Chapter 95
Harry opened his eyes again, and he found himself at Station 9, standing under a wide umbrella, next to a young man holding an umbrella.He was the strange man Harry had seen in the car.

An umbrella separates the two worlds.

Outside the umbrella is the thinking string of the universe, which turns into heavy rain and washes away.

Inside the umbrella, there is silence and solitude.

"It's over," Linde said softly. "You're not doing too badly, Harry."

"Why am I here?" Harry was at a loss, his memory still stuck in the shed, that terrible night.

"Think about what you've been through."

The memories washed away by the rain came back again. Although it was a little blurry, the important events were still vivid in my mind.Harry was finally able to calmly look back at the past now, the boy had gone through so much shock that, if the rain hadn't washed the emotional elements out, he would have been unable to recall because of the intense pain.

"I, I killed a lot of people."

"That was killed by you in the future, and all this is just a prophecy from divination."

"Prophecy?" Harry suddenly woke up from hypnosis as if he heard a specific word, and he suddenly realized, "Yes, it's a prophecy!"

Linde nodded, "I'll share with you what I saw. Strictly speaking, you are in an illusion. But I didn't fabricate the facts, everything in the illusion will happen for real."

The question that puzzled Harry the most was: "What's the relationship between Snape and my mother?"

Linde shook his head, "How do I know? You should ask him himself."

"Then, what about after I changed history?" Harry asked eagerly, "Does it mean that those who were killed by me don't have to die?"

"Mostly, yes, you killed a lot of Death Eaters, and the Aurors and officials of the Ministry of Magic, and the professors in the school. If you changed history, most of them would not have to die, but their lives would be very different. gone."

"That's great!"

Linde sighed, "But Dumbledore died, died of betrayal and conspiracy. You changed history and made Voldemort win. The Prophet's Son did not appear. The Longbottom family and the Weasley family all died in battle. Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick...these names you are familiar with, and all the righteous people, were all defeated by Voldemort and his lackeys.

"The Ministry of Magic became Voldemort's hall of fame, Hogwarts became Slytherin School, half-blood wizards became pure-blood vassals, and Hermione, as they scornfully called 'mudbloods', were domesticated as slaves.

"And you, Harry Potter, you had a happy childhood until your parents abandoned you in order to resist Voldemort's tyranny and launched the assassination of the Dark Lord. Of course they were not spared. He stepped into the dangerous magic world without knowing it, was jointly punished for his parents' crimes, became an insignificant servant in the academy, and finally died of illness due to heavy work."

Harry was about to cry again, "Why? Why can't I be happy?"

"Because you are not strong enough." Linde said bluntly, "A world of tenderness needs everyone to work together to maintain it. Thugs like Voldemort have brought about troubled times. People no longer believe in friendship and help each other. Instead, they kill each other. Oppression, plunder. The weak will suffer, physically and mentally, all have to suffer, and then die in obscurity."

The boy closed his eyes sadly, "I will also become a villain, more terrible than Voldemort."

"More terrifying? It's hard to say, you have something new of your own based on him. But there is still a gap between you and him. His goal is to establish the rule of pure-blood wizards, and you are to resurrect your parents. So black The profession of Demon King is also worse. The first generation of Dark Lord Grindelwald was more thoughtful than Voldemort. Although Voldemort is bad, at least he has a lofty goal. In contrast, you are just a child who longs to be loved."

"...I don't like this prophecy... Is it true that I can't resurrect my mother?"


Linde's answer killed the boy's last illusion.

Not to mention Harry, even Linde in the library tower cannot resurrect a person who has been dead for many years and whose body has rotted. Unless there is a complete body or complete memory, what will be resurrected is only a newborn person. People, like the Finger Witch.

Harry collapsed, squatting on the ground and crying.

"Be strong, Harry." Linde also knelt down and patted his back lightly, "I didn't let you see all this to break your courage. If you want to pursue happiness, you can't indulge in the disappointment of the past. Although you did not have a happy childhood, you have Hogwarts, and you have a group of partners who care about you. Real growth is not about gaining invincible power, but learning to reconcile with your past, and the world Indifference and reconciliation."

