Chapter 75 Changes
Leaving the shopping mall building, the depressive feeling disappeared immediately, and Ian let out a long sigh of relief, thinking that he should avoid going to this kind of place in the future, anyway, the things inside are of no value to him.

Stepping out of the gate of the shopping mall, walking on the once bustling commercial street, looking at the streets covered with dust and fallen leaves, I can't help feeling a little emotional.

In just a few short years, the originally well-decorated shops have become dilapidated and deserted. Perhaps human beings have never really conquered this world, and human beings are just a passer-by in the long life of this world.


He hadn't walked a few steps when he heard a muffled sound, looked up, and at some point a thick layer of dark clouds had appeared in the sky.

"It's going to rain soon..." Ian looked at the sky and muttered to himself.


As soon as he finished speaking, there was another thunderclap, followed by the sound of crashing rain. The torrential rain was pouring down, accompanied by gusts of wind with whistles. The mixture of several sounds made it sound a bit creepy. people.


Ian was sheltering from the rain in a jewelry store at this time. Seeing that the sky outside was getting darker and darker, and the layers of black clouds were getting thicker and thicker, he couldn't help frowning.

I took out my pocket watch and checked the time. At 15:55, the sudden rainstorm had lasted for more than 40 minutes.And it seems that there is no sign of stopping at the moment, and the wind outside is getting stronger and stronger.

Although he didn't know what the so-called typhoon looked like, he saw a light scooter being shaken by the blowing, and even heard several loud noises from billboards being blown down. Thinking about it, the weather was no worse than a typhoon. How much worse will it be.

"In November, how could there be such strong convective weather? In this area, there is a typhoon at this time? I always feel something is wrong..."

Ian really couldn't figure it out, the weather was really unreasonable, but he soon thought of the reason.After all, the world is like this, and it is normal for the ecological environment to change, which will affect the climate change. Thinking of this, he is relieved.

"It's not a problem to wait like this..." Looking at the continuous hurricane and rain, Ian was a little worried that the greenhouse he had just built would be destroyed.

"Call God for protection."

The patron saint of the silver phoenix appeared beside him in an instant. Without further ado, the phoenix, who was connected with him, understood Ian's thoughts. He flew in mid-air and stretched out its slender claws, waiting for Ian to grasp it, and Apparation was activated instantly.


There was a faint sound of breaking through the air, and at the same time, Ian's figure instantly appeared in the living room of the villa.

Irene, who was sitting at the desk sorting out the materials, was stunned by the scene in front of her.

It's not that Ian was surprised by the way Ian appeared. After all, she has been hearing and seeing magical magic for a long time, and her nerves have been trained to be extremely tough. Even if Ian appears in an exaggerated way, she can accept it.

What surprised her was the gorgeous flying bird with translucent color beside Ian.

"My God! It's so's just...a miracle." Irene opened her mouth slightly and said in shock.

"It's a phoenix, and it's also my messenger and patron saint." Ian didn't think about hiding anything, so he told the truth.

"Messenger? Patronus? Can I touch it? It's so beautiful..."

"Touch it if you want, you can stay here with it, I have to go to see the vegetable garden first, and strengthen the greenhouse by the way, this storm is a bit strange..."

After Ian finished speaking, he walked towards the gate with the Iron Armor Curse. The moment he opened the door, a strong wind rushed in. In order to avoid damage to the furnishings in the house, he could only walk out of the gate quickly.

The rain hit the iron armor curse hard, and countless water droplets splashed on the transparent armor. Although the magic spell protected him well from the rain, it could not resist the resistance of the wind.

Ian leaned on the wall, and walked forward step by step with some difficulty. The short distance of tens of meters was walked by him for 4-5 minutes.

When I came to the vegetable greenhouse, the good news was that none of the skeletons had been damaged. After all, they were all made of thumb-thick steel pipes, fixed with permanent adhesive spells.

But the plastic insulation film laid on it has been torn by the hurricane in many places, and the vegetable seedlings inside have been blown to this side, looking like a mess.

He didn't stop, and ran directly to the back warehouse, took out the large canvas collected before, stacked three layers, and the thickness even reached one centimeter. fixed on the bracket.

As the last loophole was repaired, the sound of wind and rain was completely shut out, and the whole world became quiet all of a sudden.

