Chapter 86
Harry came back to his senses and said angrily, "Yeah, do you want to go together?"

They planned to use the invisibility cloak to bypass Lu Wei to see if they could enter the trapdoor.

But Harry remembered that Fluffy was a three-headed dog with three heads and three noses, and could see and smell them.

Realizing that the invisibility cloak is of no use to Lu Wei, he just let Loren speak.

"Very happy!"

Like an elegant gentleman, Loren shook the collar of the invisibility cloak, covering all three of them.The invisibility cloak is enough to cover three first-year little wizards.The moment it was put on, the silver fabric disappeared with the figures of three people.

"Who is it?" The fat lady opened the door but no one saw it, and looked around suspiciously.

Looking out from the inside of the invisibility cloak will not block the line of sight at all.The three of them ignored it and walked forward with their heads buried.

"Where are we going?"

"How about the Restricted Section?"

The destination was decided by Harry and Ron, and Loren didn't care where he went.

They can still see each other in the invisibility cloak, and the three of them are close together, and it is inevitable that there will be some bumps.

Loren was a little behind, watching Harry walk forward step by step.Evil thoughts filled with wickedness in my heart, stuck in Harry's footsteps, and lightly stepped on his heel.

"Oh, you stepped on my heel," Harry whispered, thinking it was just a normal bump.

"I'm sorry." Loren apologized very simply, but his voice sounded like he was holding back a laugh.

Then walking forward, Loren saw the right moment to step on the shoe on Harry's right foot.

"Oh, again!" Harry sensed something was wrong.

"Keko," Loren couldn't help laughing, "I'm sorry."


For the third time, Harry felt that his entire shoe was about to be trampled off. He knew it was intentional, and gritted his teeth, "Loren Morgan!"

"Aren't you—"

Loren's apology was interrupted when Harry stepped on the heel of his shoe, "Oh! You did it on purpose."

The two of you started to step on me, and I stepped on you, and even Ron next to him was affected, and his heel was broken.

The three of them started fighting, lowering their heads to watch the footsteps of the two next to them, trying to step on their shoes.

There were heavy footsteps in the corridor, as if someone was trying to step on something hard, but then stepped on nothing.

Following the stairs to the second floor, all three of them squatted down to put on their shoes again.

"Two against one, it's not fair, come back next time." Loren was indignant, he was caught in the middle just now, the two people were staring at one shoe, Harry and Ron were on both sides, only one shoe was attacked,

"no next time!"

Harry sank into deep self-doubt.Why would he be addicted to this kind of game and step on his heels? This is too childish.After thinking for a while, I finally attributed the reason to Loren.

His voice was exhausted, "There is no childish game like stepping on your heels."

"And stepping on other people's shadows." Ron added that after being teased by the twins for a while, he was obsessed with stepping on the twins' shadows, thinking it would teach them a lesson.

"Then let's step on shadows next time." Loren was always very positive about these things.

Harry was silent, unable to make sense with these two men.

The three set off again, wearing invisibility cloaks, dragging each other forward in the corridor on the second floor.

Turning a corner, Filch suddenly appeared in front of him.

Harry and Ron were so frightened that their hearts stopped beating, and they covered their mouths, not daring to make any sound.

His thinning gray hair hung down his sides, more pronounced when he was hunched over.Filch was wiping a stain on the corridor wall with a rag. Vigorous brushing with a brush had no effect. He picked it up bit by bit with his fingernails, and the rag was soaked in water to wipe off some small black spots.

Mrs. Norris sat beside her, with her front legs stretched out and her tail wrapping around her front feet, looking a bit cute.

It shrugged its nose, looked left and right, and yelled in the direction of Harry and the others, "Meow!"

"Someone?" Filch suddenly looked up in that direction.

There was only an empty corner of the corridor, and nothing else was seen. Filch looked at it for a while, then lowered his head and continued to wipe the wall.

Mrs. Norris couldn't sit still, she circled Filch back and forth, and yelled a few more times.

Filch dried his hands on his clothes, stroked the furry top of Mrs. Norris's head, and stroked along the hair all the way to the tip of the tail, "Okay, don't bark, I'll go back and give you canned food after I finish cleaning here."

Mrs. Norris squinted her small eyes in comfort, stretched her spine, and fully enjoyed the touch.

It was Filch who couldn't see it himself, the cat had done enough, so be it.Mrs. Norris sat down again.

When the three saw the gentle Filch for the first time, they were a little surprised but still dared not move for fear of making any noise.

