The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students.

Chapter 9 The Boring Life of the Rich

Chapter 9 The Boring Life of the Rich
The most famous wizarding school in the world of "Harry Potter" is Hogwarts, of course there is no doubt that several other colleges can only come second.The most famous magic school in Skyrim Province is the Academy of Winterhold. Its history can be traced back to the first era. The great Nord mage Shalidor created a platform for spellcasters to communicate and discuss, and it has become a system that later generations of mages are vying to imitate.

If we compare these two colleges, then Hogwarts can be regarded as a primary and secondary school, with a systematic teaching process and stricter school management. Correspondingly, young apprentices can get a "relatively safe" growth environment—but Anyway, magic is dangerous, Muggle schools can kill people, and accidents in magic schools are normal.

Winterhold College is a university. As long as they pass the test and are selected, each mage can decide on his own research direction, and he is subject to fewer constraints.Similarly, the risks they need to face are also greater. Those apprentices who secretly summoned the devil in the underground of Winterhold have no bones left.

Linde took advantage of the vacation to pick out all the books that could be bought in Lihen Bookstore. Now they are exhibits in the library tower, and they are placed on three walls. Looking at the dazzling array of bookshelves, Linde has a deep feeling in his heart. The joy of being satisfied with hoarding.

In terms of knowledge level, he can take OWLs (Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination) and NEWT (Advanced Wizarding Level Exam, but the literal translation is actually a super fatigue-bombing witchcraft test, lol).

In terms of practical level, Linde's spellcasting ability has also made great progress. He has mastered the silent and wandless spellcasting skills of all the spells in the book. Unable to touch this threshold, in Linde's view, they are just academic ghouls who wave their magic wands foolishly and cling to the dead system left by their predecessors.Only a wizard who has truly touched the roots of magic can lightly incorporate spellcasting into everyday life.

Linde can't be regarded as extremely talented, and he was just an ordinary person before time travel, but now he is a demon god. If there is anything he doesn't understand, he can understand it after a little practice in the library tower.

With his current ability and knowledge, let alone being a fifth grade transfer student, it would not be a problem to directly apply for a professor.

So is it necessary to go to Hogwarts?It is necessary, Linde is envious of the Hogwarts library, and there is nothing wrong with being a student, he likes the feeling of being in school, dealing with people, and the carefree days will pass quickly, when he grows up After that, there will be no such leisure.

In addition to Hogwarts, Linde also wants to go to Winterhold College. He must go there, not only to learn the magic system in the world of "The Elder Scrolls" there, not just for their library, but more importantly , the plot of this academy involves an important artifact—the Eye of Magnus.

Linde couldn't say that he coveted the Eye of Magnus, but he had coveted it for a long time.Why, this starts from the beginning of the world...

Magnus is one of the creation gods, known as an engineer, and he designed the appearance of the mortal world.But when he realizes that maintaining the mortal world requires a huge sacrifice, and it is likely to take the fate of the gods, Brother Ma has no political consciousness, and runs away overnight with the engineering team carrying buckets. , the gap between God and God is really clear at a glance.

The way this group of gods escape is quite special. They directly opened holes in the sky, leading to the Light Realm, and then the light flowed from the holes to the Mortal Realm, so the sun and stars in the world of the ancient scrolls are actually these holes.Brother Ma created the largest hole, which is the sun.

The energy flowing from the Light Realm is the root of all magic, and the highest ambition of all mages is to go to the Light Realm to find out.Legend has it that the great mage Shalidor once visited the Light Realm, and the patriarch of Winterhold College is indeed gone.

The Eye of Magnus is rumored to be an artifact left by Mr. Ma, which contains endless magical energy.

Linde wants to obtain the Eye of Magnus as the energy core of the library tower. With this thing, he can squander magic power like a truly omnipotent god.

The first of September in World I was approaching, and Gringotts informed Lynd that they had found a house-elf seller.Linde happily came to the door with a suitcase of gold.

The wizard who sold the house-elf came with his son.When Lin De arrived, the child hugged his father and begged, "Dad, don't let Jiali go, please, don't sell him."

The house elf is also on the side. He looks good, his skin is still tight and smooth, his eyes are clear, he should not be very old, and now he hangs his head and looks gloomy.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The well-dressed wizard nodded to Linde, and patted his son's shoulder lightly, "Don't be like this, the family needs this money."

Linde begged the wizard to go to the meeting room alone with him, "Let your child say goodbye to this Carrie." He smiled at the boy, but the boy just gave Linde an angry look .

When they walked into the meeting room, Linde immediately pointed out seriously, "You shouldn't bring your children to participate in this transaction."

"Cheney is a stubborn boy. Let's talk about the price. To be honest, I really don't want to sell Carrie. He is a hardworking and smart elf, very capable..." The wizard praised him endlessly. own merchandise.

Linde threw the suitcase in front of the wizard, "Okay, take these. Forget about Kari from now on, he is my servant now."

The wizard was very dissatisfied with the child's attitude, and he shouted loudly: "Come on, you don't understand the importance of Carrie to our family at all. He is not just a house elf! He is our family! We..."

Outside the meeting room, the boy hugged the house elf and secretly applauded his father's furious oath. "Carrie, did you hear that? Maybe Dad changes his mind and won't let you go!"

The wizard's eyes were wide open, his momentum was like a rainbow, like a roaring lion, but he slowly unfastened the buckle of the suitcase with both hands. He faced Linde, but his eyes rolled down, and he shouted like this: "If you think you can buy a family with money... oh, cough cough, uh, um cough cough..."

When the dazzling golden light illuminated his face, the wizard suddenly changed from a male lion to a castrated cat, his tone fell precipitously, and his tone became extremely nasty, he kept coughing, as if there were hundreds of fishbone stuck in his throat .

Linde: The Calm Upstart Gaze.jpg
The wizard's pale and greasy face was full of yellow reflections, he laughed and changed his words: "But, then again, it is better to entrust the family to friends who treat him sincerely than to leave him to suffer in a miserable family situation Ten thousand times, isn't it? Then what, it's a pleasure to discuss business with you, this little gentleman, may Merlin bless you who are generous, and you will be successful in your studies and stand out in the future."

Linde smiled slightly. He found this scene very interesting, watching how the formerly high-spirited gentleman bowed his knees under the temptation of gold.As an adult, Linde fully understands the words and deeds of this wizard. He just feels a little emotional. The gold he once longed for is nothing but rubble, and some changes are really sudden.

As long as he has magical powers, he will never have to please others like this wizard.

When Lind left the main gate of Gringotts with a sobbing Carrie, the wizard walked out with his weeping son, and the well-dressed fellow cast a Levitation Charm so that the weight of gold would be the same as his conscience Fluttering.

"Okay, don't cry, kid, you don't know how much money we made..." The wizard's whisper gradually faded away.

Linde met an unexpected acquaintance, "Oh, Merlin's beard, Professor Quirrell, it's nice to meet you, thank you again for your help."

Quirrell, wearing a purple hood, sat on the side of the road and seemed to have been observing Gringotts, or perhaps monitoring the wizards entering and leaving Gringotts.When he saw Linde, he looked a little flustered, but soon, he squeezed out a smile, and the two exchanged greetings before saying goodbye quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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