Chapter 30 This account is not necessarily very credible.

After hearing this, Mrs. Jiang stood up with a smile, said blessings to the hall, and then said with a smile: "I have a happy event to report to everyone. Our A Tao and Mr. Huo's wedding date has finally been decided. It will be the third day of next month! Then everyone will come to have a wedding banquet and send our A Tao off to the palace happily!"

Mei Jiaolan had already known about this matter on the way here, so she didn't react much when she heard the news.

Mrs. Sun, on the other hand, had been relieved in her heart, but now she saw the second family and her family being so proud that their tails were about to go up to the sky, and she couldn't help it.

If Aunt Lu hadn't quietly held down her shoulders next to her, she would have gotten up and scolded the second wife and her daughter!

As for the reactions of the others, the third aunt Zhu held her handkerchief and covered her mouth to hide the ridicule at the corner of her mouth.

This marriage was a disgraceful affair. Not only did Erfang and his family not hide it, they also held a meeting to announce the wedding date with great fanfare. This shamelessness was thicker than the corner of the Great Wall.

Standing there, Mrs. Jiang didn't feel ashamed when no one spoke. Instead, she said more and more cheerfully: "A Tao is getting married soon, so the dowry should be prepared."

Speaking of dowry, Mei Yongkang, who was sitting in the chair, couldn't help but glance at Mei Guerlain.

Mei Jielan felt the gaze and did not respond. Instead, she raised her hand and gently pinched the silver-plated emerald coral dotted white pearl earrings on her ears.

She specially asked Yingchun to bring this for her before returning to her parents' home in the morning.

Normally, she doesn't like to wear jewelry, and her simple bun is just a few silk flowers.But on today's occasion, there are some things that I have to show off.

Sure enough, her action immediately attracted people's attention.

Especially the women's relatives present, whose focused gazes were filled with mixed thoughts.

The host's step-grandmother, Ms. Xu, looked over and made eye contact with Mei Jiaolan, and immediately ran away as if she had been burned.

Opposite the seat, Mei Zhutao's little face turned red.Mei Jiaolan smiled at her and said nothing, but she didn't say anything.Mei Zhutao dipped her handkerchief into her nose to cover it up, and simply looked away.

However, the third aunt, Mrs. Zhu, sincerely praised her and whispered to her: "The ear clamps you are wearing today are not only very good in appearance, but also match you very well."

Mei Jiaolan said with a smile: "Auntie, that's a joke. After all, the things from my second aunt's house are better. My eldest sister gave them to me, so I took advantage of them."

Zhu smiled and said no more.

Who in the entire Mei Mansion doesn’t know about Mei Guerlain’s riot in the second-bedroom courtyard half a month ago?
That day, Mei Jiaolan not only got her own dowry back, but also took away Mei Zhutao's dowry.

And the ear pliers she is wearing today are from Mei Zhutao's dowry.

Madam Zhu pursed her lips and looked at Madam Jiang, and sure enough she saw her clenching her teeth and looking very angry.Here, Mrs. Jiang tried her best not to pay attention to the ear clamps that Mei Jielan was wearing. She covered her mouth and coughed a few times before getting to the point: "Originally, according to the rules of our family, when sisters get married, dowries and accompanying gifts should come from the father's family. But not long ago, my husband and I checked the warehouse and found that there was not much savings left at home!"

Speaking of this, Ms. Jiang paused deliberately, narrowed her triangular eyes, and no one spoke to her left or right.

She blinked her eyes and glanced at the eldest wife Sun opposite her, "My eldest sister-in-law used to be the head of the house. Oh my, I really don't know how my eldest sister-in-law managed the family. Why do you only have so little money left? Yes. It’s not that the eldest brother is not at home, but the eldest sister-in-law makes all the decisions by herself?"

Mrs. Sun was so angry when she heard that this shameless person was so angry at herself, "What do you mean by this?"

Mrs. Jiang expected that she would react like this. She raised her eyelids and said with a smile: "What can I mean? What do I mean? Sister-in-law should know better than me, right? Sister-in-law is the head of the house." In the past few years, Brother Song and Sister Lan's grandma's family has grown stronger and stronger. I heard that they have opened dozens of shops and bought hundreds of acres of fertile land. I don't know where it suddenly came from. So much money!”

This statement couldn't be more obvious. Mrs. Jiang meant that Mrs. Sun had transferred all the money from the Mei family to her natal family!
When Mei Yongkang heard this, he thought it was not bad. His old face turned gloomy and he glared at Sun: "Is there such a thing?!"

Mrs. Sun was so angry that her face was livid, she stood up and pointed at Mrs. Jiang and cursed: "Don't spit on others!"

Sun's verbal skills are not among the best in the entire Mei family, especially when her temper is rising, she often talks indiscriminately and fails to grasp the key points. Although she is angry, she suffers a hidden disadvantage.

At this time, Aunt Lu comes in handy.

Mei Jiaolan glanced lightly with her eyes, and Aunt Lu instantly understood and knew that it was time for her to speak.


She turned around from behind her seat and said, "The old man and the old lady don't know. When our wife was in charge of the house, there were already too many people coming in and out. Although our family has some foundation, we are not as good as those noble families." In comparison, it is still inferior, but the masters of the family, especially the brothers and sisters of the younger generation, prefer to compare with the Duke of Hou Men. They visit the garden today and hold a banquet tomorrow. Let’s go and get richer.”

"Although our wife and housekeeper are very stretched, we always have to spend the money that should be spent. The money of the old lady and the old man must not be withheld, and the expenses of the brothers and sisters cannot be short-changed. But after all, this money cannot be changed. We The wife really has no choice but to save it from her own mouth."

"We even have to borrow money from my uncle. Just now, the second wife said that our wife is selfish to enrich her family. However, the fact is exactly the opposite. In recent years, if my uncle had not kept generous donations for our wife's sake, Our Mei Mansion may have been in huge debt for a long time!"

"Uncle Sun has lent us a lot of money over the years, and every payment is recorded in the account!" When Aunt Lu said this, she knelt down and saluted again, "If you don't believe me, you can turn over the account book." Bring it here and look at it page by page."

When Mrs. Sun heard what Aunt Lu said, she finally had an idea. She looked at Mrs. Jiang and said, "It's all clearly written in the account books. You're not illiterate, can't you understand?"

Who knew that Mr. Jiang laughed and said, "The accounts are all written by people. If the person who keeps the accounts has evil intentions, then the accounts may not be very trustworthy!"

" are determined to slander me today!" Mrs. Sun's face was extremely gloomy.

Mrs. Jiang sneered and said: "Sister-in-law, don't be angry. What is the truth? I believe that our father and mother will naturally have a decision in their hearts!"

(End of this chapter)

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