The wizard at Hogwarts is unscientific

Chapter 524 Hey hey hey! System updated

Chapter 524 Hey hey hey! System updated

There are many problems in this world.

Let go of one problem and a new one will appear.

Although Andy temporarily gave up studying the difference between wizards and magical beings, the previous problem has also not been resolved.

Unstable magic is special.

So what did Andy do during this time?
Although it was fun to cast spells without a wand, it was only temporary. When the magic stabilizes again, Andy will lose this ability.

"Maybe... I can practice the ancient wizard's method of controlling magic."

Before the advent of the wand, all wizards cast spells without a wand. Even in modern times, wizards in Africa are still learning to use hand gestures to cast spells.

That's a special way of casting spells.

Hogwarts was founded a thousand years ago. At that time, wands had become the mainstream in the wizarding world.

And the effect of magic transformation is unexpectedly good.

Although this magical transformation was a bit dangerous, overall it went smoothly. There were no accidents during the whole process, and the only crisis was when taking the potion.

Maybe I will never come again.

Andy has read a few books before.

It's not that Andy won't do magic experiments in the future, but most magic experiments don't need to be sneaky. Even when he was learning black magic, Andy was fair and aboveboard.

But Andy still survived with his strong will.

But the Big Four are very capable, and their pursuit of magic is also very high.

But those magic books were outdated after all, and Andy didn't have much interest. He just wanted to have a basic understanding of ancient magic.

Andy returned to the Forbidden Forest, then used the Disillusionment Spell to return to the castle, and completed the handover of identity in the bathroom.

Unless it's human trials.

"That's it!" Andy thought to himself.


Back in the dormitory, Andy took a shower first, and then lay on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep.


But I have to say that the way ancient wizards controlled magic was unique.

Walking out of the laboratory, Andy used magic to seal the place.

After the magic power stabilizes, there may be some different gains. What's more, Andy may be able to learn a few tricks of ancient magic.

"Maybe the next time I come here, it's time to dissect Voldemort." Andy muttered in a low voice.

So they collected many magic books from the ancient Greek era, and those magic books are now placed in the restricted book section of the Hogwarts library.

Andy plans to take advantage of this time to practice the ancient wizard's method of controlling magic.

Although many ancient wizards could only master a few magics in their lifetime, their control of magic was unique.

Although some effects and system functions are duplicated, it still helps Andy save a lot of [potential points]. As for some effects that the system cannot display, Andy also conducted experiments one by one.

Overall, very successful.

But Andy still felt a little regretful.

Perhaps because he did not absorb enough magic power, although Andy initially evolved into a magical life, he did not have the magic properties related to awakening.

Andy had fantasized about it before.

Should I choose the chill that freezes everything? Or choose the ability to devour souls? Or is it other more powerful magical abilities?

However, this problem is the same as Andy's previous life when he struggled with whether to go to Tsinghua University or Peking University.

They exist only in the imagination.

As a result, Andy failed to get into even key universities, let alone Qingbei.

It's a little sad to think about it.

On the way back to the castle from the Forbidden Forest, Andy was hesitating in his mind whether to undergo another magical transformation.

Maybe next time, Andy can have his own magical properties like a real magical being. But this is dangerous.

Look at what a ghost Voldemort looks like!
Voldemort may have thought so at the time, and then he underwent many dark magic transformations, and finally transformed himself into a person who was neither human nor ghost.

Strength can be gradually improved.

And Andy also has a talent-adding system.

But being handsome lasts a lifetime.

I heard that Voldemort was very handsome when he was young, but if you look at Voldemort now... ugh!

Magical transformation is never simple.

Excessive body modification results in the body's genes being eroded by magic power, eventually becoming unrecognizable.


Magical properties... I really want it!

Sighing, Andy used Occlumency to empty his mind and decided not to think about this problem for the time being.

Andy was afraid that he would not be able to withstand the temptation.


The next day is Sunday.

"Morning, Hermione!" Andy smiled and greeted Hermione after walking out of the boys' dormitory.

Hermione was sitting on the sofa reading a book. When she heard this, she raised her head in shock, as if she saw the sun rising from the west, "It's surprising that you didn't sleep in!"

Yes, Andy got up early today!

"There are always a few exceptions!" Andy laughed.

Hermione closed the book, stood up and said, "Would you like to eat first?"

"Yeah! I'm going to the library later."

Andy walked over and took Hermione's book and said, "Let's go!"

After breakfast, Andy and Hermione went to the Hogwarts library together, took the approval slip given by Professor Flitwick, and started rummaging through the restricted book area.

Since he had decided to take advantage of this period of time to learn the ancient wizard's method of controlling magic, Andy was naturally not willing to delay for a moment.

The magic power is unstable for only about a month, so time is very precious.

Soon, Andy found several ancient books on controlling magic. Andy took out his wand and pointed it at a few books before taking them off the bookshelf.

After walking out of the restricted book area, Andy looked around and quickly found Hermione's location.

A very remote corner.

As Andy walked towards Hermione, he habitually opened the system panel and took a look - the current properties were really eye-catching.

“Fake Squid!!!”

what is this?
Andy rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

There is an extra attribute on the system panel!
Originally, there were five attributes on each side of the system, but now, there are six attributes on the right side of the system.

Below the [Magic Power] attribute, there is an additional [Physique] attribute.

[Physique: 2]

The system is... updated?


Before Andy could carefully study the role of the [Physique] attribute, a slightly sharp voice suddenly sounded from behind Andy, "Oh my god! I really don't believe it, someone actually said this...this in the library Kind of... such words!"

"Sorry, Mrs. Pince."

Andy quickly admitted his mistake, "I suddenly remembered something irritating and couldn't control my emotions for a while."

"Believe me, I promise it won't happen next time."

(End of this chapter)

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