I can enter Hogwarts in the last days

Chapter 424 Grindelwald and Dumbledore

Chapter 424 Grindelwald and Dumbledore

London in December.

The sky was dark, gloomy, and covered with dark clouds.

Snowflakes were still falling in the morning, and although they gradually stopped falling in the afternoon, the clouds did not disperse, but seemed even thicker.

The sky above them looked like cotton candy stained with ink, dark and gloomy, as if rain and snow might fall from the thick clouds at any time.

Where the eyes can't reach, the distant, cold gray-white sky is ominous.

The surviving werewolves hiding in the Oxford neighborhood slowly walked out of the dilapidated building as if they had also received some news.

Although most of them were ordinary civilians half a year ago, the indulgence of their inner desires in the past six months has made each of their facial features look ferocious and distorted.

There is no limit to the number of people. This is true at all. When 1.25 werewolves gathered together, the -mile-long Oxford Street was densely packed with human figures.

When these werewolves gathered together, a hostile atmosphere filled the space, even ignoring the distance that affected many Muggles watching through the TV screen, as well as the scattered wizards not far away.

"There are so many people..." Hidden in a high-rise building in the distance, Neil McMillan said with a pale face. His legs began to shake uncontrollably, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead unconsciously.

His childhood fear of werewolves resurfaced, and now he really regretted joining in the fun.

The companion next to him, Chad Parkinson, expressed his opinion with lingering fear: "If the time is not right, we will withdraw as soon as possible."

Of course, most of the wizards hiding in the dark have the same views as these two pure-blood wizards.

In fact, it’s not their fault. As wizards from a minority group, how long have they ever seen such a scene?

As far as Aurors are concerned, five people are considered a full team. Even when dealing with Death Eaters 10 years ago, more than fifty people were rarely deployed.

It can be seen that it is not that they have little knowledge, but that their understanding is limited by the environment and pattern.

On the other side, the high-rise buildings not far from Oxford Street were now occupied by wizards in various weird costumes.

They are journalists from well-known wizarding media throughout the British Isles and even around the world. They gather here for no other reason than to get first-hand information.

In fact, whether they are wizards, ordinary Muggles, or werewolves from other parts of the world, they can easily come to one conclusion:

What is about to happen today is a very important event, which represents the ranking of wizards, Muggles, and survivor werewolves in the next few decades or even hundreds of years. To put it bluntly, it is about showing off muscles and ranking based on seniority.

"I am now in Westminster, London. From here I can clearly see the werewolves gathering on Oxford Street, the remnants of those who do all kinds of evil... It is estimated that at its peak, there were more than 30,000 people here..."

The Daily Prophet's gold medal reporter, Rita Skeeter, dressed in a smart professional suit, was currently explaining to a camera.

The photographer opposite him is also a squib who graduated from the journalism department, and can be regarded as a true professional counterpart.

Their combination is not unusual, because many reporters nearby are also like this. It is the first perfect integration of magic and technology, and it is also the first cooperation between the Ministry of Magic and Muggle executives in various countries.

It's a good thing that Westminster, London, is not a gathering place for wizards. Otherwise, it's hard to say whether these electronic devices can operate normally.

Eco-city in the Scottish Highlands.

Mr. and Mrs. Granger were sitting on the large sofa, holding hands tightly together. In an ordinary residential area on the other side of the city, Harry's Uncle Vernon was cursing and looking at the TV, not forgetting to use familiar swear words.

On the other side, in the Devon countryside, in a rickety house, the Weasley family was guarding the old radio in the living room, quietly listening to the broadcast inside.

But the quiet atmosphere is often meant to be broken. Suddenly, a jingling bell came from upstairs. Without even thinking, you knew it was the always lively George and Fred.

"That's enough! You two." Mrs. Weasley shouted distractedly. After saying that, she glanced at Ginny, Harry and Ron beside her. "I tell you, no one is allowed to leave the Burrow today unless you put me down..."

As if to increase the authenticity, Mrs. Weasley took out her wand from her pocket and slammed it on the table.

This sudden move startled Harry, and he suddenly felt that compared to Mrs. Weasley, his uncle Feinong's ferocious fat face had become amiable.

After the keen Ginny noticed Harry's abnormality, her eyes flickered for a moment, then she stretched out her hand under the table without expression, and quietly held Harry's hand.

On Harry's side, the cold and soft touch on his palm also greatly relieved his mood.

And in all this, neither Mrs. Weasley opposite nor Ron who was close at hand noticed anything strange.

At this time, there was another sound coming from upstairs.

"Mom, we are 17 years old! You can't restrict our freedom. Bill, Charlie and Percy can all go and cheer, why can't we?" George complained dissatisfied.

"That's right, you can't treat us differently! What will Ian think of us then?" Fred also agreed tacitly.

"Shut up! I won't do it if I say no! Besides, Principal Titus doesn't need you two to make up for it!" Mrs. Weasley was furious, and then shouted:

"If you're still not convinced, come down and we'll have a duel. If you win, I'll let you go!"

In fact, she also felt that she was in the wrong in this matter, since her two sons were already adults anyway.

But when she thought of tens of thousands of werewolves, she couldn't bear the two children who had just turned 17 to join in the fun. As a last resort, she had no choice but to make trouble unreasonably once.

at the same time.

The Isle of Wight, Cornwall, Ebriashire, Lint, and all the wizards in the British Isles are also paying attention to what is happening now...


On the other side, on the rooftop of a century-old building on the other side of the Thames River, with a burst of space distortion, two figures suddenly appeared.

The sky was dark and a cold wind was blowing, but this did not affect the two thinly dressed figures at all.

"Long time no see, Albus!" Grindelwald greeted seriously.

"Yes, what a coincidence! You actually chose to appear here." Dumbledore looked at everything with a smile.

"That's because being here brought me an indelible memory." Grindelwald grinned and said proudly.

Hearing this, a trace of recollection flashed in Dumbledore's eyes. After a few seconds, he asked calmly: "Aren't you afraid of intensifying conflicts?"

"Ha! Intensified?" Grindelwald chuckled casually, his eyes full of disdain, "Ian just did what I wanted to do. When the lion sleeps for too long, people will forget its majesty."

At this point, Grindelwald changed the topic and laughed at himself: "Some things must be done in advance before we are too old to move, otherwise Merlin doesn't know what will happen when only two of your students are left. .”


After a moment, Dumbledore just nodded silently.

He knew very well what Gellert meant. Even though Tom was harmless now, there were three people suppressing him at the same level. In the next few years, Ian would really be the only one left...

(End of this chapter)

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