"As expected of a long-distance voyage, the quality is really good. Wait for the rain to stop before cleaning up. I don't know how much more I can survive. I'm sorry for the dragon dung I bought..."

He looked at the canvas that had just been patched and looked at the airtight vegetable garden, and couldn't help sighing.

"God Guard..."

Well, it's not that Ian is lazy, the main reason is that he really doesn't want to go back in a slump under the hurricane.


"I just touched it, and it disappeared by itself..."

As soon as Ian's Apparation returned to the room, he heard such a slightly disturbed sentence.

"...This has nothing to do with you. I summoned it to pick me up from the vegetable garden just now, and then dispelled the magic. The wind outside is too strong."

Seeing Irene's expression of being cautious and doing something wrong, Ian had no choice but to explain quickly, and at the same time said softly: "Do you still want to play with it? It is always by my side and can appear at any time, no matter what place."

After hearing the words, Irene's eyes suddenly lit up. After hesitating for a moment, she shook her head and said, "Forget it, let it stay by your side. I also have my job."

Looking at the little girl's posture, Irene obviously wants to play, but she has to pretend to be very sensible.

With a thought in Ian's mind, the gorgeous phoenix appeared beside her again, and touched Irene's cheek with its long beak affectionately.

"Play it, this magic is obviously not a burden to me, and, as long as I need it, it can appear by my side in an instant no matter where I am."

In fact, Ian was a little curious. His Phoenix's attitude towards Irene was obviously very friendly, even cordial.It's just that only Irene has seen it so far, so it's hard to judge whether this kindness is unique or universal.

Seeing the two of them playing around, Ian sat on the sofa and casually tore open a pack of Bibi multi-flavored beans, putting them into his mouth one by one like eating popcorn. Instead of being assimilated, anyway, he gradually fell in love with these weird snacks.

Even thought of taking the time to make a trip to Honeydukes to order some roach stacks to try.Yes, order, because there are so few people with a penchant for treats like the cockroach heap that even Honeydukes don't stock them all the time.

This sudden hurricane rain directly caused the barely working diesel generator to go on strike completely, but he didn't bother to repair it, and everything will be discussed when the weather clears.

Anyway, the lit fireplace not only radiates heat, but also acts like a warm-colored LED lamp, providing relatively sufficient lighting for the place, and then brewing a cup of warm black tea by yourself.

All in all, compared to the storm and darkness outside, the small room at this moment is illuminated by the warm yellow light of the fireplace, which makes all this very peaceful and warm. There is no whistling wind, no sudden rain, Just the crackling of the bonfire when the fireplace is burning...


"It feels like this weather is not right..."

At some point, Irene was already sitting next to him with Phoenix in her arms.

Hearing this, Ian said with some agreement: "It's not right. I noticed it when I was outside. Ordinarily, given the geographical location here and the current month, I always feel that it shouldn't be like this..."

"As long as our house is safe..." Irene said with some concern.

In fact, in her heart, she has already regarded this small house as the most precious thing in her life. This is her everything, the only everything.

"There is no need to worry about this. It's only been a few years. The load-bearing and structure of the house will not change."

Ian always felt that Irene was a bit pessimistic, and it was really unfounded to worry about. The construction of this kind of independent villa must be at least earthquake-resistant level 5 to be considered qualified. The wind and rain outside are really not enough to shake it.

The two sat side by side in the living room like this, neither of them spoke, quietly watching the storm outside the window.

It went on for a long time, probably because Ian felt that it was too quiet, and said half-jokingly: "Let's have some candy for dinner to deal with it. The generator strikes, let us retreat to the age of steam."

"Well..." Erin nodded slightly.

Ian found that she didn't seem to be very interested today, but girls always have a few days every month, so he didn't go into it, just said softly:
"There are candles and matches in the storage room. Remember to get them before going to bed. I'll go back to my room first, and Phoenix will stay with you. After all, the weather is really scary."


(PS: 3000 words will not be divided, otherwise it will affect reading, and there will be another chapter in the afternoon.)
(PS: New book, seeking collection, seeking recommendation, seeking investment, seeking monthly pass!
Thank you very much, readers~Thanks~Thanks~Thanks
Seedlings cannot do without your help and support~)

 New book, looking for collection, asking for recommendation, asking for investment, asking for monthly pass

  Thank you readers~Thank you~Thank you~Thank you
  Seedlings are inseparable from your help and support~
(End of this chapter)

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