed: "I didn't expect that the medicinal effect of the liquid herb is particularly strong, so there was a slight problem."

Professor McGonagall sighed: "Alas...Are all young people today like this?"

"Fortunately, it just took too long this time. If you can't change back, or you only change part of it like Hermione, I'll see what you will do then."

The two repeatedly promised that they would never do such a thing again, and that next time they made potions in private, they would show it to Professor Snape first.

Professor McGonagall waved the two of them away. This kind of thing was out of sight and would have been too lazy to care about if Sprout and Snape hadn't mentioned it.

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