Siheyuan: living in a prosperous era

Chapter 36 The Big Brother Returns

Chapter 36 The Big Brother Returns
Yang Shuning did not go to the hospital, but rode to Lou Xiao'e's house.When they arrived near his house, Yang Shuning picked a willow leaf, gave a dime to a half-year-old child, and asked him to deliver it to Lou Xiaoe's home.

The willow leaf is the secret code prepared by Yang Shuning, just like the goose feather prepared by Lou Xiaoe before.

As for what are willow leaves, petals?Plant leaves?Well, the weird knowledge has been added again.

Watching the child run to the door of Lou Xiaoe's bungalow and press the doorbell, a middle-aged aunt dressed as a servant appeared and then returned. After a while, Lou Xiaoe appeared and got the willow leaf given by Yang Shuning.

Yang Shuning felt that there was no need for the two to meet, it was just like a gang meeting.

Seeing Lou Xiao'e taking the willow leaves, Yang Shuning rode towards Lou Xiao'e's courtyard.

When Yang Shuning arrived, Lou Xiao'e was already there.They have cars to pick them up, unlike him who has to ride a bicycle.

When Yang Shuning saw Lou Xiao'e, she couldn't hide the surprise on her face.

If we say: In the past, Lou Xiaoe was like a green fruit in early summer, quietly blooming with fragrance on the branches, enjoying herself and admiring her fragrance alone;
Then at this time, it is: after the drizzle, the ripe fruit is moistened and washed, revealing a bright color, which is unreasonably beautiful and vivid.

Yes, the 'clear, holy and beautiful face' and the 'charming and charming mature charm' coexist in Lou Xiao'e. At the same time, there are two contradictory and harmonious charms of 'ethereal as a fairy' and 'enchanting as a devil'. , an unspeakable temptation blooms in this extreme contrast.

Especially: there is a sense of confidence on Lou Xiao'e's face, and there is an innocence in the bright eyes of Qiu Shui that has been read by thousands of sails and faded. She has her own look when looking forward, like the finishing touch of a dragon, fresh and bright, like a picture scroll. out.

A woman is the best embellishment of a man, what else can prove a man's ability better than being enticed and stunned by his own woman?

"Fortunately, a woman like Lou Xiao'e fell in love with me and was accepted by me before she blossomed..." he thought to himself.

"I don't know: Lou Xiao'e's appearance is still the same as before, not much changed, but why, she looks like a different person..."

"She is much more beautiful than she is in the TV series."

Yang Shuning thought for a long time, and it should be the result of Lou Xiao'e being nourished by him, and the marriage between Lou Xiao'e and him was a mutual love, not a forced marriage to Xu Damao in the TV series.

Lou Xiao'e looked at the tall and heroic figure in military uniform in front of her and felt like she was about to become a puddle of water.

Men will be proud of their women's beauty, and why won't women feel proud and happy that their men are capable and make them look good?

"Ezi, don't tease me, I won't be able to bear it." Yang Shuning took two steps back with a righteous look on his face.


Lou Xiao'e saw the contrast between Fang Rui's seriousness and cuteness, and smiled, her cute look overflowing, lively and lively, like a [-]-year-old girl.

In such laughter.


A ray of clear light lingers, expelling the turbid air in the room and introducing fresh breath.

"Brother Shu Ning!"

Lou Xiao'e leaned over, her green hair hanging down like a waterfall, looking down from a high position. "Give me some time to calm down."

Yang Shuning patted her gently and hugged Lou Xiao'e. Their skin touched each other, the fragrance was soft and fragrant, like holding a soft cloud.

That moving face reminded him of Lou Xiao'e's charm when it was in full bloom in the afternoon, like a graceful peony, overflowing every inch.

"Ezi, you are so kind!"

Yang Shuning domineeringly hugged the woman's swan-like snowy neck, and their foreheads touched.

"Does it still hurt?"

Yang Shuning hugged Lou Xiao'e lovingly.

"Brother Shu Ning~~"

"You have a good rest later. I will go to work the night shift later and come back to stay with you tomorrow morning."

Yang Shuning sympathized with Lou Xiao'e's efforts, but because she had to work the night shift, she decided to come with her again tomorrow morning.

Lou Xiao'e watched Yang Shuning go out to work, with a hint of happiness in her eyes.

Although her body was hurt, she gave everything to Yang Shuning and she was very happy.

I had dinner in the cafeteria, took a shower in the preparation room, and then came to the cardiology department to record the data of the two comparison groups in the thesis experiment. The time soon came to 8 o'clock.

After the official shift handover, Yang Shuning went to the ward to see the patients. The time soon came to nine o'clock. He washed up briefly and then went into the doctor's duty room to rest.

The night was uneventful, and the two nurses who were on duty with him in the morning called him his lucky star.

I hope he will continue his efforts in the future, maintain his lucky style, and provide a good night's sleep for the department's night work.

After the handover meeting, Yang Shuning had breakfast in the cafeteria, then came to Lou Xiao'e and stayed with her for a long time.

When he returned to the courtyard in the afternoon, the third uncle handed over the letter sent by the postman.

Yang Shuning felt very happy after watching it. His eldest brother Yang Shuchen was coming back.

The letter was written by my eldest brother. According to the train schedule he mentioned above, it should arrive in the capital in three days.

In the evening, Yang Shuning asked his wife to pay attention to his eldest brother's train schedule.

Three days later at noon, Yang Shuning successfully arrived at the train platform with Wang Xue's help. When Yang Shuchen stepped out of the carriage, the two brothers looked at each other and smiled. The eldest brother put down his luggage, and the two brothers hugged each other.

(End of this chapter)

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