Harry breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he couldn't hide it from Mrs. Norris, let alone the three-headed dog. Fortunately, he didn't go to see Lu Wei directly.

Huddling together, they watched Filch struggle to wipe off the stains on the wall, and then led Mrs. Norris away.

"He was only gentle with Mrs. Norris," Ron muttered.

Harry noticed something else and asked, "Why didn't he [clean it up], because spells aren't allowed in the corridors?"

Ron giggled. "He's probably a Squib."

"What's a Squib?"

"A Squib is someone who was born into a wizarding family without even a little bit of magic."

Loren explained to Harry, turning to look at Ron suspiciously, "What's so funny about Squibs?"

"Well, it's not actually funny, but on Filch..." Ron covered his mouth and started laughing again.

"How do you know Filch is a Squib?"

Ron slowly described Weasley's troubles with the school administrator.

His parents, Arthur and Molly secretly fell in love when they were students, and they were caught by the former administrator, Filch's predecessor, Apollion Pringle, and they were severely beaten, and they are still alive today. with the scars from that time.

In the 70s, Filch took over Apollyon's class. He respected Apollyon very much and often regretted that he could not follow Apollyon's corporal punishment of students.

The Weasleys have always had a special entanglement with the administrator. Although Bill and Charlie have good grades, they always break a little rule from time to time, and they will be locked up if they are caught by Filch.

Percy was better. When the twins went to school, the family could receive letters from Hogwarts every month in the first grade, accusing George and Fred of how many school rules they had violated.

Ron had gloated and waited for the twin brother to be expelled, but he was disappointed that the twins could still go to school even after breaking hundreds of school rules.

From this, Ron had the idea that Hogwarts would not expel students until he heard that Hagrid was expelled.

The twins, who entered the second grade, copied the school rules dozens of times and became the most familiar people in the school. They began to compete wits and courage with Filch, and the letters received at home decreased. The twins discussed at home from time to time how to deal with Filch and that cat, Ron got some news.

"Why does he have to stay at Hogwarts, it's all magic?"

Loren couldn't figure it out, for a Squib, every time he saw someone else cast a spell, it was a kind of torture, jealousy would drive people crazy, no wonder he was so irritable.

"Who knows." Ron shrugged.

The topic stopped here, and the three continued their night tour.

The library was pitch black, and they had already experienced fumbling for the lamps in the cabinets by the wall.Wearing an invisibility cloak and carrying a lamp, in the gloomy library, a lamp floats alone in the air.

"Honestly, it's pretty scary," Ron sighed.

Carefully stepping over the rope separating the restricted area, the three of them got out of the invisibility cloak and looked around.

Harry was looking for a book about the Philosopher's Stone or the Three-Headed Dog, Loren and Ron were just for night walks, it didn't matter what.

Chains stretched out from the bookshelves to bind some ferocious tomes. When the lights drifted by, they struggled violently, and the chains rattled.

Harry and the others quickened their pace to leave the chain area and walked all the way. They saw dark stains on the covers of some books, like dried blood, which made people shudder.

In some books, the witch's shrill cry came out, sharp and thin, echoing in my ears faintly.

Loren and Ron looked all the way over, with no purpose. "Peel off the skin of the Howling Banshee" and "The Curse That Stings the Soul", the names alone made the two shout wonderful.

Harry saw a large black and silver book and pulled it out with difficulty. Loren and Ron gathered around and watched Harry put the book on his lap.

There was a shrill, blood-curdling scream as the pages flipped open.

This book is screaming!

Harry reacted and slammed the book shut, but the screaming didn't stop, it was a high, constant, deafening tone.

"【Curse stop】"

Loren pulled out his wand and tried to stop the book.

Nothing worked, the other books in the restricted area seemed to be awakened, struggling and making all sorts of strange noises.The howling of the banshee, the howling of the werewolf, and the sharp laughter of the clown.The shock made people's brain hurt.

Loren saw a copy of "An Introduction to the Four Basic Elements" jump off the shelf and land beside him.

"Let's go!"

The movement here would definitely draw Filch over, and Harry wanted to drag a few people away.

When several people fled in a hurry, a simple and simple wand suddenly stretched out from the side, and tapped the cover of the book on Harry's knee, and the howling book stopped suddenly.

The rest of the books in the restricted section were also settled down.

"Principal Dumbledore!" Ron screamed, not knowing whether it was surprise or fright.

Loren put the "Introduction to the Four Basic Elements" next to it back on the shelf, and leaned over, "Good evening, Dumbledore."

