The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students.

Chapter 695 This game is over!

"Hurry up, hurry up, Linde needs Gotash's Netherstone!" Shadow Heart urged anxiously.

"What's the use of hurrying up? They're in the sky!" Will looked worried.

The main force of the adventure team is rushing to the Supreme Hall in the upper city to participate in the final battle.

After assassinating Gotash, the remaining Bane believers were quickly dealt with, and the last Netherite was obtained. The troops were divided into three groups, one supporting the Ramajis Tower, the other supporting the militia, and the rest of the main force rushed away. Meet up with Linde.

But the flying dragon is in the sky, how can they, mortal beings, chase after it?

There is only one way from the ground to the battlefield of the decisive battle, which is to climb up at the top of the Supreme Hall along the spinal cord hanging down from the master's brain.

However, after entering the temple area in the upper city, there were more cult troops on the streets than cockroaches. They fought every small step and then fought every five steps. At this rate, it would be evening before they reached the Supreme Hall. No matter how strong Linde is, he can't stand up to the mastermind in the air for five or six hours.

"Constantine, you octopus head, call the red dragon in the sky to come down and give us a ride!" Asdalen was so excited that he couldn't help but cursed.

[The Githyanki... do not recognize me... In other words, I have no right to ask them to do anything... In the current situation, it is even harder to contact them...]

"Then are you planning to let us run to the sky with our legs?" Ying Xin looked in disbelief. She suddenly thought of something, "Oh yes, flying potion. Sir Fuse Lump, you still have flying in your pocket." It’s the potion, right?”

The camp mercenary nodded: "There are still twelve flying potions."

"Awesome, these potions are enough for us to fly to the sky." Shadow Heart said excitedly.

However, Leizer threw cold water: "Enough to kill us in the sky by the ships of the brain-eating bastards. They will strangle us like salvaged space eels."

"Don't worry, we can fly to the Supreme Hall first and fly along the backbone of the main brain. The shell ship will not take the initiative to approach to avoid accidental damage." Ying Xin was methodical.

"But then the potion won't be enough." Will frowned.

"Even if there is only one person, as long as the Nether Stone is delivered to Linde." Shadow Heart took a deep breath, "Who wants to stay?"

"Let me go." Asdalen stretched out his hand and chuckled, "My movements are more flexible than all of you, don't deny it."

Constantine suddenly interrupted the conversation: [The Githyanki red dragon knights will come to help you. 】

"Didn't you just say that they ignored you?" Everyone was surprised.

[They do not recognize me, but they are still warriors of Orpheus. When he comes to earth, all the Astral Sea will whisper that he is the King of Gith. 】

Leizel was shocked when she heard this. She realized something and shouted to the sky in surprise.

"Orpheus, will he be born again?"

[I have had frequent exchanges with him, and he told me that he will leave the egg shell that wraps life today. 】

Lower Town, House of Ellahim.

Jaheira's adopted son Jody was treating the wounded. Suddenly, the badger from the underground sanctuary ran out and reported, "Jody, come and look, the big green egg is cracked! I promise I haven't touched it. It's It split on its own.”

Upon hearing this, Jodi handed over the work of making medicine to her sister Fig, and quickly ran into the underground sanctuary.

In a nest woven of vines and flowers, an emerald green Gith egg had hatched, and a young alien stood in the broken eggshell, looking at Jody.

"Hello. Can you take me outside? By the way, please lend me another piece of clothing to hide my shame."

Although he was just born, Orpheus II's eyes revealed very mature wisdom, and he even possessed psychic abilities that were no less than those of ordinary mind flayers. It is conceivable that when he grows up, Vlaakis and the illithids will tremble at his presence.

Late maturity and precocious wisdom combined to create this genius.

"Ah, no problem. Of course, there should be children's clothes at home. I'll get them for you right now."

Half a minute later, Jody ran out of the door holding a young child with yellow-green skin.

The newly born Orpheus II raised his head and shouted: "Kuros! Kyosos!"

Two older adult red dragons landed quickly upon hearing the sound. They were both old friends of Orpheus, and they came to carry the reborn man onto the battlefield against the Mind Flayer. The Red Dragoons in the sky shouted in surprise: "Sha'vah Orpheus!"

The adventure team also learned this exciting news.

Seeing Leizer's ecstatic expression, Will couldn't help but ask: "Is it really okay to let an infant go to the battlefield?"

The Yankee girl said fiercely: "I am worried that the prince will not be born. War is the perfect nursery."

"Your race needs to change this custom, seriously." The teammates shook their heads and sighed.

The red dragon picked up Prince II, and then flew in front of the adventure team. With a breath of dragon breath, it burned the cult army half a street in front to ashes, and then Shi Shiran landed.

Jodi jumped off the dragon's back with the prince in his arms, handed the wizard to the Yankee girl, and then ran back. He was a doctor and not responsible for fighting.

Raizel looked moved and said, "Orpheus."

Then she can say to the Githyanki leader: I held you when you were a child.

"Leizel, don't delay, ask your companions to get on the dragon's back." The little prince was very calm. He held a brain-computer patch in his hand and was obviously communicating with Constantine through voice.

The teammates were so excited, "Can we also ride a dragon?"

"In the battle to destroy the great blueprint, you are undoubtedly the real heroes. Don't hesitate, you are all worthy of this honor." The little prince would say something as soon as he was born.

"Now I feel sorry for those who didn't come." Ying Xin teased with a smile.

They all climbed onto the dragon's back, using sharp bone spurs and rough scales to stabilize their bodies.

The red dragon flapped its wings and flew up into the sky.

As they approached the Mastermind, the Shell Fleet once again stopped them.

The Supreme God paid attention to this stone guarding team, and it issued a cold verdict to Linde: "—Mortal resistance—is ultimately meaningless—they cannot reach—and you are doomed to fail—"

Anzu, the bronze dragon under Paladin's seat, let out a low roar, as if preparing to turn back and tear apart the defensive circle.

"Don't worry." Linde reassured his big companion.

The adventurer riding on the back of the red dragon shouted: "Go around from the ground! Fly to the Supreme Hall first!"

At this moment, Master Gale of Waterdeep City suddenly spoke in the spiritual communication: [Don't worry, just rush in. The weather is on our side. 】

At the top of the Ramajis Tower, Gale finished reciting the last spell and stared up at the cloudy sky.

Ten minutes ago, he had started to cast the 8th-level spell [Weather Control], and now, the spell has officially taken effect.

Heavy rain fell from the sky and the wind howled.

With the tower as the center of the circle, the sky within a radius of 5 miles was shrouded in storms, and the mind flayer fleet's formation spread out in the storm.

The Red Dragon Knight took the opportunity to break out.

The bronze dragon Ansu turned his head and approached his friend, and the two sides had a brief encounter in the heavy rain.

"Lind, catch it!" Asdalen threw the Nether stone using a hidden weapon technique.

Paladin raised his hand and grabbed the gem that shone with purple light in his palm.

Lind turned towards the Mastermind.

Stretch your hands forward, with your index finger and thumb facing each other, forming a triangle. Three diamond-shaped Nether stones are spliced ​​into a trident shape, suspended in the gaps between the fingers, like three vertical lines, emitting a strange brilliance.

"Supreme God, this game ends here." (End of this chapter)

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