Chapter 22 The old boring man
  "Coward, don't think that this matter is over!"

Luo Bin murmured with a sneer.

"Robin, what did you say, I didn't hear clearly?" Ron asked.

"Nothing to say, let's go to Potions class!"

The Potions class was arranged in a large underground classroom. Along the way, Ron asked Robin for advice on how to scare away Malfoy.

He followed Luo Bin's example, stern face, frowning, squinting his eyes, exuding the aura of 'I've been constipated for a year'.

Yes, that's right, when Ron makes the same facial expressions, it doesn't look like he's angry or a sign of a big move, but like the ultimate constipation patient.

Ron's charming personality made Harry very amused, but he stopped as soon as he entered the Potions classroom.

Because there are a lot of bottles and cans placed against the wall of the classroom, and each bottle contains animals with glaring "dead fish eyes". In addition, this is a basement, and the temperature is much lower than that of the main building of the castle. It feels eerie and terrifying. born.

Let alone being an emoticon expert, Ron didn't even dare to say a word.

After the class bell rang, Snape, who was wearing a black robe, walked up to the podium, picked up the roster and began to call the names. When Harry Potter was called, he deliberately paused for a few seconds.

"Oh, yes, that's right! Harry Potter, a famous figure in the wizarding world, Potter, ha!"

I don't know if that note was directed at Harry Potter or James Potter!
  After Snape called the names, he glanced at everyone in the audience with his cold, empty eyes. The timid Neville Longbottom almost cried when he stared at them.

"Potion preparation is a precise science and strict craftsmanship. Remember, you are here to learn, not to feel fear!"

Snape's voice was very low, barely above a whisper, but everyone in the audience could hear every word he said.

With a cold face, he glanced around and continued: "The process of preparing potions does not require waving the wand foolishly. I am sure that most of you think that potions are not magic. After all, only a few people can realize it. All kinds of magical herbs, with the help of slow fire, boil in the crucible, and the mixture bursts out with bursts of fragrance, merging together to form a wonderful place with new magical things."

"In my class, I can teach you how to prepare low-level, mid-level, and high-level potions, but only if you are not empty-headed fools."

Luo Bin:......

Well, there is a reason why Snape is hated by 90% of students!
  According to what he said, whoever gets bad grades in Potions class in the later period is just a fool!
  The opening remarks of the first class ended with a personal attack, 6!

After the opening remarks, the classroom fell into silence!
  Stab it!

Robin turned to look at the source of the harsh sound and found that Hermione's chest was pressed tightly against the edge of the desk, her back was straight, her right arm was pressing her left arm and she was lying flat on the table, looking like a good student. .

Suddenly, Robin's arm was stabbed by someone. He turned around and realized that Snape was staring at him with evil eyes.

"Potter, get up and answer the question!" Snape said coldly.

"Ah I?"

Harry couldn't figure out that it was Robin who was distracted, but he was the one who was called out, but he still stood up.

"What would I get if I added a spoonful of narcissus root powder to a vial of mugwort infusion?"


Harry lowered his head and squinted his eyes, asking Robin and Ron for help. Ron shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't know the answer either, while Robin picked up the quill, wrote a note in detail, and stuffed it. To Harry.

"Life and Death Water, a very powerful sleeping pill!"

After reading it, Harry breathed a sigh of relief, hoping that Snape would spare him and let him sit down.

But the old bat obviously refused to let him go!

"If I give you an after-school homework and ask you to find a bezoar, where are you going to find it?" "Me me."

Hey, with the same long ending sound and the same look in his eyes asking for help, Robin reluctantly gave Harry another note.

"For sheep and goats, go to a hunter or a slaughterhouse, open the goat's stomach, and remove the stomach stones. The stones are fecal stones. They have a strong detoxification effect."

After reading it, Harry crumpled the note into a small ball and stuffed it into his sleeve, for fear of being discovered by Snape.

"Last question, what is the difference between Aconitum scaphoides and Aconitum wolfsbane?"

The old bat glanced coldly at Luo Bin who was writing, and then added: "Think about it, no one will hand you a note during the exam!"


Harry hesitated, neither daring to look up at Snape, nor squinting to ask Robin for help.

Luo Bin put down his pen: Do you think that if you don't pass the note, you can't pass the answer? ridiculous!
  He put his hand under the desk, stretched it to the side, made a "yeah" scissor hand sign, and then retracted one finger. Harry understood immediately.

"It's the same, it's the same plant!"

"Ha! Robin Lestrange, stand up and answer the question!"

Robin stood up in response and looked directly into Snape's cold, empty eyes. He didn't understand that someone could be so coquettish that apologizing, expressing love and regret could be so reserved as to play riddles.

Three classic questions, each with its own metaphor!
  The first question is, narcissus is homophonic to lily. The flower language is regret brought to the grave. The flower language of wormwood is bitter sorrow. The translation means that I regret Lily's death and am heartbroken.

The second question: Bezoars can cure hundreds of poisons, but they cannot cure poisons that are empty and insubstantial, such as Snape's empty heart.

The third question, Aconitum scapularis and Aconitum wolfsbane, a plant has two names, Snape is a metaphor for his identity as a double agent.

This metaphor is comparable to the eighteen bends on a mountain road. Who can guess it?

Tsk, old sultry man, if you had a straight shot, you would have captured the beauty long ago, okay?
  Luo Bin finished complaining in his heart and stood up straight, waiting for the old bat to ask questions.

  Snape closed the textbook and asked indifferently: "If I drop the thick juice of fire bugs into the infusion of snakeweed, what will I get?"

"Fluorescent liquid, spray into the air, fluorescent liquid that can automatically drift!"

The fire bug is the name given by the wizard to the fireflies, and the snake plant is a plant that crawls on the ground and twists its branches and stems to try to scare off intruders when there is any disturbance.

Coincidentally, Bill's collection of extracurricular readings covered this knowledge point.

“How to grow Cornish fungi?”

Luo Bin's eyes lit up when he heard the question.

Hey, it’s time to give out points again!
  After he finished typing up his manuscript, he replied very quickly: "The Convo fungus has high medicinal value. The plant is sliced ​​and dried in the sun, crushed into flour, and processed into bread. It can cure food accumulation in infants and young children."

"Convo fungus spores have a strong antibacterial effect and can be combined with honey, algae juice, gastrodia root powder and other herbs to treat various diseases caused by fungal infections."

"Because the Cornish fungus and the orchid plant have a symbiotic relationship, if you want to cultivate the Cornish fungus, you must first obtain the orchid plant seeds."

"Choose nutritious soil that is rich in nutrients, fluffy in texture, and has a humidity of more than 20%. After sowing the orchid seeds, control the temperature at 25-28 degrees. Wait until the orchid flowers bloom, and sprinkle the Convo fungus spores onto the flower stamens."

"Just wait a week and the spores will grow!"

Luo Bin finished speaking in one breath, and the freshmen were dumbfounded!
  Shit, in the first week of school, someone overtook and rolled in like crazy on a curve. How could it be broken?
  (End of this chapter)

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