"Good evening." Dumbledore pondered for a while, "To be honest, I didn't feel very good just now."

Dumbledore was wearing a light blue nightgown dotted with various cartoon patterns of stars, moons, and clouds. He looked at Harry with a gentle smile through his crescent-shaped eyes.

He didn't sound angry, and he didn't intend to blame the few people for the night tour, which made the three of them relax.

Harry had a feeling that Dumbledore was not looking at him, but at the scar on his head, and he remembered the tombstone he saw in Godric's Hollow, "Principal Dumbledore, you wrote the words on my parents' tombstone ?"

"I did attend James and Lily's funeral. Now that I think about it, that sentence may be a bit off."

"Death is not the enemy, but another, greater adventure."

"Will I ever see my parents again?" It was a strange sentence, but Harry asked it with some unspeakable guidance in his heart.

Dumbledore didn't answer right away, he looked at Harry's scar, his eyes were hidden behind the crescent-shaped glasses, and the magic power flowed in his pupils, "I think everything is possible"

This sounds like a perfunctory answer, but also like an affirmative answer.

Harry didn't ask any more questions.

"Dumbledore, is there any progress with Nagini?"

Loren knew that Dumbledore must have contacted Nico. He had asked Flamel before, and Flamel became a riddle again, saying that everything depended on himself.

Loren swore secretly that in the future, he would invent a magic to destroy all the Riddlers.

That's when Harry and Ron secretly wondered what Nagini was.

Dumbledore turned his head, "There may be some progress, I think I can give you an answer by the end of this semester."

He has already made plans to let Loren try the Sorcerer's Stone when Quirrell's affairs are over.

The previous point of view was his old one. Loren and Harry would have their own stories and walk their own paths. Young people should not be shackled by centuries-old things.

"Shall Harry talk to Nagini?" Loren asked.

He thought that Harry's Parseltongue would be of great use, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't think of what Harry and Nagini wanted to talk about, about their tragic past?
"Don't worry, Nagini is still hibernating." Dumbledore shied away from this suggestion, thinking of Harry's Parseltongue, thinking of the shadow seen in Harry's scar, he had already confirmed some things.

I?chat?Who is Nagini?
Harry was bewildered.

"Principal, will we be deducted points?" Ron said nonchalantly.

Only he cares about the honor of Gryffindor. Gryffindor has not won the House Cup for 7 years, and Slytherin has suppressed Gryffindor for 7 years. 7 years, 7 years, do they know how Professor McGonagall spent these 7 years?
Neither of them cared, they only cared about themselves, Ron thought silently.

"Well," Dumbledore groaned, showing a embarrassed look, and finally said, "School starts tomorrow, so there shouldn't be any deductions for today."

"Long live Dumbledore!" Ron yelled.

Dumbledore looked at their young and immature postures, and his mood spread out quietly like the night, and said kindly: "I want to know what you want to see in the restricted area?"

"We're looking for information, Snape wants to steal the Philosopher's Stone." Harry looked serious.


Dumbledore laughed out loud, even though he knew about it in advance, it was still funny to hear Harry say it so seriously, "Severus knows you will be sad to think so."

"Perhaps he should pay attention to his usual behavior, how could he let the students have such misunderstandings."

Harry heard that Dumbledore didn't believe what he said, and he was a little depressed. Except for Ron and Hermione who saw Snape cast a jinx on him, no one else believed it.

I secretly made up my mind that we can only rely on the three of us to guard the Sorcerer's Stone to prevent Snape's plot from succeeding.

Ron was concerned about another point, and complained: "Principal, you should really take care of Professor Snape, he has deducted all Gryffindor points."

Dumbledore pretended to think, "But in the two potions classes before Christmas, Severus didn't deduct your points. I think, as a professor, he is fair in the general direction."

Ron blushed, and wanted to discuss Snape's previous evil deeds with Dumbledore.

"Okay, it's time to say good night." Dumbledore looked at the night outside the window and stopped the conversation.

Ron's flushed face relaxed, and his hands dropped limply.

"Good night Principal!"

Harry shook the invisibility cloak, and suddenly remembered something, "Principal Dumbledore, did you give me the invisibility cloak? That's what Sirius said."

"As the card says, this is yours." Standing by the bookshelf, Dumbledore looked gently at Harry, looking at his green eyes instead of the scar on his head.

Harry nodded, and the three of them put on the invisibility cloak and disappeared in place.

Dumbledore watched the three gradually go away with deep eyes.

Harry, you will see James and Lily again, and they will give you the strength to defeat death.

(End of this chapter)

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