I can enter Hogwarts in the last days

Chapter 18 A Sumptuous Dinner Party

Chapter 18 A Sumptuous Dinner Party

From the moment Ian put down the sorting hat, it also announced the complete end of today's ceremony.


At this time, Principal Dumbledore also stood up. Like all principals, he must give a speech at the last moment, but fortunately, he always only spoke a little bit.

"Welcome everyone! Welcome to Hogwarts to start a new school year. Before the banquet begins, I would like to say a few words, that is: Idiot! Crying nose! Dregs! Twist! Thank you everyone!"

After only saying these few words, Dumbledore sat down again.


"It looks a little crazy, right? My name is Robert Siad, fifth grade." A Ravenclaw student sitting next to Ian said with a smile on his face.

"Ian Titus, transfer student, third grade."

For kindness and friendliness, Ian has always been equally friendly.Because of the beginning of the banquet, he only had a few words with the fifth-grade student before ending the chat.

Interestingly, when they were chatting, Ian obviously found that the girls within a radius of five meters around him were all silent, elegant and quiet like ladies, but the slightly pricked ears spoiled the atmosphere.

Looking at the assortment of food that suddenly appeared on the dinner plate in front of me: roast beef, lamb chops, pork chops, roast chicken, sausages, French fries, boiled potatoes, baked potato chips, Yorkshire patches, pea sprouts, carrots, gravy, Ketchup, assorted breads, and even mint hard candy.

Ian just picked some food close to him, a few pieces of roast beef, some bread and tomato sauce, and started to enjoy dinner slowly.


Compared with Gryffindor's chattering feasting next door, Ravenclaw is much quieter, but quiet doesn't mean slow.He found that the speed of the long table CD in his college even faintly surpassed that of Gryffindor.

Just because once the plate is empty, the food will be replenished in the next second, so it is not easy to find without careful observation.

In the first half of the banquet, there were not many people talking, and everyone dealt with the food in front of them in a unified way. It took about half an hour, after everyone had filled their stomachs.

The rest of the food disappeared from the plate in one go, even though there was still a lot of food on the plate that was only touched once or twice.But it seems that no little wizard has ever considered these foods, where they come from, and where they go back.

But Ian was quite interested in all of this, and the countdown flashed in his mind all the time, as if it was constantly reminding him that there was still an end-time waiting for the problem of food and clothing.


Turning the screen, the dinner plates at this moment are as clean as ever.After a few breaths, the desserts came up again: ice creams of various flavors and shapes, apple tarts, strawberry syrup cakes, chocolate sponge cakes, berry donuts, jelly puddings, rice puddings...

After these desserts came out, everyone started to communicate and chat. Except for the freshmen who were a little reserved, most of the old students didn't see each other because of a holiday.At this moment, it seems that they have all turned into intelligence agents at the entrance of the village, and countless exclusive news need to be shared.

But this has nothing to do with Ian. At this moment, he is really like a soaring raven, hiding in the sky, overlooking all living beings on the earth.

The owl that I was looking forward to when I was a child, and the dream of entering Hogwarts, have all come true now.Silently, he is like a real audience, watching the familiar and unfamiliar scenes in front of him.

But this is a pain for the girls around who want to get information, looking at Ian who is silent and exudes an ethereal aura.Even if they gestured to Robert frequently, the other party shrugged and expressed helplessness.

Time just passed by quietly, when the last dessert on the table disappeared.Professor Dumbledore stood up again, without any order, everyone quieted down to listen to him.

"Before everyone is still sleepy, let me say a few more things to pay attention to, especially for first-year freshmen. The Forbidden Forest behind the school is forbidden for all students to enter.

Second, our castle administrator, Mr. Filch, also wants me to remind everyone not to cast spells in the corridor between classes, and there are 23 newly added magic tricks that are forbidden to be brought into school this year. For details, please visit Mr. Filch Office view.

