Chapter 86
The Ma people's prophecy system is self-contained, and the direction of history is divined through stargazing.

Astrology and destiny are often linked together.A more notable example is the world of "The Elder Scrolls". People born in different months correspond to different constellations, which will be revealed in their characteristics.

The astrology in the world of "Harry Potter", at least in the eyes of Muggles and most wizards, has little to do with fate.Linde has also observed the starry sky of this world, but has not been able to get any mystical inspiration.

The centaurs invite Linde to their water source.

The red-haired horseman in the lead had a tough tone, with the attitude that if you don't leave, he will take you away.

Linde stroked the pendant lightly, and the eyes of the tower emitted a faint light. He planned to have a good talk with these centaurs, at least to teach them the sincerity and attitude of cooperation.

At this time, a clear phoenix cry sounded, and a golden-red flying bird broke through the fog from above and landed heavily on Linde's shoulder.

"Hi." Linde had seen this phoenix named Fox in the principal's office.

Hagrid, out of breath, came with Dumbledore. The old man was riding on the back of a centaur. His purple robe fluttered like a knight's battle banner, revealing his white silk pajamas and cotton slippers.

"I'll go, Gandalf." Lind smiled and waved, "Professor Dumbledore, have you come to save your students?"

Dumbledore smiled, got off the horse, and bowed to the centaur who gave him a ride. The silver centaur stroked his chest lightly, with his front hoof slightly bent.In this state of natural harmony, Dumbledore would be a good hand at taking care of magical creatures.

"Firenze!" the red-haired centaur yelled, "You let a human ride on your back! You are not an animal!"

"Enough, Bane! You broke the agreement and forcibly broke into the school. I want to stop your mistake."

Dumbledore walked up to Linde like an old hen guarding her cubs.

The fog on the lakeside has gradually receded, and as the sun rises, the morning light is also dazzling.Students jogging around gathered around, but Hagrid stopped them from approaching.

While the centaur was still arguing, Dumbledore turned his head and asked in a low voice: "What happened?"

"They made a prophecy that I was connected to a catastrophe two years from now."

"Oh, there's no need to doubt that." Dumbledore blinked, with the look of an old urchin on his face, "After all, your appearance will bring accidents."

"Professor, you really make me sad." Linde was amused, "But I guarantee that Hogwarts will not be injured, and no one can make trouble in the school and hurt the students."

"I believe." Dumbledore's voice seemed to be blown away by the lake wind, light and floating, and then settled down like iron sand, "As always."

The horseman debate is over.The centaur named Firenze persuaded some of his companions to return to the Forbidden Forest, while the rest followed Baine.

"This matter must have a result." Bane frowned, "We will not hurt you, human. If you don't believe us, you can find someone to accompany you." When he said this, he looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore respected Linde's choice in this matter, signaling him to decide for himself.

"Then let's go." Linde patted the sportswear on his body, changed it into a decent black wizard robe, and cleaned it up to remove the hot sweat from running. He was ready to go to the horse "I hope your astrological predictions will make me feel worthwhile. Professor Dumbledore, can you?"

The headmaster nodded, looking in a good mood, and Hagrid decided to accompany him.

The habitat of the centaurs is deep in the Forbidden Forest.Starting from the Black Lake, we walked slowly for more than three hours before approaching. The dangerous creatures along the road did not attack, because the centaur warriors in the team were guarding around. Although they did not carry weapons, their deterrent power was still strong. quite adequate.

After coming to the periphery of the water source, the surrounding horse people breathed a sigh of relief.There are ancient oak trees growing in the woodland here, and the dark green vines form a wall of vegetation from the crown of the trees like a waterfall.The centaur Firenze and several aged centaur elders are already waiting here.

Bane went up to talk in a low voice, whispering, and then his tone became more and more intense, and he seemed to be arguing again.

Finally, an old centaur stopped the farce.He wears many hanging ornaments on his body, wearing a horse coat made of ramie and linen, with a humanoid upper body, colorful totems drawn on his chest, and a feather crown on his head.

The elders of the horse people lead the guests through the vine sea and into the water source, which is a clearing in the forest, where the rivers converge into a small clear lake, and all the male horse people live on the rocky beach by the lake.

They set up nomadic tents in the shape of yurts, and piled up the carcasses of prey in the open space, as well as the huge remains of several acromantulas.There are leather frames outside the doors of each tent, and the furs of pigs, rabbits, and foxes are propped up by thin wooden poles.Javelins and spears are placed on the weapon racks by the lake, and grass targets are erected on the edge of the small cliff on the other side of the lake.When Linde and the others arrived, several centaur teenagers were practicing shooting there.

Hagrid seemed to be a regular here, and he greeted many of the centaurs.After a brief visit to the local conditions and customs of the horse people, everyone sat down in a small venue surrounded by gravel.The cushions are woven from soft hay and stuffed with rabbit fur and vanilla.It should be said that the atmosphere here is good. Although the tribe is wary of outsiders, the etiquette of hospitality is not careless.

"So can we now elaborate on that prophecy?"

"There is an error in the astrology." The centaur elder said worriedly, "The starry sky we see is not what it used to be. But this happened quietly, our memory is perfect, even the star dial happened changed, as it always has. But our... (he ambiguously names one) says the world above us has changed."

Linde immediately realized that the astrological error here was caused by his eternal transformation.It seemed that these centaurs had a way of "recalling" the abandoned history, which surprised him.

"I want to meet the person you mentioned, um, the person who told about the changes in the starry sky."

"That's impossible." The surrounding centaur refused in unison, and cast doubtful eyes.

Dumbledore looked serious, "What changes have taken place in the starry sky?"

"The sun disturbs the workings of the planets. One obsequious star disappears, and then Leo is attacked by dark stars. We can no longer learn from the astrology, they all become crazy and disorderly, the stars will go out one after another, and the dark stars will continue to appear. , alternating with each other, without end. Two years later, the brilliance of the sun enveloped the entire starry sky."

Dumbledore loosened his brows and said calmly, "Sounds like the end of the world."

Linde suddenly and unconsciously made a precise prediction. His eye sockets ooze with a blue magical aura, and his eyes are green. It looks like he has a terrible eye disease.

When he came back to his senses, everyone around him was staring.

"Are you okay?" Hagrid took off the rabbit leather gloves, and put the back of his hand on Linde's forehead, "What's uncomfortable?"

Linde shook his head and laughed, "No, I just did a divination. Well, I know what happened to the disaster two years later. It's quite interesting, but I'm hesitant to interfere."

The horsemen didn't believe Linde's words.

When everyone was making noise, an arrow with white ash feathers suddenly shot from the other side of the lake, landed on the rocky beach, and pierced deeply into a pebble.The arrival of this arrow startled the horsemen.Dumbledore pointed to the rune on the shaft and said, "That's the symbol representing Aaron (the Lord of the Other World in Welsh legend)."

"Well, I can see it." Linde nodded, "I see, no wonder there are only males here."

Only Hagrid looked blank, "What?"

Firenze picked up the feathered arrow and showed it to the elders, then he held the feathered arrow high, ran around the tent of the centaur, and finally returned to Linde, "Please come with me. Rhiannon (Kyle The incarnation of the Goddess of Horses in special mythology) wants to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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