He was still crying, and what Harry recalled was the 11 years of depressive life he had spent in boarding with the Dursleys. He was a child who was never loved, a child who grew up in disgust and bullying.The mental damage that the Dursleys and Dudley Dursley brought to Harry was quite serious, but it was not enough to make him bad. Harry was always a man of courage and tenacity, a man.

It is Voldemort's soul that makes him go bad, and it is also the storm caused by Linde's change of plot.

Perhaps Harry will become the new Dark Lord, and then another son of prophecy, Neville Longbottom, will lead his partners to defeat him.

But these stories were not destined to happen.

"Go back, Harry. Get a good rest. When you wake up, nothing will happen."

Harry was getting sadder, he felt himself falling, faster and faster.

He shivered suddenly.

"He's awake!"

Harry heard someone say that.

"where am I?"

"School hospital!" Hermione said urgently, "It was De Lin who brought you here, and he also said that you will wake up in a short time."

"Hermione..." Harry stared at her blankly.

There were many classmates gathered around the bedside of the school hospital, and Ron put his face close to Harry's, with a silly expression on his face.

George and Fried came in from outside the house holding the toilet seat, and they happily placed the toilet seat on Harry's bedside to celebrate his new life.

Then there were more Gryffindor classmates. Seeing that there were more and more people, Madam Pomfrey immediately became angry and wanted to drive them all out.

Harry sat up in bed, and Hermione handed him the glasses, and he realized that his face was wet, and when he looked back, his pillow was soaked.

No wonder everyone looked at him with pity.

"Harry, take a good rest. You must have experienced something terrible." Hermione took the initiative to bid farewell, and together with Madam Pomfrey, she drove the other students out of the ward, leaving Harry a space to rest alone .

Harry spent a night of tossing and turning in the school hospital.The next day he was in class as usual, with end-of-year exams approaching, the professors were busier than usual.

In Potions class, Snape still played steadily, picking Harry's faults as usual.

Now Harry could look at Snape with quiet eyes.

"Mr. Potter, you can't learn about potions by staring at me stupidly. When will you stop being so ignorant?" Snape stared at Harry's emerald green eyes, drawn out disgustingly The tone also seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"Sorry, Professor, I will work harder." Harry didn't care about Snape's sarcasm, and Ron saw Snape's face as uncomfortable as swallowing a live toad, and suddenly his heart went crazy .

"...I hope you're not just lip service." Snape returned to the podium with a cold face, and he didn't bother Harry for the rest of the class, making it difficult for the Gryffindor students , They were severely deducted college points by this eccentric professor for various reasons.

But except for Hermione, who was distressed about the house points, the other students didn't care. Everyone felt that Harry had done the right thing. It was more satisfying to frustrate Snape than to win the house cup.

After class, Harry took the initiative to walk towards Snape.

"Professor, do you know my mother?"

Snape paused for a moment, "This has nothing to do with you."

"I want to know your past." Harry's eyes were full of sadness that is rare for adults, "What kind of person is she?"

"Mr. Potter, no matter what plans you have, you won't get what you want from me." Snape seemed to be stung, pushed Harry away, and hurried out of the classroom.

Snape didn't go anywhere, but waited for Linde at the door of the Gryffindor common room, and stopped him when he went out.

"Mr. de Lin, we need to talk. What did you and Mr. Potter say?"

Linde also guessed that it was Harry's change that stimulated Snape. This old snake is like this, hiding everything. If he had had the courage to confess to Lily Evans back then, it would have been James' turn. Tom Pott is a beautiful guy?

"Professor, it seems that you really care about Harry. Why don't you make it clear to him face to face? Don't treat Harry like a child, he has grown up."

"I can't see where he looks a little bit mature."

"Sometimes growth is silent. After seeing something, the innocence can't come back. Each of us is burdened with pain and troubles, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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