Chapter 45


After the morning exercise, Wang Hao, who had just come back from outside, was stunned when he heard the sound of howling.

Who killed the pig?

"Dad...Ouch~, Dad, please stop fighting."

"I know I was wrong...Ouch~~"

"Next time I won't dare to steal eggs from home...Ouch~"

"How dare there be a next time for his grandma?"

"Oh~, Dad, I mean I won't dare next time..."

"Then you dare to do it this time?"

"I'll beat you to death for being an unfilial son, for daring to steal my eggs!"

"Even if you steal, you stole three of them at once. You are so brave!"


I was confused at first, but after hearing the content of the conversation, there was no doubt that Liu Guangtian had stolen eggs in the backyard.

Although he knew that this would happen sooner or later, Wang Hao did not expect that it would be exposed so quickly.

He actually didn't even last a day!
Listening to Liu Guangtian's miserable screams coming from the backyard, coupled with Liu Haizhong's angry curses, Wang Hao could already imagine the vivid scene of the second uncle training his son.

It's just that this second uncle was too private. Early in the morning, he gave a lively parent-child education class to the entire hospital.

"Hey! This second uncle is too cruel!"

"Who said no!"

"It's true that this second uncle is still beating a child at such an old age."

"But this time I think the second uncle did the right thing and stole the eggs from home!"

"Stealing is not a trivial matter, it should be properly educated!"

In the front yard, many people were craning their necks, using a brand-new way of viewing, to support the grand drama of the second uncle teaching his son from a distance.

After a long while, the movement in the backyard stopped.

But looking at the situation, Liu Guangtian was probably beaten quite badly.

After silently mourning Liu Guangtian for a second, Wang Hao began to think about what he should eat in the morning.

Looking at the items in the system warehouse, Wang Hao looked for random targets like flipping through a menu.

Finally, I took out a five-pound piece of beef and a bag of sweet potato starch.

These two ingredients reminded Wang Hao of the specialty signature of a beef snack bar in his hometown town in his previous life - beef soup.

Set up a pot and boil water.

Wang Hao cut about a pound of beef and kept the rest in his portable space. Then he cut the beef into thin slices across the grain, added salt and an appropriate amount of sweet potato powder, beat an egg white and mixed well.

Wait for the water in the pot to boil, then add the processed beef to the pot one by one, cut some ginger and add some pepper.

The conditions were limited, but the beef soup itself didn't need too much embellishment, and the alluring aroma soon filled the yard.

no doubt.

Another wave of ruthless harvesting of negative emotional values!

Wang Hao really had no other thoughts today, he was just greedy and wanted to eat a bowl of this long-lost beef soup.

One kilogram of beef is not a lot, plus starch and soup. Even though Wang Hao's appetite and appetite have increased in the past two days, he is still a little full.

Fortunately, he was young and had strong digestion and absorption capabilities, so he didn't feel that uncomfortable.

And eating enough can be said to be a happy thing in this era, let alone eating beef.

"Haozi, are you going fishing today?"

When Wang Hao finished breakfast and went to the faucet in the yard to clean the pots and dishes, Yan Bugui came out of the house with a fishing rod and invited Wang Hao to form a team.

"No, third uncle, the masters are here to repair the house today, and no one can leave the house."

Wang Hao directly rejected Yan Bugui's invitation.

Yan Bugui was a little disappointed after being rejected and unable to complete the team formation, and finally embarked on this wonderful air force journey alone.After Yan Bugui left, Wang Hao saw a sad-looking Yan Jiefang coming out of the house not long after, and couldn't help but be curious.

After asking, I found out that Yan Jiefang did not escape the clutches of the third uncle when he went back last night.

Last night, Yan Jiefang secretly took away the two small crucian carp from home, but the third uncle took away a dollar from them.

Fifty cents of it was the money to buy the two small crucian carp, and the other fifty cents was the fine for taking it without asking.


Yan Jiefang just received half of the two yuan for medical expenses yesterday.

Two inconspicuous little crucian carps were sold at a high price, and the third uncle made a profit.

No wonder the third uncle was in such a good mood when he went out in the morning.

Have to admit.

In addition to Yi Zhonghai, the first uncle, the second and third uncles in the courtyard are also top-notch. One likes to spank children, no matter how old they are, and the other directly runs the business at home.

As for the brothers Liu Guangtian and Yan Jiefang, they are indeed rare people who enjoy themselves.

He was entertained early in the morning.


People who had had breakfast at home started to go to work one after another. The unemployed women also started to get busy after cleaning up the house. There were those who sewed clothes and made matchboxes. Even the Jia Zhang family in the backyard He took out a pair of unfinished thick soles.

Wang Hao didn't keep Wang Hao waiting. Yesterday, Master Ge and Master Song also came to the door with their two apprentices and the guy who was eating.

Wang Hao had boiled water early in the morning and was waiting.

After welcoming them in, they dispersed cigarettes and served tea to them one by one.

"Master, where do we start today?"

"Take this room on the left!"

"to make!"

"Dongzi, stop drinking, it's time to work."

"Let's free up the room on the left first."

"Okay, Master!"

Lao Ge and Lao Song were both real people. After a few sips of tea, they greeted their apprentices to start working.

The first thing to do is to vacate the room, otherwise there will be no way to proceed.

Fortunately, Wang Hao has two large rooms, which he can sleep in interchangeably. Otherwise, there would be no place to put the things he moved out, and he would have to find another place to live while the house is being renovated.

The room was quickly occupied, mainly large items such as beds and tables and cabinets, not many odds and ends.

Last night, Wang Hao had collected some things into his portable space, and also left some things that were inconvenient to collect outside, just in time to avoid unnecessary suspicion and trouble.

Most of the materials for repairing and renovating the house this time were taken care of by the engineering team, which was a form of contracting work and materials. Someone had just sent some of them over, so Wang Hao didn't need to worry about it.

After vacating the room, they immediately entered the professional fields of Lao Ge and Lao Song. Wang Hao just looked at them briefly and did not keep staring.

The details of the communication were all communicated yesterday.

Moreover, when craftsmen like Lao Ge and Lao Song join the subdistrict engineering team, they are equivalent to being included. The director of the subdistrict office is at least the superior of their superior.

Wang Hongying said hello in person, so they didn't dare to be careless.

It can be seen that Lao Ge and Lao Song are both real old craftsmen, and Wang Hao is too lazy to be a bad guy, and he has not lost all the courtesy and trust he should have.

If problems still arise this way, then there will be no need to show mercy.

The movement in the front yard naturally attracted the attention of many people, and some neighbors came to watch the excitement from the middle yard and backyard.

Thinking that today is the first day of renovating and renovating the house, until the completion, Lao Ge and Lao Song will have to come in and out of the yard. It is inevitable to make some noise while renovating the house. Wang Hao took two eggs from home. , came to Zhao Danian’s house next door.

"Is Aunt Zhao at home?"

"Hey, I'm here! Is there anything wrong with Hao Zi?"

"It's like this. Auntie, you have also seen it. I started to repair the house today. It is inevitable that there will be some noise, which will affect everyone's feelings. However, I would like to apologize to you first, and by the way, I will give you two An egg, please bear with me."

"Ouch, Haozi, you are... too outspoken!"

(End of this chapter)

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