The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students.

Chapter 89 Harry's Future

Chapter 89 Harry's Future

The morning light shines on the eyelids through the screen window, lighting up the dark vision.

Harry opened his eyes.

He looked around. Instead of four-poster beds and ancient masonry walls, soft Simmons and white putty walls, this was a Muggle dwelling.

Seeing the decoration here, Harry's neck began to prick like a needle, and bitterness flooded his heart. The environment here is all too familiar. This is the Dursley House, the prison where he was imprisoned and tortured for more than ten years.

The calendar next to the bed shows that today is August 28, [-].

There are still four days until school starts.

He heard a loud noise from downstairs, a boy yelling rudely, followed by a panicked reprimand. It was Aunt Petunia, her shrill voice piercing the ceiling of the first floor like an iron cone. , to Harry's ears.

"Be quiet! Don't let (lower your voice) hear, Dudley darling, or he'll have to..."

Great, he thought, what a never-ending ordeal.

Harry got up and dressed slowly, and the Dursleys' servants would start a new day's work.He imitated Uncle Vernon when he put on short sleeves on his body: "Harry, little bastard, went to mop the floor. He knows how to eat all day long, and he is a useless eater!" He imitated his cousin Dudley when he lifted his trousers, And with a blowing sound, "Bang! Haha, look mom, Harry's glasses are broken again, look, it's funny." Then, when he tied his shoes, Harry imitated Aunt Petunia again. , "Little slacker, you should wash the dishes, what? Your breakfast? You have no share here."

He ditched down the stairs. The stairwell under his feet used to be his childhood residence. It was a very cramped storage room. Fortunately, Harry was thin and thin due to malnutrition at that time. It's also spacious for him.

The smell of bacon wafts from the kitchen, and the strong smoky smell is reminiscent of factories thousands of miles away. How did those workers smoke the good pork sent by the slaughterhouse into delicious bacon?Those Muggle machines were rumbling, and the TV said that the fat pigs being slaughtered on the farm had never seen real grass.

Coming to the first floor, Uncle Vernon, uncharacteristically, did not lie in his comfortable chair to read the newspaper, but sat calmly at the dining table. When he saw Harry appearing, his stupid and fat cheeks trembled slightly, as if Tried to force an ugly smile, but failed.

"Good morning." Harry shrugged his shoulders, trying to look a little more insignificant, lest something went wrong and the erratic uncle grabbed hold of him.

"Ha, Harry, good morning." Vernon's cheeks wrinkled, his facial features seemed to be fighting each other, his words were very gentle, "Petunia will be ready for breakfast soon." He hesitated and asked cautiously : "You seem to get up late today?"

Harry shivered and apologized hastily: "I'm sorry!"

Vernon showed a puzzled expression when Aunt Petunia came out of the kitchen with a sumptuous breakfast.Harry wondered what day it was.He stared at the plate, trying to find his portion—the least portion.

No, there is no such thing as the least share.Harry had the same portion on his plate as his fat cousin.Make him completely fed up.

God, Harry thought, have the family changed their minds?They actually have good intentions?That's right, after all, I am Aunt Petunia's nephew, and she is reluctant to part with this little blood relationship. Although the family has treated me like a free child laborer for so many years, they have provided me with food and accommodation after all.

The more the boy thought about it, the more guilty he felt, and he felt ashamed of silently satirizing the Dursleys in his heart every time he was bullied. In this way, he is actually the burden of this family. Without him, this family should live in their philistine A vulgar, ordinary life, undisturbed by the wonders of the wizarding world.They bullied, humiliated, ridiculed, and oppressed Harry in this way, all in order to retaliate against Harry for scaring them.

Harry ate the plate of delicious bacon omelette toast with trepidation, and drank another glass of milk. He really had never drank pure milk at the Dursleys' house, and usually it was a milk-flavored drink with half a glass of tap water added. .

There was silence at the table, no one spoke, Cousin Dudley buried his face in the plate and ate like a pig.Usually they are always noisy.

Harry felt that such a scene was quite warm, and some happy emotions came from the bottom of his heart like sparkling water that had been opened.

After quickly finishing his portion, he was about to get up and clear away the dishes.Aunt Petunia quickly stood up and turned towards him with a stiff smile, "Put it down!" She was a little panicked, "I will clean it up."

"Thank you." Harry hesitated for a moment, "Aunt."

Petunia's skinny face couldn't help showing a distorted expression of disgust and fear, she nodded repeatedly.Cousin Dudley was making a piggy grunt at that moment, with the look of a complete idiot on his face, and Uncle Vernon stuffed his own toast onto his plate so he wouldn't let out any more. noise.

Very strange, very abnormal.Harry felt biting kale crawling all over him.

After that, the Dursleys seemed to have forgotten about Harry, and didn't arrange chores for him as usual.He was able to move around the room quietly and freely, which made him even more uneasy.

Today was Friday, and Uncle Vernon went to work as usual. Harry saw his uncle and aunt saying goodbye by the car from the window on the second floor, hugging each other tightly, looking very affectionate.

"Honey, bear with me, I've already booked the boat and train tickets, and we'll set off as soon as September, and take Baby Dudley to Casablanca, just bear with it, just four days, and we'll never meet again Met the little bastard, you little bastard." Vernon murmured in Petunia's ear, and Petunia scratched and pinched him on the shoulder, crying until her eyes were red.

Harry watched the couple's farewell, and found it interesting in his heart. He seemed to see a big toad hugging a bald goose.

Uncle Vernon glanced towards the second floor and saw Harry waving goodbye to him by the window. His expression changed, he cursed in a low voice, and hurriedly drove away.

At this time, the sky suddenly began to become dark, and the morning sun set again from the east, and the angle was shifted, and it fell on the southeast horizon.The low-altitude clouds piled up, and the snowflakes fell. It didn't take long for the streets to be covered with dirty snow.

The world suddenly entered winter.

Harry was feeling uneasy about this abnormal celestial phenomenon, when he suddenly saw a golden firework explode in the sky outside Privet Drive, followed by several fireworks of different colors exploding one after another.A group of wizards in black robes and pointed hats appeared on both sides of the street. They waved wands in their hands and continuously cast the Muggle Repelling Curse. No one approached the sign that read "Construction Ahead, No Passing".

The group of wizards came straight to the Dursleys' door.

Harry saw at a glance that these guys were followed by three strangely dressed people, but they were none other than the Dursleys.

They appeared there at some unknown time, and they seemed to have been cursed by a wizard, and their movements were slow and sluggish.

No, uncle and aunt are in danger!
Harry's heart sank, and strong unease and fear emerged.

He rummaged in his pockets, trying to get his wand, but he couldn't find it.So he turned to look in the nightstand.He saw his hands trembling.

Harry glanced at the calendar. The date had changed, and he remembered that it had previously shown August.

December 28, [-].

It's Christmas holidays.He was taken aback.

The wizards downstairs had already squeezed into the room, they were shouting loudly and praising the great Dark Lord.

"Master, we captured these Muggles back from Casablanca!"

There is no wand to be found, and danger looms.The current situation couldn't be worse for a child.

In order to protect his loved ones, Harry mustered up his courage and walked towards the living room empty-handed.

(End of this chapter)

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