The Quidditch Quidditch will be held in the second week of this semester. Students above grade two who are interested in participating in the college representative team, please contact Mrs. Hooch to register.

Finally, I must tell everyone that those who do not want to encounter accidents and die in pain, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor. "

After Dumbledore finished speaking all the instructions, he winked at everyone and said loudly:

"Before everyone goes back to the dormitory, let's sing the school song together."

As soon as these words came out, the other professors' faces were obviously a little stiff.If there is anything that Hogwarts is inferior to other schools, the school song is one of the best. Of course, the grants for students are also inferior to Beauxbatons.

Once, Newt Scamander, an outstanding Hogwarts dropout, was overwhelmed by a pair of sisters from Ilvermorny for the school song.

The singing sounded in various strange tones:
Hogwarts, Hogwarts...

Please teach us something, whether we are bald old men.

Still a young boy with a scar on his knee,
Our heads need to be filled with, something fun,

Because now it is empty inside, full of air.

Dead flies and trifles,

So teach us something worth learning,
Bring back our long-forgotten memories.

You just have to do your best, and leave the rest to us.
We will study hard until we are reduced to dung.

The lyrics are actually more important, the key is the accompaniment, our great Professor Dumbledore chose "Funeral March" this year...

No matter if they were old students who had been tortured for a long time or freshmen with confused faces, everyone obviously didn't like the school song, and they sang it in a very perfunctory manner. Only the twin brothers of the Weasley family sang the whole song.

Professor Dumbledore has been intimately directing the whole process for the two of them. What the three of them focus on is that as long as I am not embarrassed, then the embarrassing must be someone else...

After the song was sung, as Professor Dumbledore announced that the opening banquet was over, the heads of all levels stood up and led the college students back to their dormitories for bed.

Unlike the red-haired prefect of Gryffindor, he started gathering new students in a hurry.

In comparison, Ravenclaw seemed slow. The male prefect who had just finished popularizing science for the freshmen was just getting the freshmen together at the moment.

After completing the counting of the number of people and ensuring that no student will be left behind, he began to lead the students back to the dormitory without haste.

Ian was also walking slowly with the large army at the moment, walked out of the restaurant, walked forward for about a quarter of an hour, and finally came to a tower of the castle.

Facing him was a spiral staircase, which was very steep. After passing through the dizzying spiral staircase, he came to a wooden door without a handle.The bare wooden door has neither a handle nor a keyhole, only a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.

The male prefect who led the team at the front extended his left hand and knocked lightly on the door. The eagle's beak on the bronze door knocker opened immediately, and a gentle and soothing voice came out: "Where is the time that disappeared?"

The prefect at this moment did not answer immediately, but turned to this year's freshmen, showing a cheerful smile:

"Entering Ravenclaw's lounge is very simple. We never use passwords. We only need to answer a question on the door knocker. As long as he answers correctly, even if he is not a student of Ravenclaw, he can enter our common room .”

"This is why Ravenclaw is better at thinking than the other three colleges." At this moment, the new female prefect of this year, the famous Miss Shimizu-Penello also said aside.

The crisp voice added: "Is there anyone who will try to answer this question?"

While talking, he secretly looked at Ian without leaving a trace.

Ian turned a blind eye to this, not because he didn't know the answer, but because he didn't want to be in the limelight. He just wanted to learn magic quietly while enjoying this hard-won life.

'Where is the lost time? 'This kind of obviously open-ended question is similar to the former Zen master, but there are actually countless answers.

The simplest and most intelligent answer is - 'the disappearing time is in time'.

But it is obvious that the freshmen are new to Ravenclaw and are more willing to use this opportunity to prove their wisdom.

"In our memory!"

This is the answer of a first-grade girl with some baby fat.

"correct answer!"

A soft and soothing voice sounded from the bronze door knocker again, and the door opened in response, as if welcoming all the freshmen assigned to Ravenclaw.

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(End of this chapter)

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