The Ancient Wizards of Hogwarts.

Chapter 55 The House of Requirement

Chapter 55 The House of Requirement

late at night.

Ash got out of bed quietly so as not to wake up Qiu Zhang. He didn't want to give this poor girl another shot——

He meant passed out.

He walked through the quiet common room and up the spiral staircase out of Ravenclaw Tower.

Taking advantage of the fact that tomorrow is still the weekend, he plans to go to the Forbidden Forest to catch two magical animals tonight.

But before that, he had to go to another place.

The eighth floor of Hogwarts not only has Ravenclaw Tower and Gryffindor Tower, but also the principal's office, and what Ash is looking for is a painting.

"right here."

Ash stopped in a corridor. In front of him was a huge tapestry with a man and four trolls painted on it.

The four trolls, all wearing white tutus, formed a circle.

And the wizard stood in their hands, dancing ballet and waving his wand, trying to teach the giant monsters in front of him.However, the only response given by these giant monsters was to take turns picking up the huge wooden or bone clubs in their hands and knocking him flat with one blow.

The name of this tapestry is "Troll Beats Barnabas the Fool", and it describes a real historical event:

A wizard named Silly Barnabas once made a foolish attempt to teach a troll to dance ballet.

So the scenes on the tapestry are both cruel and hilarious, and are often used as a warning to students at Hogwarts.

It belongs to the world famous paintings in the wizarding world.

Opposite the tapestry is a blank wall without any unnecessary decoration.

Ash paced back and forth in front of the tapestry skillfully while thinking silently:
"I'm looking for Ravenclaw's diadem."

When he passed the wall for the third time, there was a smooth door on it.

Ash pushed open the door and walked in. Behind the door was a room as big as a cathedral. The light beams cast by the high windows looked like a city lined with high walls, but those high walls were actually made of materials that had been hidden for thousands of years. The items that come in are piled up.

The streets and alleys are filled with crumbling broken furniture, which may have been stuffed here to hide evidence of accidental magic, or hidden by the house elves who maintained the dignity of the castle.

Ash stepped into this maze of countless collections. There were thousands of books here, no doubt banned, scrawled, or stolen; there were winged slingshots and fanged flying saucers, among which A few are still hovering feebly on the mountains of forbidden objects; some broken bottles contain solidified potions...

Suddenly, Ash stopped.

On the crate next to him sat an ugly old wizard, wearing a dusty old hairband and a rusty crown.

Ash weighed the crown with a slightly subtle expression: "It's really here."

When he hid his Horcrux in Hogwarts, should he be said to be confident, or should he be said to be ignorant?Didn't he think about the consequences of being found?

But yes.

Even if most people found it, they would never guess that it was Voldemort's Horcrux, or even that it would be Ravenclaw's diadem.

Ash put the crown in his pocket, turned and retraced his steps, leaving the Room of Requirement.

But he didn't leave the corridor in a hurry. Instead, he walked back and forth for three more steps, and then opened the door again.

When Ash entered the Room of Requirement again, what he saw was no longer the maze city before, but a Gothic-style hall.Sunlight floods the room from the high windows, carefully creating a warm, pleasant and comfortable atmosphere through the natural grains and tones of the wood.

Directly in front of the hall was a glass building one person tall, with a small door on the side facing Ash.The building doesn't look big, but it contains an endless forest inside!

On the second floor of the hall, there are three other breeding houses with different styles:

A swamp under the moonlight, a sunny beach, and a meadow under dusk.

The environment of each breeding house is completely different and corresponds to the habitat required by different magical animals.

"Except there are no magical animals, it looks almost exactly the same as before." Looking at the layout, which was almost the same as before, Ash couldn't help but have a look of nostalgia on his face.

The Room of Requirement is a masterpiece of magic that automatically transforms an area of ​​the interior into what the visitor needs.

In layman's terms, the Room of Requirement is like a blank sheet of paper.

When someone enters the Room of Requirement, the Room of Requirement will draw a small house in the corner of the white paper based on the image in the person's mind.

The 'Room of Requirement' that visitors enter is actually this small house, the area of ​​which may be only one ten thousandth of the entire white paper.

The same goes for Ash's breeding facility.

However, his 'little house' is slightly larger, taking up about one-tenth of the white paper area.

Ash thought for a moment and placed Ravenclaw's diadem on the table.

Of course, it is impossible to return the crown to Voldemort, and it is not suitable to be carried around, as it may be sensed by Voldemort.

Although it is not impossible to leave it to Dumbledore, Ash still needs to study it carefully before that.

Whether it's the Horcrux itself or Voldemort's soul.

Leaving the Room of Requirement again, Ash walked towards the marble stairs without stopping.

He still has a lot to do tonight - for example, protect a few more magical animals.

As Ash walked up the marble stairs to the third-floor hallway, a Norwegian forest cat blocked his way.


Mrs. Norris screamed happily and kept circling around Ash, rubbing her head against his trouser legs from time to time.

Ash had no choice but to squat down and gently stroke Mrs. Norris's hair, making the cat purr happily.

With the sound of slight footsteps, Filch, carrying a lantern and stooped back, appeared on the other side of the corridor.

Filch held up a lantern to illuminate Ash's face and asked in surprise:

"Mr. Black, why is it you?"

Ash shrugged and greeted with a smile:

"Mr. Filch, you look much better."

Filch's complexion improved a lot after hearing this. He didn't embarrass Ash and just asked:
"Did you see the twins?"

"You mean the Weasley brothers?" Ash asked.

"Yes." Filch said fiercely:

"Those damn twins sneak out almost every night! When I catch them, I promise I will lock them up!"

Ash shook his head and said calmly:

"I just came down from upstairs. I didn't see anyone on the road. They probably didn't go this way."

Filch frowned and warned in a deep voice:
"Mr. Black, it is forbidden to go out at night in Hogwarts. I hope you can return to the common room as soon as possible!"

Ash actively admitted his mistake and said sincerely:

"No problem, Mr. Filch, I'll be right back."

Hearing this, Filch looked away from Ash, not caring whether he would really go back to the common room, and walked towards the corridor on the other side.

He didn't believe he couldn't catch those damn twins today!
(End of this chapter)

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